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Posts posted by kpnut

  1. 15 minutes ago, Lulu said:

    My favourite shop along with Bridgestones. Cake!!!!!!!!!

    Why is it when on the Broads, there’s this irresistible urge for cake and other goodies?

    I should have gone to Bridgestones the other day, but bought an enticing looking goodie in Lathams instead. The girl sold it to me when, on asking what it was cos it looked so yummy, she said ‘London cheesecake’. I’d never heard of that and she told me it had layers of jam and coconut, so I thought a gooey cheesecake with jam and coconut would be just the job. 
    j was very disappointed. It was as dry as a bone, just layers of puff pastry, with a scrape of jam and some dessicated coconut. Needed some moisture in it somewhere. 

    Nogs, you are very intrepid being on the rivers with the ice etc. well done you for planning well. Enjoy ‘the south’. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, Turnoar said:

    Shambles cafe restaurant next door are a stones throw from the market cross and my go tos

    That was it! I couldn’t remember it’s name. Thanks. 
    So yes, an interesting town that just needs some ‘regeneration’. 

    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    shoves great sheets of ice onto a boats hull at the waterline. I hope he didn’t go near the wetshed entrance 

    Didn’t think of that. He came down from kingfisher and turned into the river, so not too near, then up both of the other hireboat quays. Only their own boats up there. 

  4. This morning I took a walk around the yard at Richardsons. 
    First I heard what sounded like a very rough engine, then saw Hercules coming up Swan Quay, breaking up the ice. It makes an almighty noise, all that crunching of ice in front of the bow. 

    Then I took some photos from the same place as yesterday, seems abut the same. 



    This one looking up towards the hire boat basins and the wet shed  Hercules has smashed the ice outside the wet shed, but there’s just big slabs of it floating about, Griff. 

    Lulu, I’d say, come to the boat to put your mind at rest, you’ll be nice and warm on board, but don’t plan to go out this weekend as there’ll probably be slabs of ice around. 

    Going out in the car at 9.30, my car gauge read -1C, but now the sun’s out nicely and it rose to +1C, but nowhere near enough to melt the river. 
    I’ve now moved to plan B.

    Reading the forecast over the last few days and expecting the temperatures to be on the rise by now, my Plan A was an overnight trip down the Ant with a stop off tomorrow morning for pump out and diesel at Ludham Bridge on my way back. And partially winterise the boat before leaving on Friday. 

    Now it’ll just be get a few more little jobs done today, part winterise and move off tomorrow. I gain an extra day in Sussex for clearing mum’s house so no big deal. 

    Another week of learning-this time, how to read the river conditions in relation to not wrecking the boat! Sitting at home and reading the forecast, I’d have never thought the river would be frozen. How naïve!


    • Like 4
  5. At Richardsons ‘junction’. 


    And up the private boat dyke towards Stalham Staithe and Simpsons. 

    The ice was cracking on its own as I took the picture about 8.45 this morning and the air started to warm up. But this afternoon was colder again. 
    Just before bed, it did seem warmer out there again. 
    I turned the heater off early this evening too as it didn’t seem to need it.
    Next bulletin tomorrow morning!




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  6. I had an interesting trip to North Walsham today when making a purchase in toolstation. 
    It has a rather good looking market cross in the centre, with a cobbled pedestrianised street (will be once they’ve finished re-laying the setts). 
    And a church which is gigantic.


    I spoke to a man moving some staging in there. He said North Walsham’s wealth came from a summer tweed, rather than the heavy tweed from down the road at Worstead. A man called William Paston who was a descendent from the family at Fellbrigg Hall built the church and a grammar school, only to have his son squander a lot of the family money after his death. Horatio Nelson went to the grammar school, as did Stephen Fry. The church has a ruined tower, William Paston’s very ornate tomb, one of those friezes with all the saints/apostles, not so defaced as some I’ve seen in other churches in the area, and a massive font. There was nothing to explain just why the font is so tall. 




    The town itself could be a real Mecca for independent shoppers, with lots of little shops lining the main streets, but it seems that, at present, every second one is a charity shop. It reminded me a lot of Ross on Wye in Herefordshire. 
    I did find a nice independent cafe with a hotpotch of tables and crockery. And very friendly. That allowed me to not patronise Costa!


    As a plus, there is still a bank in the main street, Lloyds.

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  7. Those are some special, wonderful photos Helen. Glasses suit Pozzick and Seren looked as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth with her red cape on. 
    Well done on your win, as Jean said, a competitive streak there. 
    On the boat at the moment in this cold, I’ve been putting a coat on Finlay at night. If you are thinking of the same with Pozzick, (not that a double coated arctic type dog should need anything) his dress and nightcap would do just fine! 

    • Haha 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    I have a selection of Langlauf ski's up in t loft with various waxes and clothing just ready to go

    Me too Griff, well one pair of x country and a pair of telemarks. After years of downhill skiing I needed more of a challenge so learnt telemarking in Voss in Norway. I never went back to downhill skis as I could keep up with all my friends with the added bonus of getting uphill easier too!

    Telemarking has the most amazing feeling of freedom when you get it right. Love it with a passion. 

    Crosscountry’s fun too. I used to pull the kids on their sledge along our road. The Yorkshire Wolds are wonderful for a ski ramble. 

    So roll on some snow, just as long as it’s not when I want to get to the boat. (I do appreciate not everyone likes it though). 

    • Like 2
  9. Perhaps that’s where you got the idea of being regular dinner hosts from then Biker!
    It would have been interesting seeing the filming.
    I do find that show very funny. 
    Friends of mine, for as many years as I’ve known them which is over 40, have a Saturday night get together with 2 sets of friends. Absolutely nothing gets in the way unless a wedding of holiday or similar. 

  10. I can’t really see why there would be a difference in the amount of paperwork between someone selling on a canal and on the Broads  

    I always give my business to the yards that I know to be fairer, and have signed their ready-made forms for 60:40, which is the agreement ‘for ease’ with HMRC, but I would like to know how the price we are charged is arrived at, ie I’d like the proof that once the yard has chosen their retail sale price for domestic (0%) that duty is then only being charged on 60% of a fill. After all, that is the agreement we are signing with the yard supplying. In the canal marina he had both prices up a board at the desk. 
    Calculating the spilt price is easy. A few seconds to press the calculator buttons in the right order. 
    Red diesel price bought in at £x + markup will be the ‘domestic’ price, with 60% (or %of your choice) of the fill at 20% duty added for ‘propulsion’. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Smoggy said:

    But the seller has the option of just not selling it to you

    That’s the conclusion I’ve come to really. I keep thinking to find a can on eBay but can’t decide if I can be bothered!

    I was just quite shocked by the difference in price. I’d heard it was cheaper on the canals, but that’s a big difference, more than 25%

  12. I’ve just spent part of the afternoon walking the towpath of the Trent and Mersey canal near Stone in Staffs. Sorry, no photos as I didn’t have my camera. 
    I parked at a most lovely marina, Aston Marina and on the way back to the car I passed the manager refuelling one of the boats. He told me the current diesel price was approx £1.20 for domestic and approx £1.59 for propulsion, (I can’t remember the exact pennies), leading to a 60:40 split of £1.32. He also said it came down 5p this week and 5p last week. 

    Should we be expecting a similar drop in price (the 10p drop over the past two weeks) when our yards next have a refill of their tanks?

    He sells it on a self declaration, signed form by the customer so no comeback on him. Most people say 60:40 in summer (60%propulsion) and 80:20 in winter if they go off their mooring. I realise there are far more full time residents on the canals and when the boats are out, they can moor up in one place for up to a fortnight instead of 24hrs, so probably travel less distance, but then many more have solid fuel stoves to supplant the diesel heater. 

    If marinas on the canals can cope with the paperwork involved with customers’ self declarations, why can’t the yards on the Broads do the same? 

    I don’t even mind the nominal 60:40 split chosen by the Broads yards, (as agreed for ease of use with HMRC), but I’m not sure we are being passed on the 40% duty free proportion. 

    Is it just a case of put up with it or source if yourself and bring in a can?




  13. 13 hours ago, Lulu said:

    All my hard work from a few weeks ago undone with the reoccurring green patina

    It’s annoying isn’t it. I did springers retreat a month ago and the white sunroof is now green again. Even the orange roof has a green sheen. I’d even used tap water rather than river water like I normally do!  I thought it’s because I moor under a big willow tree but maybe it’s just ‘the norm’ 

  14. 12 hours ago, Lulu said:

    left the taps open, dehumidifier on and the usual moisture traps

    Seeing as you’d just filled with water, do you just turn off the water pump and open the taps? I hadn’t thought of doing that. 

  15. 17 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    is this the first grandchild?

    Yes it is Helen. Maybe the only one based on Catherine’s experience at the moment, but as we all know, the memory of the misery fades over time! 
    At the moment, she’s onto the second phase of sickness tablets and I thought she’d end up in hospital with dehydration. 

    Doubt Richard will succumb to fatherhood. When his long term girlfriend had the conversation about future plans, he was like a rabbit in the headlights and froze. They are unfortunately no longer together as his girlfriend quite rightly had to decide between him and a future family. 
    But I live in hope he’ll find the right person sooner or later and suddenly change his outlook on life. Maybe he’ll love being an uncle instead. 

    Home yesterday after assessing jobs to do. Some might have got done, but Tony forgot his drill!

    Back next week to crack on. Think the weather’s turning colder for us. 

    • Like 3
  16. Tuesday November 29th

    Well, with mum’s funeral over on Monday and an awful lot of house packing ready for clearance on Tuesday morning, Tony and I got to the boat well after dark. Rather disconcerting to be filling up with water etc at night, I’ve only ever arrived in more or less daylight hours before. 
    With only two nights here, we got stuck into a few measuring up jobs that I want doing when we’re down again next week. 

    And what a fantastic night’s sleep. Just what is it about the boat that makes you sleep so well?

    I was well overdue a solid night’s sleep as since mum died, my head has been buzzing with so much stuff - arrangements, family disagreements about those arrangements, paperwork involved with her death, paying outstanding bills etc, and the house sale seeing as it already had an offer on it before mum died, along with my daughter being pregnant and as sick as a dog with it!

    So to wake up this morning feeling so refreshed was a big relief. 

    All our jobs are now done, we’ll enjoy the morning and prep the boat for our return for a busy week next week. We might even get off the mooring and meander off to somewhere cosy, to show Tony the delights of winter cruising with empty rivers and (hopefully) beautiful clear skies. 

    And to round off a very odd few weeks, mum’s funeral day went as planned. A fitting send off, with all the family involved, certainly more of a tribute than a traditional funeral as such and a very jolly reception afterwards where many of her teaching colleagues shared anecdotes with us all about her working life. She would have loved it as she liked nothing better than to keep up with all the people she ‘gathered’ through her life. It was wonderful seeing so many of her friends, many of whom I’ve known for years. And some of my oldest friends too who’s mums became friends with my mum through a shared moaning of all us young farmers descending on the family homes at 11pm for coffee after being turfed out of the pubs at closing time!

    Many thanks to all of you for being so caring and supportive. You’re a lovely bunch! Much appreciated. 



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