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Posts posted by kpnut

  1. 2 hours ago, Happy said:

    Perhaps he just stopped because he liked the view?

    I often hope for a hold up on the bridge, so I can stop at the top and just enjoy the view. Otherwise there’s not enough time and a bit dangerous driving over and glancing both ways!

    • Like 2
  2. That sounds like fun, Helen. The place I sometimes go gundog training has a Christmas party with all sorts of fun activities and competitions for the dogs. No dressing up though I’m relieved to say!

    I also went one year when the class fell on Remembrance Sunday. I couldn’t believe that we could all stand in a line, about 12 of us, for 2 minutes with all dogs a couple of yards in front of us, facing us and manage 2 minutes with no movement at all. It was very poignant. 

    I look forward to the photos. 

    • Like 2
  3. That’s so kind Malcolm. And also interesting to hear your (and Helen’s, Ynys Mon) feelings as time moves on. 
    And glad to hear the practical side of things is getting sorted.

    My sister and I have been discussing this evening about booking time to be at mum’s house at the same time to start packing things up. We have a deadline looming as the house was already in the process of being sold before mum died, and we’ve been able to continue with the sale for some legal reason, so exchange of contracts is creeping ever nearer. At least it means we can’t put off the sad job of clearing the house, but have to get it over with. Without wishing to have discussions about who would like to keep what on the day of her funeral, all 4 of us plus 6 adult grandchildren do need to make some decisions very soon. 

    And I need to make some decisions about various ‘works’ on the boat very soon too, hence the fleeting 2 day visit on the way home, to do some measuring up etc. We’ll be back for a week in December though for a proper trip. 

  4. 2 hours ago, garryn said:

    Happy birthday Simon as  it happens its my birthday to today but my significant one was last year

    I'm sure Simon won't mind me saying happy birthday to you too Garry. Hope you've done something nice to celebrate.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Mouldy said:

    The last few weeks, since my mum had been admitted to hospital at the beginning of September, her passing on 1st October through to her funeral at the end of last month, had been a difficult time for all of us.

    I hope you’ve been able to find some peace, Malcolm. Maybe not in the literal sense of course with 3 littl’uns on board.  

    I’ll be going straight to the boat after mum’s funeral next Monday. I’m pleased that Tony, my rather reluctant boater husband will be coming too. Not much choice seeing as it’s me doing the car driving!


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. I never knew that asking a little question would get me into the realms of finding out all this stuff.
    I’m going to have a good long discussion with my son in law and without spending silly money, may go for something slightly more complex than just my initial ‘I want to fit a new calorifier’.

    I didn’t even know there were ones that have no coils at all, or that they can do extra jobs. 
    Although I use the boat all year round, and for extended periods, not just roughing it for a couple of days, I’m not sure whether too much extra outlay is worth it. After all, she’s an old ex hire bathtub!

    I’m really enjoying learning all this stuff. Thanks. 

  7. 6 hours ago, BrundallNavy said:

    We quite often run the immersion via the inverter, but normally when the engine is running.

    Why do you do that, does the engine running not heat your hot water?

    6 hours ago, BrundallNavy said:

    the more hot water you take out the more cold water goes in to replace it

    Am I right in my thinking that going down to a 40L tank from 60L will be ok as the engine heats it to about 80 anyway, so I add cold to mix with it at the taps. So therefore not using so much?
    Saying that it heats it to that temp already, so I already do the ‘mixing at the taps’,  and with a 60L tank I do run out after a day. 


    10 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    How about going for a lagged tank with immersion heater but no coils? - double skinned water jacket instead. Vetus one (via french marine). Warms

    Thanks Griff, I hadn’t heard of that before, so now another evening of research ahead! 
    I think I’ll give up on the inverter idea though, you and Dave and others have convinced me my lowly set up is not beefy enough and there’s not really room for more batteries, more solar panels etc. 


    6 hours ago, annv said:

    we have a twin coil as we often moor for several days and run the hot water tank coil from our water heater in the absence of shore power saves running engine just to heat the water and with solar to charge the battery's

    I hate running the engjne on idle just to heat up water, so if going nowhere, I just don’t have hot water!
    Im not sure i understand this. What is the ‘water heater’ you describe? I only have the one hot water tank that can get hot from the engine (and from shore power once I have an immersion heater element added).  
    Do you have a ‘wet’ radiator system that heats up from something like a webasto heater? I’ve read that canal boats often have a normal domestic heating setup, so I presume a webasto or similar sort of acts like a boiler, heating the water in the central heating pipes. So, if so, does that heat also heat up the water in the calorifier when the radiators are on?


    6 hours ago, Smoggy said:

    If you go for a twin coil tank you can maybe fit one of the diesel water heaters in the future but not cheap, they are like an eber but heat water instead of air.

    I think that’s answered that query then, thanks Smoggy. 


    6 hours ago, NeilB said:

    Previous owners fitted a Webasto wet system on my boat, heats water plus 4 x radiators and I love it.  Some boats don't have enough room for radiators though.

    And you’ve just confirmed it Neil, thanks. And how luxurious does that sound? How lovely. 
    My boat definitely has no room for radiators. Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a warm towel rail in the bathroom, dream on!

    Well thanks to all of you, I’ve learnt an awful lot about this. 




  8. Many thanks Sam and Graham. That’s very useful. I need to make sure I’ve got room for the expansion tank in that case as I don’t think the existing tank has one, or at least I can’t see one. 
    I thought about the solar because I already have a panel on the roof, not a particularly big one, maybe 100W, (kW??). It tops up the batteries. There was also a 1800W/max 3kW inverter on board when I bought the boat to run some 240v sockets when not on shore power. I never feel the need to use this, I don’t have a microwave for instance and no room for one. So maybe I could use that? Anyway, just another thought for me to lose sleep over!!

    Many thanks. 

  9. Lovely atmospheric photos Sam. 
    Good on you for practicing Ludham Bridge again. ‘Diva’ looks snuggly and content. 

    Now, I do know what an expansion tank is. I was going to pm you this morning about it, specifically about whether you’d needed one with the new calorifier and if so, it’s capacity. (And capacity of the calorifier in case that makes a difference when comparing the two. I’m going to put in a 40L calorifier, down from the ancient unlagged 60L one there now with no thermostat or immersion). Maybe Graham can tell me. 

    And without meaning to hijack your thread, can someone tell me whether I need a single coil or twin coil calorifier? Only running hot water off it, not wet heating, but could I somehow link it to a solar panel in future and so heat up water if not on shore power and not having the engine running? We run our hot water tank at home off the solar panels via a diverter. 

    Now back to your post-why does being on a boat create so much more washing than the equivalent number of days at home? One of life’s mysteries!


    Hope your journey home was straightforward. Gloomy day here in E.Yorks, the forecast sun never made an appearance. 

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