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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Hey Paul, That's great thanks. I just had a call from the Marina to ask when I was going to come and shift it. That's a good job all round then as the driver can get to his next collection in plenty of time. He's got to collect a boat for Aberdeen. I'll be over in the morning and see you if you're still around. Thanks again, I'll keep the pics for the scrap book if that's OK?
  2. Latest news: She's almost in Norfolk as I type! They loaded her yesterday morning and got away around 12 noon. She should be arriving at Brundall Bay around 2.30 this afternoon. They will either put her in the water this afternoon or tomorrow morning depending on the planets lining up etc. I'll be over around mid morning tomorrow to take her round to Brundall Gardens. Anyone with nothing better to do (that's most of you looking at the times you all post!) would be welcome to nip along and take a look and say hello. To me or anyone else if you like. She looks a bit more scruffy now she's out of the water so good exterior clean is top of the to do list.
  3. Thank you Speedtriple & Psychicsurveyor. It sound like it's going to be quite a social place around Brundall. Luckily I have plans for the installation of a large drinks cabinet! Won't have anything in it mind, but you can admire the varnish.
  4. Well she moves! A terrifying experience but we got her up the Clyde to the boatyard yesterday as planned. Engine runs sweetly and quietly with a bit of white smoke and a high temperature. I'll check the inlet when she's lifted tomorrow. The Clyde looked very choppy indeed as we looked out from the sea lock. But once under the Erskine bridge things calmed down a bit!
  5. Well spotted but no. 1936 MG SA. That was my last car project which sadly, I never finished.
  6. There is something worse than a wandering topic: no replies at all. And as long as these people are typing, they're keeping away from sharp things, and their guardians know where they are.
  7. One of you should have chewed gum and answered the door in your underpants, if you have a door in your underpants. Always works on that advert; the kid's been getting away with it for ages now.
  8. Nothing wrong with those old lenses even now; I recently shot gun proof marks and similar with a 35mm Vivitar on extension tubes with my Nikon D800E. Just have to twiddle things manually.
  9. Hi Dave, Thanks for clearing that up; I thought I'd joined the wrong kind of forum!
  10. So JanetAnne is Dave? That's fine; no problem with that. But who are MBs please? It's a good job it's not confusing or anything!
  11. I'm looking forward to meeting you friendly people too! I'll post here when I know more precisely when Denham Owl will arrive at Brundall so anyone with nothing better to do can come down and say hello. Once moored, she'll be covered completely so there'll be nothing to see until I've cured all the leaks next season. A previous owner had a cover made instead of getting the leaks sorted and this has, I'm hoping, made it worth the effort. I will be able to leave it covered between visits for instance, if I have to remove a window.
  12. Nice, clear pic for 1985, must have been an expensive camera. Dark transom could mean it's an early wooden hull version?
  13. Yes I saw this when browsing the forum, great spirit. One of my motivations is the threat of poor health as time goes on; before buying my first boat not long ago, I used to say I'm having a boat before I'm too old to climb on it!
  14. Thank you, I've only been here a few hours and I am feeling very welcome. But then I already knew East Anglia is a very friendly place!
  15. Apparently so. According to the website, "Boats of the Norfolk Broads" The Santa Caterinas were built from 1964 to 1970ish, and were all timber. Denham Owl is listed in that section although she has a grp hull. It also says from 1970 they were called "Harvey Eastwood 37's" and were based on the Ocean 37 hull with timber uppers. Denham Owl is said to be 1970 bulid so may be there's a bit of cross over between models. I always had Vauxhall cars like that; it was a pain to get the parts!
  16. Cor Blimey! Five replies in the time it took me to clean the bathroom! I was wondering how much interest there would be from the forum and I am now delighted by the responses. So there may have been some hanky panky going on in the foc'sle then Chris? Well it's had a happy life then! Thanks for the other info guys. I knew Seraphina had been restored and sold and it would be great to take a look around her. I never knew there was a Mr. Harvey and a Mr. Eastwood like most people I guess. Now the good news for Wherrynice: Saturday morning (29-9-18) 5am I'm off from Leicestershire to Bowling, Dumbarton, where she is currently moored on the Forth & Clyde canal. Around lunchtime we go through the sea lock onto the Clde and up 4.5 miles to Clyde Boatyard. Monday she gets lifted onto a low loader. Tuesday she travels towards Norwich. Wednesday she arrives at Brundall Bay and gets craned into the water. We then have a gentle cruise - saluting as we pass Eastwood Marina - and round to Brundall Gardens where I have a berth. I would like to say this is because of my sense of history but in fact it's more down to a happy accident, or it was written in the stars, take your pick. Reading these forums I always assumed it was very, very expensive to keep a boat on the Broads but it's not; it's just very expensive. Moorings near to me were either more expensive, not available or under an airport flight path near a motorway junction. Thanks again.
  17. Hello all, I'm new here and I come seeking help with my latest and probably last restoration I will take on. Over this weekend I will become the owner of Denham Owl. She is a 1970 built Harvey Eastwood 37 Santa Caterina I believe. I used to restore cars in my spare time but became disillusioned by the classic car movement's obsession with values, so turned to boats where everyone just chucks their money into the water! Well, what else would you do with it? There are wiring diagrams with the paperwork labelled: Santa Caterina Mark IV - L.C. Eastwood - Gipsy II Would anyone here know where if possible, I could get access to the original build records and drawings? The main area of concern is with the decking which leaks in several places, and the canopy, which has been sealed shut. I would like to get hold of details of the canopy mechanism before I resort to a large tin opener! The whole exercise will be recorded for my Youtube channel. Recent photo attached, not my photo and for some reason the name has been deleted. Thanks for looking.
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