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Posts posted by kpnut

  1. Helen, I too have encountered people managing to get drunk in Voss (me?) Happy memories of the campsite, both in the summer and in February when I was skint and could only go skiing if I firstly camped and secondly, helped fit people out for skis and boots in the ski hire shop at the top of the cable car. Went over by ferry from Newcastle, sleeping in the corridor floor on a karrimat! And I remember the icicles hanging from the ridge of the tent every morning. Fun days. 

  2. 12 hours ago, catcouk said:

    My earlier premonition had been right, there wasn't much to see out the windows (except an NBN sticker - hi Cool Breeze!).

    They have an NBN sticker as a left-over from purchasing their boat to live on a couple of years back. I tried to persuade them to join, maybe one day?

    Can you let us know if the rubbish skips are back in the carpark at Coltishall Green please? They weren’t there in early March. 

    I guessed you were having a day out on a train when you said it was a land based day. Wroxham seems the ideal spot to moor for a day out somewhere else. Especially as if you get back too late for a longer journey, you can still move moorings to the other ones. I know what you mean about cruising up to Belaugh and Coltishall. It seems much more special somehow. 
    Have fun today. 

  3. 2 hours ago, catcouk said:

    Definitely off white if not grey!

    Maybe it started white last season GarryN and is difficult to keep clean!

    My dog likes the orange too. I’m sure he recognises his home down a line of moored boats. He seems to go and sit by the right one.

    • Haha 1
  4. I use Vodafone network for the Broads and have just swopped to lebara. I must say it’s been a brilliant breath of fresh air to pick up the phone, press a couple of buttons and then have the phone answered within half a minute - 3 times yesterday while I got myself in a muddle and once today. It therefore looks like their customer service is excellent. 

    Coverage over the last couple of years with the Vodafone network seems better than what I used to get with O2. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5.  I like to play a guessing game with anyone on board as to which Richos boat it is coming towards us and I hate having to turn my head to have a look.

    Your'e right Broads01, if you don't know what the swirly R stands for, perhaps if you are a new hirer and are looking out for what you might hire the following year, you wouldn't know it's Richardsons unless you know of their existence. But that was the same before the rebranding as well.

    I must be 'of the era' then as my old Silver Gem is bright orange and I've decided its going to stay that way. One day a colourful boat will be a classic!!!

    • Like 5
  6. 1 hour ago, catcouk said:

    Ludham Bridge had wanted £4 for water this morning (I don't fill up there).

    George at Ludham Bridge Boatyard told me that through the winter the water on the staithe has been turned off but there’s no sign, so people were putting £4 in and getting nothing. He was rather cross about it as it does the image of the Broads no good at all. He’s investigating the possibility of taking over the management of the water point. 

    Your write-up was brilliant, I nearly had tears in my eyes reading it. It’s very informative , and you’ve captured the magic of boating perfectly and hearing how your littl’un’s getting on is wonderful. 
    Keep the story rolling. 

    • Like 2
  7. 13 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    We haven’t got a table at present! This is our dining room this evening.

    We did a very big building project in winter 95/spring 96. I was without a kitchen or even a back wall of the house (a blue tarp sufficed) for a very cold late January and February. All the brickwork was getting delayed cos of the weather. 
    With two kids, the younger being only 2 and working full time by then, it was quite eventful. No heating in the house cos the back boiler had been removed from the fireplace and Tony hadn’t yet built a new fireplace or a new utility room for the boiler, BUT Helen, I was one up on you, I DID have a table in the living room, along with a microwave on the floor. Luxury!

    You’ll see in the photo below my plumbing system -a bucket off the side of the only kitchen unit left in the house, a very wobbly sink unit. That was about April 96, so the going was slow. Fitted in around a full time job, often working very late into the night. Good thing our neighbour was amenable and very deaf, bless him. 

    Then in December 96, on the day my parents were arriving for Christmas, I went off to Morrisons and when I came back I was greeted by this!!! Tony had decided that his Christmas holiday was going to comprise building a new staircase. Just wish he’d waited till the guests had gone. 

    You might notice the token protective sheet, not doing much! Lesson never learnt to this day, ha ha.

    But good job done in the end. 

    I wouldn’t want to go through all that again. It was bad enough helping Catherine renovate her house for 4 years recently, but at least we weren’t living there permanently. (She was, 😂). 
    So I truly sympathise with anyone putting up with major building work going on. And as Lulu says, the dust for months afterwards - ugh. 

    Good luck and hope the weather cheers up for ling days out with the dogs while the house is in disarray. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Mouldy said:

    won’t leave our son to deal with a similar situation when our time is up.

    Exactly a conversation I had with Tony, my husband this week when, for the umpteenth time, I tripped over something in the garage. 
    It’s just not fair to leave it to the kids to sort out. 
    And I’d like to move in the next few years, do we need to start clearing. 

    I’m very grateful to my late mum who left very little that had to have decisions made. A couple of trips to the tip with stuff from the garage and all the rest was accepted by the BHF for use in their charity shops.

    3 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    I'll be glad when it's all over!

     Keep your spirits up Helen. It’ll be worthwhile in the end. My best advice would be not to try to continue life as normal with meals on the table etc as usual, but be kind to yourselves and ‘go with the flow’. A few ready meals and takeaways won’t do too much harm in the big scheme of things!

    But whoever remarked that the dogs might feel unsettled is right, so as near normal for them as possible. 

  9. Why not look at buses as well. They go out of Norwich in all directions. I caught one to beccles, I’m sure they’d go to places like Loddon, Rockland and Cantley. 

    Beeney Arms - on my walk over Halvergate marshes last month, on two consecutive days I saw trains stop there. And an easy walk down to the moorings across one field. 

  10. 58 minutes ago, Ray said:

    Progress always starts somewhere, give it a few years and it will probably take into account the problems we have seen and book your reservations along the route for you!

    Progress in the loosest form. I’d rather not have progress like this as humans are lazy enough without having to think for themselves as well!!!

    But for a machine, that was actually pretty impressive. 

    I’ve just finished reading the thriller ‘Origin’ by Dan Brown (he wrote the DaVinci Code etc). It was very much along the same lines, with the machine being a cross between a helpful assistant, a bit like Alexa, but with the imperfections ironed out so it learnt as it went along and it could solve problems itself.
    I won’t spoil the plot for anyone wanting to read it but it was rather thought-provoking to say the least. 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, stumpy said:

    weren't those hideous sandals with a little flower cut out in the front and white sponge soles also made in Norwich?

    Startrite. And I loved mine. About the most comfy shoes ever.

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