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Posts posted by dom

  1. 5 minutes ago, Turnoar said:

    Thanks Dom, oops think I got Baron and Briers the wrong name round, yes meant Keith B in “A Harmless Vanity”, did your boss chuck in the boats for the episode too or was there a bit of sponsorship, it was ITV after all and if Lotus could chuck James Bond an Esprit perhaps JCL marine tried the same marketing ploy with a flybridge’

    I don't think I've ever heard mention of where the boats came from, which is surprising as both my parents were involved in boating at the time of filming.

    With that and the Ransome films, there was quite a lot of focus on the Broads back then.


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  2. 4 minutes ago, Turnoar said:

    Which episode was that Dom? There was one that I believe was filmed in the Barclays at North Walsham, possibly just for the outside take though, The Moles I think where they burrowed under one weekend from the shop next door only to discover an empty safe on account of the bank being closed on Monday due to industrial action. Not trying to steal Hovetons thunder but I wouldn’t want to rob NW of the credit in this instance lol

    I think it may well have been that episode. The external shot was NW, but there was a brief scene at the very end inside Natwest in Wroxham. I used to bank with Natwest so really familiar with the interior and have seen the scene again recently. I seem to recall a friend saying they had issues getting permission from Barclays to film the interior and had to find an alternative.

    I suspect you mean Keith Baron with the other episode? If so, it was filmed at Cobwebs in Beech Road, Wroxham. I used to work for a bloke in Cambridge who owned it as a weekend retreat. It used to have a big swimming pool block separate to the main building. My boss turned it into a separate house which is now worth something like £1m. Cobwebs itself was on the market for £3m or so a while back.

    Bits of "Stranger in town" were shot around St.Benedicts street, near where I used to work at one time. "The Umbrella Man" was also shot around the same area. There was an episode shot in Cromer and Sheringham where the lead character had an accident in an MG in the past. Susan George starred in a couple of episodes - one was shot on Bowthorpe Road and Mousehold Heath in Norwich. "The Verger" with Richard Briers was shot in Tombland. The one with a Police doctor involved in a murder was shot around Dilham.

    I watched them all countless times during lockdown lunchbreaks whilst working from home, so spent a fair bit of time location spotting!





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  3. 5 hours ago, Roy said:

    I think generally wroxham by the river / park has been left to get over grown it needs a good tidy and regular maintenance.

    No doubt the "foreign company" which owns the Three Horseshoes is letting it run to ruin knowing full well that doing so will increase the chances of planners granting permission for housing in its place. The surrounding area then suffers neglect because it's less worthwhile to invest in keeping it looking good when there's a huge eyesore next door.

    What surprises me is that local people haven't been more proactive in resolving the issue.




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  4. 19 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

    There was, just around the corner, an HSBC if memory serves? Not sure the Nat West didn't have one too. Assume the one in the convenience store is free to use? 

    What's now Costa used to be HSBC (Midland). Betfred used to be Lloyds. HSBC had an ATM. I think Lloyds may have had one too.

    NatWest used to be on the corner opposite Barclays (not sure if it's still Capron & Helliwell) and definitely had an ATM. The inside of the bank was a filming location for an episode of Tales of the Unexpected. There was a Norwich building society beside it.

    Really goes to show how much reliance on cash has diminished, going from 4 banks and a building society to none.


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  5. 55 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    Cynical suspicious me can't fathom out what it is with the modern obsession with apps; are they trying to get us to buy phones with more memory and processing power or trying to sell us more gigabytes a month?

    It's generally about brand loyalty. If a company can get you to install their app, it means you're continually exposed to their brand and marketing, rather than resorting to Googling where competitors can place ads, or draw you away with offers, etc

    They rarely confer any significant advantage and tend to just exploit the laziness of younger generations. It's particularly prevalent in the fast fashion sector, especially with female oriented brands.

    • Like 2
  6. 59 minutes ago, Bytheriver said:

    Its on line now ( Broads Authority) BA/2024/0024/FUL 

    Just hope that gets passed promptly. There used to be another ATM within feet of the location, so there's not really any excuse not to just rubber stamp it.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, SwanR said:

    Yes, the one in the convenience store in the precinct where the post office is sited is the only one we have left now. It's hoped that eventually this can be moved to be available from outside but I think at the moment you're restricted to access when the shop is open.

    Last thing I heard, it seemed it was going ahead, but was just awaiting planning permission. Slightly worryingly, I can't see an application on a planning search.

    • Like 1
  8. I think some work was done tidying up the Three Horseshoes/Waterside rooms site recently. I wonder if there might be plans for the site as part of this? I know BA made a recommendation for compulsory purchase a few years back, so its market value is probably fairly low.  I'm sure the two came under the same management at one time during the 80s/90s. If King's Head is thriving, it'd be good if they did take it on.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, floydraser said:

    I could sound really old and say I remember the days when there were gates at Brundall and a man used to comeout of his little hut and open them when ever a train was due. I wanted his job.

    We had manual gates in Tunstead well into the 90s. The gateman actually got a quite a nice house beside the crossing as part of the role.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, floydraser said:

    I'm with the AA and have been for years. I've never had to call them out but we do use the benefits which could help to get your money's worth depending on what suits. We get 15% off certain restaurants and a bit off at service areas etc. 

    Watch your renewal premium. I'm a Gold AA member and have been with them for 20+ years. My premium (relay only, no homestart) went from £100 to £125 this year. Checking online, the same to a new customer was £85. One phone call and they amended the premium to match the new cost - but it's a sickening phenomena and shows our loyalty is just exploited. I also insure with them at the moment and had pretty much the same situation with that too.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    That'll be my car, then . . . .

    If you keep them long enough though, pretty much anything becomes valuable sooner or later. There's a recent trend for bog standard, base model Fords and Vauxhalls from the 80s becoming more desirable.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Turnoar said:

    my favourite, nearby but not quite on the broads, has to be Happisburgh Manor which is listed.

    I can't quite decide whether it's stunning, or whether it's been over done just the tiniest amount. The protruding porch is very Tudor. A branch of my ancestors owned Hall Farm at Colkirk, which is original Tudor - the porch really reminds me of there. The chimneys are very Tudor too. I'm not sure if it's the scale of them which might be a little too much. I could probably force myself to live with it if it was being given away though!

    It's a shame there aren't a few more buildings like this closer to the cliffs. It'd be interesting to see how they'd cope with the issue of tides vs listed building.

  13. 7 minutes ago, FairTmiddlin said:

    But it's not even an historic building.

    How do you get anything historic though, if you allow everything "outdated" to be updated or replaced?

    Thatch is all but unused, so good examples need to be preserved, otherwise it'll be lost forever. You have to have the foresight to see when something is under threat.

    I do also think the arts & crafts style has merit, as its character is really sympathetic with older properties nearby. Irstead has a couple of other really nice examples, including a fairly sizeable one which is stunning.

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  14. 13 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

    Then again I'm no thatcher and have no clue if that's even possible. 

    I suspect most thatchers could, but none would. Those that still exist seem to be doing it pretty much just for the love of it to try and preserve the tradition.

    It'd be interesting to know if it's a permanent residence. I'd imagine the swap from thatch to tile would increase the property value substantially.


  15. I noticed that one earlier. If you go through BA's expenditure reports, there are huge amounts (often tens of thousands) being spent every month on 3rd party legal fees. It does make you wonder how much of it is being wasted on pointless action like this.

    Irstead is lovely and really one of the last few unspoilt parts of the broads. It pains me to see thatch lost from a property there and I don't for one minute believe the owner of a £1m property can't overcome the "supply issues with thatch due to the Ukraine situation" which was used as justification for changing to tile. I really can't understand why the BA took the position they did when I'd assume they must be able to make a fast track listing submission to remove the development rights on the roof completely?

    You can understand why no-one seemingly wants the Head of Planning job though! I notice it's being re-advertised again.

  16. 3 hours ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

    Might be too firm for such a lightweight item such as this.

    In the past, I've mounted solenoids by clamping them into a rubber lined P clip, then bolting that onto a bobbin with reasonable success in automotive applications. Anything involving acoustics is a bit of a black art though. The resonant frequency of what you're mounting to may well have more influence than anything. If the pump's on a plywood bulkhead or similar, adding more mass to the panel will often help.

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  17. When I was young, if you spent a day on the beach, you could pretty much assume you'd see a search and rescue Sea King from Coltishall at some point. I wonder if the lack of RNLI coverage between Happisburgh and Yarmouth is in any way due to this and the assumption that the RAF would be there if needed.

    The RNLI's capital is such that they could put a couple of decent permanent stations in and barely even notice the dent in their finances (they lost £26m a few years ago just in investment losses!). What's the betting if you asked why they're not considering doing so, coastal erosion would be cited as a reason not to?

    • Like 1
  18. I think the motive amongst locals to keep the boats in service is quite well explained with an expression popular amongst 2nd amendment supporting Americans "when seconds count, the Police are just minutes away". If someone's in trouble in water, the margin between a life saved and one lost can be microscopically small.

    In an ideal world, the RNLI should really be taking over and improving these services. They're actually very cash rich. A recent year's accounts showed £220m income versus £178m expenditure.



  19. 4 minutes ago, ExSurveyor said:

    The article does say ' contractors' are raising the vessel. Unless BA have instructed the contractors it is likely to be an insurance company footing the bill.

    They used a 3rd party contractor to recover an abandoned vessel at Sutton Staithe recently. Not sure if they have the resources to lift a boat anyway, but I'd suspect they'd be too risk averse to try lifting something in Yarmouth's tidal waters.

  20. 36 minutes ago, grendel said:

    I see we are having a go at the unlicensed and unregistered boat owners- do we have any proof that this boat is unregistered and untolled before we start jumping to conclusions,

    I did say "If this is another unregistered and abandoned vessel" in my initial post.

    I don't really understand why anyone would not criticise them. Tolls are a product of expenditure divided by tollpayers. Anyone not paying the toll is directly increasingly legitimate tollpayer's outgoings.

    There is ultimately no excuse. DWP will pay housing related expenses for liveaboards to anyone genuinely in need.


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