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Posts posted by kpnut

  1. 7 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    all the way up to Wroxham this morning only to find the bridge pilot no longer takes private boats through.

    Reading on, it does sound like you talked to the pilot. 

    BUt on the chance that all you did was read the sign, (which does say they don’t), it’s worth ringing the pilot as I was assured last year that they will take private boats through for £15 return, and I availed myself of this service three times altogether before deciding I could manage on my own. 

  2. I did hear that comment too Helen. 

    I’ve just watched the programme that Lulu put me on to, Coronation Tailors. It was on BBC2 a few days ago. Totally fascinating, how the troops are made. We need more industry like that in this country!

    Without wishing to offend any ex-service personnel on the forum, I do think on the music side that the RAF band and the Royal Marines band are by far the best. But also how on earth do the cavalry musicians play their instruments while steering a horse with their knees (presumably) and being jiggled up and down with an instrument attached to their face -sheer skill!!!!!


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  3. 7 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    Not sure of our two either. They’ll have to behave though as they’ll be Findlay’s guests (Springers retreat). Maybe I should rephrase that to…I hope they behave! 

    Wouldn’t worry. Finlay won’t notice whatever. He’ll be off doing his own thing. 😁

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, bucket said:

    Absolutely right ScrumpyCheddar, if they aren't grown on Jersey they just don't taste the same.

    And that’s right legally as well, for the crop and the seed potatoes. They can’t be called jersey royals. So ‘jersey royal’ seed potatoes in garden centres over here come under the less romantic name of ‘international kidney’. 

    If you feed them with liquid seaweed, which I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s sold as by ‘gardening naturally’, they taste pretty good. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    Around 1966 there were " camping boats" for hire on the Grand Union canal. They were basically a flat bottomed punt with canvas covered poles forming a box like tent. Powered by outboard. 

    That sounds fun. 

  6. Helen, I have a feeling we’re going to be having plenty to catch up on at the meet. I used to walk home from school over the downs at the end of every term, as we always finished at lunchtime and it was good saving of my train fare that day, sometimes stopping overnight at either Patcham or Truleigh Hill youth hostel and sometimes wild camping. 
    Camping at Huntington Cross on Dartmoor under fly sheets in February after a day spent underground in some muddy Devon cave is a memory I’ll always have -3 yrs running, one snow, one hail and one torrential rain where I woke up in the middle of the night and sat up to realise I’d been acting as a barrier for the water rushing down the bank. A long night spent sitting up after that as otherwise my head would have been in a puddle. A toad had joined us in the morning 

    Big shame in my eyes that youth hostels are now just another type of hotel, and too expensive for many youngsters to have independent adventures. 

    What is the title of this thread????? Think we may have strayed. Sorry. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, catcouk said:

    Ah! The good ol' Force 10! Still used by many youth organisations. In fact, we are taking our year group on a camping residential trip in a month and, I suspect, Force 10s will be the order of the day!

    Excellent tents, but oh so heavy!

    Does anyone know the name of the A frame tents that were around at the same time. I’ve been racking my mind for years for the name.
    Orange, rectangular footprint with long sides front and back, with large front door and a frame of two poles with an A shaped ‘hinge’ at the top, frame going between inner and fly if I remember rightly. 

  8. The reason my boat’s called Springer’s Retreat,


    (that was before he took an intense dislike to the front well. I now can’t even entice him out there to eat his food). 

    Unlike his brother who loves being out on deck - 



    or sometimes Springers’ Retreat (this was on a hire boat when Finlay was a pup). 

    And another snap of a relaxed dog (have posted it before and sorry for the ‘let it all hang out’ attitude!


    Loving all the photos, keep them coming. 

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  9. You should have done Grendel, mine had the added bonus of built in drain holes in the floor so all the rain coming in from the leaks could get out. Unless the puddles decided to come in through the drain holes too!

    2 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    the type Dame Edna Everidge referred to as a 'half-timbered car'

    Exactly right! 

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

    You do feel a out of control as a passenger, especially on a bus

    That’s how I feel on the Konectbus 5B between Stalham and Ludham Bridge, hurtling along the road between Catfield and Ludham. Or at least it feels like we’re hurtling along, probably not. I never dare sit upstairs at the front like I used to as a child. 

    • Haha 1
  11. I know roads in the alps like you describe Chris. Being the driver ‘on the wrong side’ is ok as you can see the drop next to you. For the passenger it’s a bit more scary!

    We went up a hairpinny road between Bergen and Voss in Norway in a Montego estate so loaded up with camping gear that I thought the front wheels were going to lift off the ground. The steering was certainly extremely light. Made worse by all the lorries coming the other way without a care in the world!

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  12. Can’t believe I’m posting on a car thread! I had a mini in the late 70s, the one with the wooden bits in the frame that was a bit like an ‘estate’ version with double doors at the back. Was it called a ‘traveller’?

    Anyway, it only had second and fourth gear plus reverse until I went to the scrapyard to get a replacement gear selector. 
    One evening, I was very loaded up with caving gear for 12 people-lights, helmets, carbide etc plus my own stuff and a passenger with her stuff. I was trying to get up a steep hill in the Mendips and got down to the bottom of second gear, nothing to change down to, so had to reverse back down the hill, turn round and reverse up. On a main road, I’m not sure I’d do it nowadays! 

    • Like 4
  13. 6 minutes ago, kpnut said:

    My daughter who is a freshwater ecologist says it looks like calla palustris, bog arum.

    Although I don’t think the leaves look quite right for that. As you say, more plantain-like. 

    The bog arums don’t grow big like skunk cabbage. 

  14. I have one Helen. I got it last year when I was expecting quite a few different sets of friends on board over the main season. So it was well worth it, certainly saved well over the £10 it cost. The card has no expiry date so it’s just a one off payment. I even use it on my half pint of cider when on my own in the middle of winter. 

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