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Posts posted by FlyingFortress

  1. 10 hours ago, grendel said:

    playing devils advocate here -is it that unreasonable though, at best there are 3 moorings, and the swan has to pay to maintain those moorings and quay headings, so by charging they might raise nearly £100 a day, how much do new quay headings cost (I dont know, but £1000 a metre doesnt seem unlikely), so say they have 50m of quay heading (£50,000 and this may be a gross underestimate) and say they get the full income from the moorings 150 days of the year, thats well over3 years of income. for a business trying to keep afloat in the current economic climate, that may be faced in the next few years with replacing the quay heading, is that so bad- I dont know what the current state of the quay headings are there, (or how much they own- do theyhave to maintain the moorings for Southern Comfort too?), so that just my view on the matter.

    If I may politely say b######t

    It's the Norfolk Business Plan.

    If no one else has read it.

    Diminishing returns so squeeze the existing customers until the pips squeak.

    Don't worry because some other mug will be here next week/ year and they will pay. 

    And then no one came. 😳

    Then we will blame the Broads Authority, The National Parks, the Pandemic, Mad cow disease, foot and mouth, cost of living crisis in fact anything but our own greed.

    Seen it before and will contact to see it again until........ I have no Idea 😫

    • Like 6
  2. Angling is the No 1 participation sport in the UK so I must agree that not all are bad, and as you say it's probably wrong for the actions of a few to Tarr the many.

    I do find it is a more pleasant time on the Broads during the closed fishing season though 😥

    • Like 3
  3. Sorry Fred was not alive in the 50's and was not anywhere near the Broads in the 80's so cannot comment on those times.

    If what you say is true then I applaud your good work 👍

    I'm afraid this is what I mean by associated mess. Picked up from an unattended fishing line and cut by friends who were following in another boat as it was caught on my boat. 

    I am no expert but this cannot be good for wildlife. Neither can the discarded line that I have untangled from various ducks and geese personally not to mention assisting The Harbor Master at Oulton Broad catching and removing hooks and line from a very unhappy swan. Cudos to the Harbour Master as I would not have had a clue what to do if I had seen it alone. My assistance was fairly small as I used my dinghy to help corral the swan into the lock. The real heroes were The Harbour Master for taking charge of the operation and another fellow boater , who I thought was from Swan Rescue BTW ,who actually grabbed the swan so the HM could remove the discarded gear.  He was not from Swan Rescue, just a fellow boater who was shocked and distressed by the blood and injury to the wildlife.

    Sorry looks like it's upside down again 😩IMAG0069_BURST002_COVER.thumb.jpg.5115ac1cf046018247c1271f23f7ae25.jpg

    • Thanks 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Which is exactly what you would need if you started running electric hire cruisers on the Broads!

    Totally agree.

    It would be nice in an ideal world but unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world 😩

    But then if we could making all electric propulsion systems green AND make copper mining green AND make mining precious metals green AND the generation of electricity green AND etc etc.

    Surely it must be easier to invent a perpetual motion engine 🫣

    • Like 3
  5. I think that there is a place for EV's but not for everyone or everything as it is being proposed or should I say forced on us at the moment 🫣

    For example if it was not for Mrs FF' s range anxiety ( she gets range anxiety when the level in her diesel tank drops below a half) she could have an EV as she rarely does more than 20 miles at a time. That is of course with the proviso that her car parks on our driveway AND we have an ICE as a back up in case we need to actually go go somewhere. This of course means that you can afford to run 2 cars AND have a suitable home where you can charge it AND the home supply has the capacity.

    Before I retired my company were pushing the EV lease with quite favourable terms available. I know quite a few of my former colleagues who took advantage of this scheme as our "on call" nature of our job required a dedicated car to be available 24/7 so most had to run 2 cars anyway. Of course charging was made available at the Pilot Station car parks.

    In fact London owned the very first Hybrid Pilot Boat stationed at Gravesend ( built by Goodchilds at Burgh Castle 👍)

    So it can work for some but talking to some of my colleagues who had gone down the EV route they swore they would never rely on an EV for any long distance motoring.

    • Like 1
  6. On 07/03/2023 at 21:38, grendel said:

    Harlech is also a good place for nice steep hills, I remember going up the hill that leads to Harlech castle, and the car we were in ran out of oomph (ok there were 4 people my size on board) 3 of us got out and the driver managed to get going again while we walked the remainder of the way, it felt like walking up a set of stairs (the road are marked with the gradients 25% on the lower half, 20% on the upper section, then there is of course the other road from the castle - you are only allowed to drive down this one as its one way, not certain i would want to try driving up it.image.png

    That ain't a hill that is an incline. I can't do a Google maps screenshot but if anyone can try Constitution hill in Swansea. And If they think that is steep then I can give you another which is waaay steeper also in Swansea 

  7. 1 minute ago, Paul said:

    you know the easiest way to improve a BMW Z3 is to sell it and buy a Honda S2000, you'll need to add a few K to the pot though. It's the car the Z3 might have been if BMW hadn't dumbed it down. I seriously wish I hadn't sold mine when I did, prices are starting to rocket. 

    Is that like when BMW bought Rover because The 75 was soooo much better than the 5 series. Then killed it off before anyone could develop it ? 😳

    • Like 3
  8. Just wondered if you had been lucky. I took the Hooligan for a walk around there at the weekend and was quite surprised to see so many hire boats on the moorings. 

    All on the footpath however.

    • Like 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    I checked the speed to rpm’s  ratio on Trevor Transit earlier today. My van is the custom sport version, 2:2Ltr diesel four pot turbo. At bang on 70mph in cog six, the revs are 1’750. That’s acceptable

    Only 1’450 rpm lower than Zebedee, also 2:2 but petrol six pot normally aspirated with five cogs


    That's the German way though 😳

    • Sad 1
  10. 8 hours ago, NeilB said:

    Had a voicemail from my car dealer asking me to call back, got all excited thinking my new car was ready at last after waiting over a year.  Nope!  I'll be having the first of the 2024 model year cars, ETA is now end of June and I needed to choose a new colour as the "free" black was no longer free.  Only free option is "vapour grey" which means it will be hard to find if we get any fog!

    As it's a company car I refuse to pay for any extras due to BIK tax so grey it is then, current car is black so I spose it will be a change.  


    Looks like a really nice car 👍


    I would be pleased to own one 😁

  11. Always found a pressure washers the worst 😩

    Saw a few steel toe caps cut and toes removed 😳

    Mind you these were the ones that replaced grit blasters as the ones to remove paint and rust from ships hulls. 😳

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