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Posts posted by FlyingFortress

  1. The marque in the background of your third pic is the one that gives the most .



    5 hours ago, Smoggy said:

    Very nice, you'll soon have people queuing up as you arrive, for a hairdresser..... :default_biggrin:


  2. 4 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

    Very nice, you'll soon have people queuing up as you arrive, for a hairdresser..... :default_biggrin:

    To get the hooligan in the back we have had to remove the wind deflector. You may have a point Smoggy. 

    Another thing learned as this is our first soft top. A hat is the order of the day, as apart from scary hairy, sunburn can be an issue as my thatch is not as thick as it used to be. Even Mrs FF who hates hats wears one when the top is down.:default_ohmy:

  3. Very nice and congratulations on getting a nice little sports car.

    Only shame it isn't British 🤪

    With regard to Purdy, I don't think the Z3 has the back seats for legless children like my soft top does, we got some purpose design hammock like covers for the hooligan. Don't know if they are available for front seats but maybe worth looking into.

    The Hooligan loves being in the soft top with ears flapping in the wind



    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Using Hercules to break up ice is all very well, however I’m relieved we’re not berthed in those areas, breaking up ice using this method works, but it also shoves great sheets of ice onto a boats hull at the waterline. I hope he didn’t go near the wetshed entrance 


    Unfortunately M8 I think they were trying to get a boat onto Big Foot at the Ponder Rosa so that may be what Hercules was doing braking the ice. I heard a boat making its way in the Kingfisher basin and caught a glimpse of it while walking the hooligan. 

    I did then have a look outside the wet shed for you and it did initially seem to be broken ice which gave me some encouragement for the possibility of getting my boat home today but closer inspection revealed that it had been broken.

    I did not see Hercules underway but did hear some manoeuvring.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Quite a few years ago now, the last remaining Coal Power Station on The Thames was Tilbury. They had done just about everything they could to reduce emissions but The Carbon Tax was making the plant unviable.

    They came up with a Whizz Bang idea to burn biomass instead. I had no idea what biomass was so as usual I made myself look dumb and asked the question. Well biomass turned out to be something very similar to what Drax is doing on Griff's post earlier. Oh that sounds great I said and asked if there would be any impact on Port trade. Now when Tilbury was burning coal we would get one Bulk Carrier around once a month coming from generally Russia or Poland onto the Power Station berth. To supply the amount of biomass we would need 3 bulkers a week coming from Canada and these would have to discharge constantly to keep the furnaces burning as there was no dry storage facilities.

    So three large ships a week crossing The Atlantic plus the utilisation of 3 large tugs to dock and 2 to sail plus the deployment of a medium sized bulker anchored off Southend as a stand by just in case there was any disruption to the supply chain to keep the power station green.

    Makes sense to me this green washing .... NOT

    Must say it kept us busy for a while 🙂

  6. 8 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    Confused here…have you returned or haven’t you? 

    Yes that was a bit of a double negative wasn't it. I blame autocorrect 😳

    No have not returned 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. So what do they have on at The Swan?

    Must admit not one of my favourites watering holes.

    New Inn was good when new management took it over last year but haven't not returned, I think that says it all.

    • Like 1
  8. Just blooming rub it in why don't you 🤪

    Good call of yours not to go North of Barton Broad.

    Just a few isolated bits of thin ice in the wild moorings on the Ant, a bit on the edges of Barton, then bang Stalham and Sutton dykes pretty thick.

    • Thanks 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    I didn't watch it anyway.       :default_coat:

    At least I can go down to the baker's shop this morning without fear of reprisals.

    Trying to explain Brexit was bad enough . . . . 

    Not quite as bad as living in the country but I did have to fly Lufthansa from Heathrow to Frankfurt on the Monday morning after Germany had just won Euro96 🫣

  10. Never mind Noggin. It looks like Nogsgone.

    Nice to have a brief chat last night and a catch up but as you know I was a bit distracted as they were not showing the match in the pub and for some reason I could not get a signal on the TV on board 🫣

    When I got back from walking the dog this morning it was Nogsgone 😳

    Have a great rest of your holiday. We are heading back to home moorings today.


    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Vaughan said:


    In the off season with minimum disruption.  Let's be thankful for it.

    In about the same position as this, I believe?





    It wasn't as bad as that when we were iced in here a few years ago 😥

  12. For some reason I have trouble uploading pictures so it looks like you will have to take my word for it. The dredger had gone up Malthouse Broad to dredge near to the conservation centre.

    The reason I said it was soooo considerate was that yesterday when our friends were coming in to moor they were dredging at the berth. They moved out and waved our friends in.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  13. OK so I will reply again.

    I have been informed by site Admin that some subjects can have an impact on liability with regards to The Online Harm act and I have been politely requested to tread carefully. Hope this explains why I have not replied.

    My intention was to collate some replies in confidence and only then post a summary. I did not think through the logistics of this Whizz Bang Plan and I found that the Forum Software would not support my plan. 

    I have done something similar on other platforms both Professionally and outside of work.

    My intention was to summarize the opinions of those of us who do venture out at this time of year and also highlight how things are perceived if not actually changed since The Pandemic relaxation of rules.

    That is my last on this subject.


    • Like 2
  14. So I know this is going to be controversial but let's see if it has any legs 

    I am going to ask a few questions about Liveaboards on the Broads.

    Before I do go down this controversial route let's just put this one up and see if I get moderated.

  15. 26 minutes ago, annv said:

    Lead acid battery's self discharge over time this happens more/quicker if connected in a bank, you need a battery maintainer! be it shore power driven or solar for maintaining battery longevity. John

    While I do appreciate what you are saying John I think in answer to the OP a relatively short power cut would not worry many boat owners.

    Before we had shore power or solar panels we used to leave our boat unused for several months over the winter with no issues. 

    Although we do have more systems on our current boat I can't think of anything that would cause an issue with the battery bank during even an extended power cut even if we did not have solar panels.

    With regard to solar panels they even worked when we were moored in Richardson's wet shed as I actually have some inherent and unjustified aversion to leaving a boat hooked up to mains I used to still disconnect before leaving the boat for extended periods. It was only last winter that I left the boat connected for the first time in the 20 years we have owned her.

  16. 11 hours ago, annv said:

    Hi If you have a solar panel connected to the battery bank this will keep the battery's in a fully charged condition through the winter months without having to connect to the grid/shore power or having to disconnect them over winter. Battery's last a lot longer if kept fully charged. John 

    I fully agree John. 

    But I will reiterate that if there is minimal drain on a battery bank then the batteries will last a very long time without either shore charging or engine starting.

    Without either shore hook up or solar panels.

  17. This is a very difficult subject to address.

    As a contributor to the BA tolls I know what I would like to do.

    As one who has been head hunted to a senior position at BA and I decided against it. It is a very hard problem to address as I can see both sides of the argument.

    My considered opinion is that I would like to see continuous cruising to not be an option on The Broads. It works on The Canal system but why should we continue it on our 125 miles of waterways as opposed to the 3000 miles of canals.

    I would like to see ALL Boats on the Broads have registered permanent mooring.

    There are some places on the Broads that provide residential mooring so can these places not provide a permanent mooring for fellow Liveaboards . These folk do after all give the impression of community spirit.🤫

    Of course this will increase the amount of liveabaord moorings on the Broads. Is this desirable to us the average Tollpayer considering the state of some liveabaord communities already in existence. Yes controversial I know but I am only stating the blooming obvious to anyone with eyes open.

    Then there will always be the disrepute ones who do just like they feel and to hell with what anyone else thinks or wants and there is little apart from aggressive enforcement that is an option.

    Then there is a welfare issue.

    Who would see anyone who is truly homeless but is warm and cosy tied up to Sutton Staithe plugged into the electric and with mains water on tap get made homeless and passed on to our already stretched social services.

    So a complex subject.

    I am thoroughly glad I didn't accept the position with BA, not because of this issue, but it would have been an issue that would have landed on my plate.

    For the record a good few years ago when on an Autumn cruise my heating failed and I did find it extremely irritating that when I turned up at two public moorings that I knew had electric posts they were all hogged by Liveaboards or otherwise non toll payers. Some even shut down with winter covers on.


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