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Everything posted by Alistairr

  1. As a newbie to the broads, it is the tides and bridges that I am the most nervous of. I have pulled loads of info from various sources for tide tables etc. but I still feel aprehensive. Yarmouth and Ludham are the only places that I feel the need to be concerned about as they are likely to be the only bridges where passing is likely to be really restricted. The other low bridges are ruled out anyway by virtue of the boats that we have hired. What is a bit scary is when watching some of the vids on YouTube where people have videoed their passing under bridges, is just how little room for error that there is sometimes. I certainly don't want to bend anything on my trips away, and I definitely dont want to be a press news story!
  2. Thanks for the welcome eveyone, it is nice to feel wanted when you enter a new forum for the first time. If anyone wants to take up caravanning, then perhaps I can help you out. Not quite a Yorkie Iain. Born in the North East, formative years in the south, twenty years travelling around with the Army then about eighteen years living near Edinburgh. Yorkshire has only been home for a relatively short time. Sue is a Scouser but completely rehabilitated now and I can take her anywhere. A good job that she doesn't read the forums eh! As coincidence would have it Geoff & Wendy, I still have a Macsweens haggis in the fridge begging to be eaten, if my cholesterol level can take the hit! I look forward to seeing you all on here or on the water. All the best, Alistair
  3. After many years just talking about it we have decided to have a break on the Broads. As caravanners we usually load up the big white shell onto our backs and snail off in the direction of somewhere nice but this year we are doing a week on the Norfolk Broads during our two weeks away. Having just entered my sixth decade I decided it is now or never. As a teenager in the 70's I raced powerboats off the south coast but since then my only responsibility at the helm has been on a rowing boat on Windermere and I live life at a much more sedate pace now! We have hired the Brinks Omega in July and we are so confident that we will love it so much, we have hired the Brinks Concerto 6 (probably a bit ambitious) for a week early October, and neither can come fast enough! I just wanted to say Hello and also to thank all those people who have taken the trouble to document their times on the Broads, provide websites with loads of information and generally be so very generous with their time to inform and inspire others. Particular thanks to Robin the London Rascal who has given me the confidence to give it a go! I will be lurking, unashamedly leeching as much info from you all as I can and opefully I can contribute something worthwhile too. Best Regards to you all, Alistair & Sue Ross
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