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  1. It doesn't half. Quite a price jump between the 4 night and 7 nights though. To be fair after our 4 nights we joined my mother and her partner in a holiday cottage close to wells next to sea, so kids and us had a great 2 in 1. I'm norfolked out for now though. Be back in late april.
  2. Hi all, Just spent a lovely 4 nights aboard belmore with my wife and two children, 7 & 11. I first visited the broads in 2005 with my dad, it was our last trip, just me and him before he passed when I was just 16 in 2006. We were on broadland saturn back then. My son now it seems enjoyed this trip just as much as I did then. Apart from that, it was Robins YouTube videos which inspired my revisit and in particular the boat, belmore from barnes. After leaving it rather late to find a mooring on our 1st night, after stupidly leaving ranworth island quite late on, mainly through excitement of being back on a boat and wanting to 'play about', we headed to St bennets. Alas it was rammed. Running out of options and by now, 1930hrs we decided to spend our 1st night about mueweighting on south Walsham. What a amazing and peaceful night it was to settle in, that was until 3am when I was awoken by my wife, who claimed to have seen a UFO through the uncovered front windows. I dismissed this quickly, as knowing my wife, Im aware her imagination is vivid and corrupt. Waking early we headed upto the ant and ludham bridge. Heart was in mouth, maybe overly concerned but we squeezed with just a cigarette paper to spare. Thankfully it was quite early and nobody was awake to see the close shave. The ant was beautiful, the sun shined and it was a great start to the day. Made more so after our stop at toadhole and howhill where in the gardens we saw a huge grass snake, 2 feet in length layed upon lily pads, which then slithered under the water gracefully. After speaking to the Gardner my son was double pleased as he said in all his years there, he's only seen one. After a further cruise and visit to Stalham we found a wild mooring. Perfect and peaceful until the 1st mate (son) stood in human excrement left behind by some scumbag. None the less we had a lovely and memorabke evening, having a drink, bbq and fishing on the ant. Early start following day and awoke to rain and the windows misted up terribly. Advice on helping this appreciated. I had to make a move because I wanted to get to ludham at its lowest point, probably panicking a little too much. I wish I hadn't because I regret not spending more time on the ant. We made it through with about a inch clearance. Belmore is a high air draft. Headed up the thurne to lathams and the rain cleared and it became lovely and sunny. After pottering about and stopping over at the bridge inn at Acle, which the kids loved... Amusements and arcade etc we headed back north and moored opposite the ferry inn. A pleasant evening fishing with my family until a elderly couple arrived down the track, armed with a modified rake and rope. After chatting, they said they had drove from Norwich to try and retrieve the end of a fishing pole he had lost a few days prior. Something I question, because on asking he said it was 3 quid from a car boot. They stayed for 3 hours, splashing and asking us to move our boat in order to search beneath. I complied but after a while became annoyed and hinted at them as it was ruining a pleasant evening. I suspect something else was the treasure. Final full day we visited a variety of broads and villages. Climbed the church at ranworth which we loved, until the bell rang whilst my wife was in the bell tower section. Thankfully it was a brief relief from her nags about the ladder and steps, and how her thighs were bruised from climbing on and off the high freeboard of belmore. The final mooring, despite being sad about leaving the next morning was the best. Mudweighting on a deserted hoveton little broad, or black horse. I wanted to find and see this place after one of Robins videos. The sun setting, all alone, and sat watching it with my arm around son and daughter is a memory I shant forget and vow to replicate again. Planning to holiday again next year and just trying to book at the minute. Howether it will just be my son and I on this occasion. We're on a budget and found a decent boat with Richardson that would suit, but not allowed to as a sole parent with them. Thankfully after speaking to barnes brinkcraft they can accomadate. It's just a decision of belmore tc or brinks omega with a slightly lower airdraft. If Robin reads this I'd appreciate your thoughts on the two, knowing you've had both. Image below is a cozy shot I love, from when we were wild moored on the ant. Adam
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