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Posts posted by kpnut

  1. 59 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

    Lamb, onions, carrots, swede, potatoes and pearl barley cooked in water (to make a broth), with dumplings added as a final touch.

    I have a book called ‘British cookery’ or something similar and that’s in there. I unfortunately can’t get away with anything with lamb in as Tony doesn’t like it. A shame seeing as it’s my favourite and I used to earn my living producing it! 

  2. I found that bit about the Tunstall church ruin very interesting. Another place to go and find for myself. And Halvergate looks a nice spot to visit too. I had always presumed it was just maybe a farm building or two in the middle of nowhere, I suppose because I’ve heard of Halvergate marshes and thought they were remote and bleak! How wrong was I? My apologies to anyone local. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, MargeandParge said:

    We hope you cleared the patrons before you let them in

    It was an agric college. I don’t think we’d have noticed much difference in the clientele, especially on rugby club night!!!

    37 minutes ago, stumpy said:

    They were fed on the spent mash from the brewery and made wonderful bacon!

    When I worked in the brewery I bagged up the spent mash out of the tun and my dairy farmer friend picked it up every couple of days for the cows. Wonder if it altered the flavour of the milk?

    Freshly drained spent mash is a really lovely taste. Bit like sweet grainy and slightly watery porridge. 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, stumpy said:

    the slops would go into the mild barrel at closing and be settled by opening time the next day. 

    Im fine with slops, dregs (of glssses etc) no, no, no!!!!

    At the agric college I attended, I was the bar manager and the pigs used to be given the slops. They did seem to do well and were always keen to see me. 

    • Haha 2
  5. 31 minutes ago, Ray said:

    But actually, yes there is clearly demand for good basic pubs

    I’d second that. Too many are just mini restaurants now. Seems very odd having to ‘book a table’ when you want to go to the pub. 
    And I do really wish mild was still more available. A nice pint of mixed used to be one of my favourites. 

    • Like 1
  6. Very diverse ‘workplaces’ for you  Helen. The first one looks quite ‘high church’. 

    I think I wrote once on the forum about learning to play the organ and I think a typo made it read when I was 20. I was actually 10 when I had lessons, on a massive 3 manual organ with foot pedals. When I went to practice, I suppose about three times a week after school, I used to have to collect the church key from the newsagents, and then lock myself in this dark, large, echoey building. I was always grateful to get the organ switched on so I had some sound to accompany me. I was so small that I used to slip off the bench quite often when having to use the foot pedals a lot. It was a big stretch. It was ok when I was just practicing my feet as I could cling onto the manual!  
    I was so disappointed to recently go back to ‘my’ church (where I also sang in the choir as a child and got married incidentally) for a carol service this Christmas to see they were using an electric organ instead. Just didn’t have the same umph at all, and to me, the service therefore lost something magical. 

  7. 7 hours ago, annv said:

    you plug tv aerial into the outside one and tv into inside one,

    At the moment the outside one doesn’t work. It’s all corroded inside. But the aerial works nicely plugged into the inside one. So I suppose the tv is also somehow connected to it behind the scenes?

  8. 7 hours ago, SwanR said:

    Don’t forget … closure tomorrow Monday 23rd January on Norwich Road in Wroxham near the junction of The Avenue. Closed all day with a long diversion in place. 

    Thanks Jean. I’ll go round via Acle. I’m going to visit my boat, she’s with George and co at Ludham Bridge BY. Parcels to deliver, decisions to make!

    • Like 1
  9. It might be what I already have if the original off the richos boats. It is very good to be fair, just a bit bulky when stored. If I could rig it up permanently outside on a sliding pole that would be ideal. I don’t want to increase the roof height by it or have to remove it each time cos one day when in my own I’ll forget till too late!!!

    I will pop by, thanks. All these offers of help are much appreciated. 

  10. Back to the tv. 
    after a discussion with my son in law last night, I’m even more confused!

    We decided on cello, and perhaps omni ballade aerial. But I had no idea what he meant when telling me about the wiring needed to link tv to aerial with a 12v power supply required, and to have tv on 240v too. Too much for my brain.
    I don’t know what bits go where. I’ll have to Google and draw a diagram out so I can explain it to myself. 
    For info - never fear- I’m certainly not doing anything with it myself, just need to know what bits of wire go where as I am having a new worktop on the boat and want wiring hidden as much as possible and practical. I have an aerial socket inside and another outside so am hoping to use inside when nasty weather (willnit pick up enough signal, my old directional one usually does) and outside when I don’t have to go out in the rain. Maybe on some sort of telescopic pole?

    confused.com  !!

  11. I’m rural Sussex born and bred, even the accent and bits of dialect to show for it. Moving to Yorkshire (for other half’s work) 37 years ago took some getting used to, not least being asked by people if I was from Australia!
    Sussex and the South Downs are still ‘home’ to me, even though our last link, as in my mum, is now gone. Loads of my oldest friends still there though, so plenty of excuse for visits. 

  12. Sounds like it’s a cello for me then. Either 19” or 22” depending on carefully measured space available when I next go to the boat. So that’s one decision made. I looked them up a bit more last night and see they come with 12v adapter anyway, so I presume I wire it into the 240v and then use the 12v when necessary. And a built in DVD player so Catherine and Roald and their impending family will be catered for!
    And I think no soundboard, based on both Smoggy and MargeandParge’s posts, I’m not a purist so can put up with sound not of the premium quality. It’s only a little living area. I can always add one in future. 

    Was yours an actual solar powered TV, Heron ie advertised as such? I don’t think I’d need to wire a TV up to the existing solar panel directly if that’s what you meant. 
    My solar panel helps charge the domestic batteries and I don’t tend to have an issue with power when down the river.   

    So now just to think about the electrics and the jury’s still out on the aerial. I do like the idea of a neater aerial than my existing but not sure about an extra, perhaps not needed, 12v draw. 
    I’ll look up the broad ambition tlc thread this evening Griff. 
    And thankyou about the fridge electrics too Smoggy. 

    Thank you all so much. 
    Any more thoughts/advice/experiences most welcome. 

  13. On 01/09/2021 at 14:02, CambridgeCabby said:


    Cello sell 12volt tv’s amongst their range and for these no inverter is required , example below this one has a fitted DVD player also 876AF993-CEAC-4437-AB10-44FA11B74FD0.thumb.jpeg.8f68d951136438b6744f23490a6c3fa5.jpeg


    I’ve been reading through this thread with interest and some puzzlement, not being tech minded. 

    I have a domestic/Waeco fridge that somehow my son in law has wired up to run on 12v when cruising, but by flicking a ‘rocker switch’ I can run it it on 240v when on shore power. 

    If I understand him correctly, he says he can do the same for a TV.
    I understand I need one that says suitable for boats/motor homes cos of fluctuating 12v issues on boats. 
    The cello one (or very similar) that Simon highlighted caught my eye when browsing the internet. It’s the size I want as I’m not a great tv watcher, don’t do films and the like, but good enough to keep me company on a long winters evening!

    First question - does anyone have one and is it recommended? I read a few comments recommending cello but not this actual one I don’t think. 

    Second question - would I need a sound bar that a few people have mentioned if it’s just to listen to normal tv programmes etc. 

    Third question - to run it on 240v when on shore power like the fridge, do I need to get one that is advertised as 12v/240v? 

    Fourth question - I have the original tv aerial from the tv when it was a hire boat. It’s very good and normally I can just sit it on the helm seat and get a good signal. Sometimes I hang it from the handle of the sliding sunroof. It is rather bulky though.
    Would I need a different one with a cello tv, and if so, what do I need? I won’t be using ‘sky’ or similar.
    I did read that some people mentioned omni ballade. Would that work if I just plugged it into my aerial socket in the boat? I do have a second aerial socket in the front well that, once mended, could be used for an outside aerial. 

    As you can see, some what I think to be very simple questions, but probably not in reality. 
    Any advice much appreciated.

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