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Posts posted by unclemike

  1. 17 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    From a chefs point of view it makes life easier

    thats the point, part cooking three times, to make life easier still doesnt produce a good chip, it produces a greasy tube with potato in .not even healthy eating, too much fat

  2. if the are cooked properly first time chips are great , but twice or triple cooked  are not even proper chips, try selling those at your local chippy, have tried all three and prper ships cooked once as way above the rest, any menu now with twice or triple cooked doent't get my custom

  3. when i was a lad sat lunch was always fish and chips,mum would send me to collect them with the instruction "dont get yesterdays chips reheated" they always were rubbish when  been through pan twice, darker brown instead of golden.

    the question is this,if chips are cooked once why do chefs think we need twice cooked or triple cooked chips as on many menus these days, if an item is cooked how can you recook? to me this is reheating to save money by not throwing unsold food away but just reheating with a fancy name

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