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  1. That is quite a bit of doom and gloom. Something like this is ideal for giving this sort of thing a go. You're not even handling any sort of personal information. Who cares, you're not going to learn if you don't even bother.
  2. Thankyou for your replies. I didn't take as criticism, its good to hear people's feedback. I was aware there probably are some, hopefully minor UI bugs. Had quite a few late nights last month getting it so it could be put online. I was wondering about that. I make a few arbitrary decisions like that to get it put together, which probably needed some more knowledge of the 'flow dynamics' of the broads river system. Interesting to know this. Off the top of my head, it's just treating a period of around 15mins before to an hour after the high / low water time as a slack period. Again a decision I just made, as I figured without it, it would just cut straight from flow to ebb which isn't very accurate either. I'll improve this at some point by varying these time ranges. It's never going to be completely accurate as producing something like a river flow model for the broads in JavaScript is a bit beyond my scope at the moment. Yes I think I was relying on zooming in on the map and prioritising the aesthetics more while I was developing. Should be scope to actually have multiple colour schemes as its using a drawn vector graphic rather than any fixed generated images. If you click the place names in the table it pans the map to that location. Again think is a slight bug on narrow view points like, portrait phones when panning to far on points nearer the bottom of the map. These things will go on a changes and features list for the future. I plan to spend more time on the actual broads in the summer months. Do you know which phone and browser this happens on? Haven't seen that so far. Will have to figure out some floating column heads on the feature list. Possibly. Ended up concentrating on the animated map more which course won't come across on print. The 'backend' is kind of over engineered for what it is. The site processes everything in the browser once the page is loaded. So uses barely any data transfer to update as you interact with it. Should work on the slowest connections. I've used this as a project to learn about web software development.
  3. Hi Everyone I've been working on a website side project over the last half year or so. It's a tides website along the lines of the norfolk-broads.org page which has been around for ages. This site hads an animated explorable map of the broads which shows the current tide state for each section of the river. I've just got it online this past week. It's at broads.live. There are some more details about the site itself on the about page. Good to have some people check it out. Sam
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