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Posts posted by littlesprite

  1. The sad fact is Government don't make cut backs, they have no money, they earn no money, therefore they can't save money.

    All money the Government play with is ours, regardless of what tax or charge you like to name it's all our money and they simply spend it for us, increase the tax we pay and there is more money to spend.

    Throw extra money at this or that and taxes have to rise to pay for it, how we decide what the money is spent on is another question based on our own preferences.

    This is a problem of successive Governments since the 60's running down our manufacturing industries and therefore our ability to bring foreign money into Britain, instead we have borrowed from the IMF/EU and now have to suffer the consiquence.

  2. Many years ago when I had a family so required a larger boat, the northern broads was my destination of choice, why? Because my children hated the south, nothing too look at, nothing to do "their words not mine "

    When my children were off hand and it was just Carol and myself the south came back on the radar, however, smaller boats(for 2) became the norm.

    I don't know if this is normal for other people/families but it held true for us.

  3. They do have all those expencive overheads, and i dont recall slating the prices they charge, what they charge is down to them. I will work on yards where i have to but 90% of my work is on peoples private moorings.

    If none of us are greedy there are/is more than enough boats and work to go around.

    As well as the above, large yards have office staff, cleaners ect. depending on how large the yard, all of these costs will be added to the hourly rate. You have to choose whether to support the large or small business but remember most operations start small and grow.

  4. I can confirm that Richo's newletter has no mention of price rises, though Clive has mentioned a possible small rise. :?

    I am in the wet shed and support others view that the moorings are good value for money (apart from the rust showers) :naughty:

    As for being north or south it's only one days cruising between the two, and cruising is why I have a boat. cheersbar

  5. Now Now Donny no need for that!!!!

    I shall have to check my gas supply to make sure the computer is working,these Specrums take some winding up,I shall have to upgrade to the ZX model

    I think you've just solved the problem for yourselve' do a "quote" from someone elses post and delete all the text. :naughty:

  6. Why can I not get them :trophy:trophy

    I can get the ordinary ones but as soon as I click on Christmas smiley,thelittle windodisappearsrs and nothing happens.

    I must be an idiot,what am I doing wrong or not doing

    From what you say the smilie window opens when you select "view more smilies" from the bottom of the smilie square.

    When the window disappears have you got the window showing on the bar thingy at the bottom of the screen?


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