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Posts posted by brandenjg

  1. Hi everyone, i was wondering what fishing is like this time of year? I'm normally a sit in the sun with a few pints and a line in the water sort of fisherman, but i'm thinking of going fishing this weekend so i imagine the fishing will be different. Was wondering if the fish are still active and if theres any specific breeds i'll be more likely to catch in november. Thanks in advance Brandenjg

  2. Hi hannah

    I looked into renting a live aboard earlier this year and had no luck. Occassionally you will find university students who live aboard whilst studying then rent their boats out when they finish uni but I've only come across this 2 or 3 times. The only way I could find to liveaboard is either to marry/ date someone with a liveabord boat or to buy your own. It might be worth considering buying a smallish boat with enough room for the basics and stay on it through the warmer months to get a feel for it and you'll soon get to know the other boaters around you who may have a friend of a friend who would appreciate the company (and rent ) on their large boat. :pirate

  3. Hi everyone

    Im sure it's a problem most people with a pull start has had before, I pull, but it doesn't engage. The odd thing however is when I take the pull start off the outboard and pull it the spikes come out like they're meant to and stay out till you let the tension off like they're meant to and when i put it all back on the engine it works like it's meant to on the first pull. But every time I go to use it again, it just doesn't engage atall until i remove the whole pull start and bolt it back on again.

    I was hoping someone would have an idea as to why it does this?

    P.s the whole mechanism has been sprayed with wd40 and it didn't help

    Thanks in advance


  4. Hi mark was no problem, I disconnected everything and started again and it all seems to be working how it should although i won't know for sure until i get a new fuel tank at the weekend (the last tank was borrowed). I think that was the name on the blue card, I'm heading down the boat in a little while so i'll double check.

  5. Hi mark, i'll be over the island around lunchtime so if u are about would be good to get someone who knows a thing or two to have a quick look :) I think its a great advertising technique and seeing as the card that was posted was for windows and my rear ones are a mess i found it quite funny

    P.s are you anything to do with the huge boat fairlise over here in the basin which has moved for the first time in a while?

  6. Hi everyone

    I've just wired up my outboard to the mercontrol and it doesn't seem to work properly. I was wondering if any forumites had a mercontrol installed in their boat that would be able to send me some pics of how they've got theirs setup.

    It has 2 levers, one at the moment shifts from forward to neutral but not reverse and the other goes from straight up to down but only in one direction.

    On a different note, I had a marine window repair business card posted through my boats canvas today which i found quite funny. I was wondering if many companys on the broads do this type of advertising?

    Thanks everyone :wave

  7. Hi everyone

    I've just finished wiring all the electrical systems. I've got the 3 nav lights and the spot light wired through a fuse box then the fuse box to the battery. I've then got the front and rear cabin lights which have switches to turn on and off wired directly to the battery. I have blue led lighting for the cockit wired through a cigarette plug which is connected to a fused box connected to the battery which also connects the 2 solar panels to charge the battery.

    Everything works perfectly and all cables are up to spec but looking through the bss checklist it mentions needing a battery isolator/ shut off switch. I was wondering if I need one as all my electrical systems can be shut of individually ( 4 switches)and if i do, how on earth i would wire the thing.

  8. The outboard is pull start and doesn't have the capability to charge the battery etc so the large electrical cable seems pointless to me. Strowager, I think you're right about the anode as it doesn't have one on the bottom. I don't understand why it would need an anode. As far as I know the anode is a negative or ground and corrodes to stop the rest of the outboard doing so, but i don't understand why the outboard would have have any electricty running through it other than from the spark plugs when using the pull start. My point is do i need an anode?

  9. Hi everyone

    As some of you may know i recently got a new boat which came with a "should work" outboard. Well I've put the work in by changing the water pump, adding the new spark plugs, getting a new female fuel connector (general maintenance). So i thought i was ready to test the engine in water, except it turns out it's missing the screw for the lower unit where you put maintenance oil in. So in a nutshell I've filled the lower unit with water and believe the engine is now fudged. I was wondering if anyone knows of any rememdy for a flooded lower half?

    Also i have a spare cable which has been cut coming off the remote throttle. Its the centre of the three cables and is meant to have what looks like a shore line on the end, I believe its called a wiring harness but i have no idea what its used for and if its worth re wiring the end which is currently chopped off.

    Any advice is always greatly appreciated

    Thanks Brandenjg

  10. I was offered a new job today and I start on saturday so had to get the boat on the water before the weekend. In theory I could of put my outboard onto the boat but I felt alot more comfortable using my small boat to tow. I assessed my options and the one i went with seemed the safest and it turned out to be just that. If there was a public slipway closer to norwich city centre i could of rowed it instead( Although this would of taken a very long time).

  11. DISASTER, put the boat into the water today and could hear rushing water. I opened a hatch and the boat was filling up with water :cry So i jumped into the broads (in my boxers) to find the leak. Turns out even though I told the bloke about 3 times, it turned out he hadn't put the draining plug back in. I quickly got back on the boat, grabbed the plug and screwed it in. After 2 hours with a milk carton i drained all the water out and she was fine. The next issue was towing on the water. I started with a Y bridle which resulted in the boat swining left and right non stop so had to resort to the branden way. I tied the two boats together side by side and went the river like that. Many funny looks later we got to the mooring safely. :grin:

  12. I viewed the boat today and must say It's alot nicer in person than in the photos. So much so, that after giving it a once over and with a bit of haggling theres been a handshake, an agreed price and am getting it next weekend cheers

    The back section which has been removed for fishing is a very clean job. Reinforced then rubber sealed around the edges. My plan for the back is to get a sunbrella enclosure made for it so i can fish but also let friends sleep in the back. It needs a new wooden door and the canvas doesn't look as bad as i was expecting but will probably get a new one made in the centre section. As fas as the bottom of the boat is concerned, It looks 100% watertight. Although there is a designated hole with a black spinning section in it which im not sure what it's for.

    I also managed to persuade the seller to tow it down to norwich for me, so I'll be able to see it straight on the water before money exchanges hand (If it isn't watertight I'll soon know). It's just a case of paying a deposit on monday ensuring all paperwork is in order ready for the water then I'm sure I'll upload pics as and when i do work to get it looking good.

    Thank you for your varied advice, Lets hope it all goes well. :Stinky

  13. The reserve is £400 i've been told and I've been given a buy it now price which is within my budget (although i would still try to haggle). I'm heading to yarmouth for the festival tomorrow so plan to go and view the boat. Things mentioned like the antifouling and damp cushions are something i immediately noticed aswell which is why i'm a little wary of the boat.

    I was after a boat from a norfolk boat selling company (not sure if i can post the name or not) for £1250 which sold before i had enough, but when i saw the europa on ebay at about half the price lets say the bargain hunter in me was intrigued.

    A comment i found from a google search about the exact boat and engine said that it would need £2000 work to get it up to bss standard which i definately dont like the sound of.

    I've given myself a target of getting a new boat by the 27th september as thats when my mooring payment is next due so it will be easier to add on the extra cost for a bigger boat before the payment comes out.

  14. Hi guys

    I've found a boat on ebay that i like the look of, but after doing a quick google search i found some info that worries me on the other norfolk broads forum. . Does anyone think It's worth even viewing the boat bearing in mind that some work must of been done on the boat in the last 3 years to get it up to scratch.

    Thanks in advance


  15. Hi guys. Just a little post. I found a pike with a chunk taken out of it dead in the water yesterday. It's hard to see in the photo but on the bottom of the fish near the tail was what looks like a prop had hit it. I fished it out for a photo then put it back for the fish to nibble on.

    P.s excuse the clothing I'd been painting the boat :P


  16. Hi everyone

    I've just got back from the boat after a little run around thorpe island to check my engine was still running ok. Unfortunately I got half way round the island when my engine cut out infront of a broads tours boat :? I checked the engine over as the boat went past and everything seemed fine. Fortunately dad was with me and with his keen mind and years of experience made me look very stupid. The words "Did you put any petrol in the tank" will leave me the butt of family jokes for a while to come :oops: . After floating in the middle while frantically trying to get the oars out, luckily, a couple in a small boat pulled up alongside us as we drifted down the river and let us have some fuel to get back to the mooring. If the couple are forum members I would just like to say a big thank you :clap and that it's good to know that people on the broads are there to lend a hand with a smile, a wave (and a bit of fuel) when you need them.

    And you'll all be happy to know that I've now completely filled the tank with £16 of fuel and plan on topping it up everytime im out and about rather than when it's running low.

    Ps I hope everyone has a great time out on their boats now that the weathers perked up :pirate

  17. I've currently got a set on the boat, they last about 6 days in the rain till they become unreadable. You'd think the BA would of designed them better as within the 2 weeks of me buying a second set they had sold about 80 short visit tolls (all of which would be unreadble by now), but I guess it saves costs. Luckily I received a slip of paper with all the details of the toll which i keep in the boat incase any broads rangers come along.

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