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Posts posted by FlyingFortress

  1. 1 hour ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    The £10 charge being discussed is as I understand it for overnight , visiting picnic boats etc will , I presume, vacate the moorings before the fee is applicable.

    Unfortunately for businesses, ie The Maltsters , they will undoubtably lose out on a large amount of revenue as many private craft and some hire craft  will also leave the moorings when the fee is due to be collected preferring  to drop the mudweight in the broad .

    The revenue during the season is the only reason the pub is viable , cut the pubs income and it will be lost , no pub will mean less boats wishing to moor at the staithe overnight ergo overnight charges will have to go up to maintain income , a vicious circle caused solely by the greed of the BA trying to milk the toll payers twice .

    Correct 👍

  2. 10 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Amongst many specialist training duties I did in the RN.  One of the more unusual courses I did was demolitions.

    I probably did the course to get out of some other odious duty or task thinking I would never have to use that particular 'Skill' and besides it was a couple of days away from normal ship alongside tasks

    That theory went to pot during a visit to the Virgin islands when we had to carry out a disaster relief operation after hurricane Allen had devastated St Croix in 1979.  It went wrong again during my time in the Falklands, proper dodgy that was

    Now though maybe, just maybe I can at last put my training to a worthwhile cause. :default_icon_e_surprised:

    Anyone know where I can get hold of some Cordtex or Semtex? :default_norty:


    Can't help you locate anything.

    But I am prepared to join the long line of folks willing to help you carry the stuff 😁

    • Haha 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Take your point Fred, but what about the old bridges at Acle, Ludham and Wayford, which have all been replaced over the years, due to road improvements?  They were all of the same type of arched bridge as Potter or Wroxham.  In the case of Potter, the bridge was never replaced because the old railway provided a convenient bypass.  There has been talk of a road bypass to Woxham in most of my living memory but sure enough, it has never happened.

    Anyone remember the old hump back, going over Wayford Bridge?  It wasn't that long ago.






    Photos from Wherries and waterways, by Robert Malster.

    Don't remember them Vaughan only seen the pictures like above.

    But you do have a point 👍

  4. 2 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    I bet we will all find our boats easier to steer after that, as the "squat effect" of the narrow river will be greatly reduced by having deeper water.

    Squat is a function of the square of the speed so at 4 MPH , squat will be minimal.

    The only way your steering will be effected is by shallow water effect which has nothing to do with speed hence not squat.

    Squat, a very misunderstood and while quite real, effect.

    Squat, perversely sucks down your vessel to a deeper draft when you navigate in shallow water.

    Shallow water effect interferes with the flow of water around the rudder and happens regardless of speed.

    I can explain more but it is rather complicated 😳

    Bank effect caused by narrow rivers is something quite different although the hydrodynamic causes are very similar.

  5. 1 hour ago, rightsaidfred said:

    I have no wish to spoil a good moan, I to have a boat that used to go through regularly and I agree the bridge itself is of little value, while I am no great fan of saving things for savings sake it seems a bit of a contradiction when many who want to preserve the heritage of the Broads and its boats etc. are calling for another part of the country`s Heritage to be altered or removed, as the BA and navigation itself are not involved in the preservation or maintenance of the bridge it being a highways/English Heritage issue none of what we say is going to make one iota of difference.


    Good point Fred.

    Just couldn't help adding my opinion to Griff's.

    I can't see anything being done about that blooming bridge except for shutting it off permanently to road traffic. 😣

  6. 1 hour ago, Meantime said:

    It was 2006. I think that was the year we bumped into you (not literally) at Catfield. We arrived back at Potter the next day and you were just in front of us for the queue for the pilot, which enabled me to get that picture.

    If you zoom in on the picture below, whilst not the best quality, I still reckon there was about 6ft10in. or 11in.


    Thanks MT 👍

    As you say there was plenty of clearance going back through.

    I have another pic I took coming the other way which shows us almost totally filling the arch and with less than an inch at the top corners of the housing. A boat like mine and yours has the corners shaved off in the design to allow passage through arched bridges just like the picture above.

    I have no doubt your date of 2006 is correct so it could have only been 4 or 5 years previous that we were through there on our Calypso which was much higher and had square corners. 😳

     In fact I think we bought our Calypso in 2000

  7. 9 hours ago, Meantime said:

    Taken 1st July but what year? :default_smiley-taunt014:





    Yes that was the last time 😫

    And it's been the screen saver on my PC for many a year the second one.

    In answer to your question. I don't know but would like to 🍺

    Trouble is now just look at how many less visitor moorings are available at The Pleasure Boat compared to then.

    Sorry I said Ferry Boat not Pleasure Boat last night 😳

  8. your going to build a dam either side put a lock type gate in it, bring the boats in, pump enough water out to get them through then then refill and away you go, sure the BA would consider that.


    No need.

    Just demolish the old useless bridge 🤞

    Can't find a tinhat emoji 







  9. I for one would be glad to see the back of that bridge.

    It must be 15 years or more ago my boat which BTW was designed to pass under PH Bridge last went under.

    Maybe just Maybe pubs like The Ferry Boat at Hickling would have a better chance of .😳surviving.

    Edit to add at 6'6" air draft and probably a good bit less than that at a flat bridge we had no issues at the newer by pass bridge.

  10. 49 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

    Back in 2012 the BA attempt to enforce compulsory double mooring was thwarted largely by us minions expressing ourselves individually in writing so it is not a meaningless gesture.


    Point taken Fred.

    Maybe it was just the cynic in me revealing itself.

  11. 1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

    This is the other thing that gives me great concern, as a Broads boat owner.  The BA, as a typical Quango, are surfing the wave of a green agenda, by announcing all sorts of percentages of carbon neutrality by certain dates.  The next thing will be to put us under pressure to do likewise, but without doing anything to make it possible.

    I also notice we have not heard of any hire boatyards building electric boats, except day launches.  The impression I get from talking to friends is that they think that one day, it may be possible technically, to provide the power to run a cabin cruiser "for a couple of days", but certainly not yet and not for several years to come.

    Do we know if BA are actually re-fitting their launches this year?  If so, do they not think that the technology they are using might be also of interest to us?  Or might encourage us to research the possibilities?  If they are going to charge for moorings, does that mean they are going to use the income to install proper boat charging points?  Dream on!!!

    I think we should all be able to realise that the BA's next "green incentive" will not be anything to do with infrastructure - too difficult, too expensive, planning constraints, National Grid, etc., etc. -  oh no!  The next political move will be be to introduce an increased toll on diesel boats as a pollution charge.

    So bang goes your investment in the boat that you worked so hard to pay for.  You don't believe me?

    Watch this space.


    I also fully agree with this.

  12. 4 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    That's fine, coming from someone whose post above effectively killed it.

    So let's all just sit here like sheep and take what is coming to us.  At least I tried.

    Sadly, those of us who are not prepared to sit here and watch what our parents' generation created being frittered away , will fairly soon vote with our feet.

    Vaughan Please.

    I am not trying to stifle debate.

    I am trying to encourage, cajole, provoke some form of action.

    IMHO the best form of action is for us Stakeholders ( see I can use current buzzwords) to get together and have some sort of representation within the corridors of power at Yare House. Some representation that reflects the true feelings on The Rhond and not the Poodles that are supposedly representing us now and have been for years. Not fit for purpose.

    By all means please write to The BA and express your concerns I am just afraid that it will be filed away with all the other like-minded correspondence.

    • Like 1
  13. I suppose one good thing could come of the decision to charge for moorings is that if you wanted to spend a week at say Ranworth then £70 a week to park your own luxury accommodation on the Staithe has to be cheaper than hiring a cottage.👍😁😂

    • Haha 1
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