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Posts posted by kpnut

  1. 18 minutes ago, Lulu said:

    can the average hire boat fuel tank actually take £400 worth of fuel!?     

    Good point Lulu. My ex hire boat might just do it at todays prices but has a large tank. 

  2. Very pleased to hear about the acer,  Helen. 
    Lovely photos. Seren is completely devoted isn’t she. 
    And you can see Pozzick’s ribs while he’s standing there with his nose in the air. That’ll be a good reference photo as he puts on some condition. In lamb grading terms, he’s a 2. Some flesh but ribs felt as big too much. The aim for top condition is 3a. Nicely fleshed over ribs and just being able to feel spine. It goes 1 to 5 with a 3a and a 3b.
    You can guess what a 5 is like! And unfortunately you’d know a 1 if you were to see it. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Tractorted said:

    finding that it eats the seals on the older diesel engines.

    I got the impression it wasn’t the engine as such, so perhaps no worries regarding Mouldy’s post, but that they’d had to buy a large stock of seals and were replacing them on the boats as and when needed. 

    Maybe they are now fitting, and I could buy these seals that Smoggy mentioned and then ok to use the new stuff?

  4. 48 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Richardsons hire fleet has been using it for a while now. No signs of any problems there.


    37 minutes ago, Tractorted said:

    they are finding that it eats the seals on the older diesel engines.

    When I asked the engineers at richardsons, they told me too about the seals on the old engines. And was advised not to use it in my old BMC 1.5. 

    I’d like to use it at the moment cos richardsons are charging less for it, (£1.70) than any of the yards are charging for the ‘original’ diesel. But I’ll heed the advice of the long-standing staff at the yard. 


    19 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    She is now spark out, not one toy on the lounge rug and refused an evening walk!

    Great to hear. Finlay and I start again at the beginning of November and I’m sure his first post-shoot evening will be the same. 
    Interesting you saying about toys on the lounge floor. Ours looks worse than when the kids were little. Always something in his mouth, brings to me, fetches the next one from the box in the kitchen. Then I fall asleep and when I wake up, there they are, all piled up round my feet! He’s learnt to carry them back and drop them in the box for me on instruction. He also retrieves his empty bowl and brings it to me by the sink. Tidy lad!

    • Like 4
  6. It’s a completely new dimension in her life Helen. Doing what she’s bred for, hopefully doing it to a willing participant!

    I love the photos. He looks like he’s been wearing ski goggles and has the tan marks to show where they were!

    I thought there’d be lots of fur to brush. My friend has an Alaskan malamute with a double coat like his. Looks really cosy in the winter. 

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  7. 58 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

    Sorry. What's a pop dock? :default_dunce:

    It’s me who should say sorry, if we are allowed!!!!

    I meant pop sock, but realised too late to edit it. Lots of typos today, must be because I’m cooped up in this clinic and starting to climb the walls!!



    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, addicted said:

    Without the cage he would probably have done himself a serious harm as he ate his way through the house

    Finlay ate a pop dock when he was a pup. I was really worried it’d block him up and cost me a trip to the vet, but it came out a couple of days later, ‘ready bagged’ if you know what I mean. 

  9. Tony had his booster (Moderna) and flu jab at the same time and the next day felt quite nauseous and thickheaded. Ok again after a couple of days. 

    I think I read that 64 and under need to wait a while yet, maybe just be round my area though. 

  10. Sorry for all the typos in my last post. Had to send it in a hurry as I had just been called to be allowed out for half hour exercise. Perhaps I know what a dog needing a walk feels like!!!

    Desmond’s den looks pretty much like Charlie’s, all dark and cosy. 
    It’ll be interesting reading this back in a few months, Helen, to put all the progress you make into perspective. You’re doing a great job. Todays trip off lead sounds like it went really well.  

    I’m so looking forward to seeing him out on the Broads sometime. 

    • Like 2
  11. Finlay doesn’t have a crate in the house either, just his bed that he’s more than happy to stay in all night. The kitchen door to the rest of the house is shut and doesn’t scratch at the door. He doubt he even wanders round the kitchen. 
    But Charlie, his older brother who is my daughter’s fog has a crate. They tried closing the door at night when he was a pup, I’ve never heard such a din!! Now he’s happy in his crate as a substitute fit a normal bed as it’s like a little den that he hides in, but won’t put up with the door being shut. He lets Finlay in there as well, separately or tightened if he’s feeling very kind, so I suspect when they both sleep in the kitchen at her house, they take turns with that and the armchair. 
    I expect the extra crying is due to him getting settled in and attached to you. 

    • Like 1
  12. Not sure I could manage eels with anything.
    And chips can’t have gravy, maybe curry sauce but definitely tomato sauce. 
    And yes, it was apple crumble for tea, in just the right ratio for me (about half and half) with hot runny custard, so they got it half right!!!! Very nice though all the same, especially as I didn’t have to make it myself. 

    • Like 1
  13. Graham certainly seems to be ‘top of the tree’ with both of them.
    Your report of them both crying is having the desired effect on me. It’s so difficult for them to understand when their person disappears off the face of the earth, even if only for a while. And poor Pozzick has had that happen more poignantly lately. 

    2 hours ago, kpnut said:

    unless there is an actual medical need.

    I include unwanted litters of pups a ‘medical need’. If I had a new female springer, either Finlay or the bitch would be ‘done’, unless both had passed their health tests for whatever springers might be prone to, and I bred a litter between them first. Just too much hassle otherwise.
    And if Finlay was a wanderer, he too would be. His nose is just twigged to pheasants though-perhaps a one track mind of a different sort!

    • Like 2
  14. I’m in Leeds on a medical trial at the moment. And my tea is in 10 minutes time. Good thing too as all this food talk is making me increasingly ravenous. And funnily enough, I think we are getting crumble tonight. 

    • Like 3
  15. 3 minutes ago, grendel said:

    am not brave enough to try making it with eggs and cornflower

    Not would I be on the boat Grendel. I think the lowest heat on the boat hob would be too high. A curdled mess would ensue!

  16. My advice is don’t get him ‘done’ as Malcolm so politely put it, unless there is an actual medical need. It rarely sorts out any behavioural issues, much against what people with badly behaved dogs think. 
    Is Seren coping with the change ok? I know you said she’s barking a bit, just communicating in her way and if you don’t take too much notice (ie giving her attention for it) it should dwindle. I bet she’s a bit tired as it takes a lot of emotional energy. Give her a cwtch from me. 

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