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Posts posted by FlyingFortress

  1. Absolutely fantastic news.👍😁👍

    Well done you lot and thanks to Socrates for expanding on the news that Griff posted.👍

    I suppose an email of thanks to my local MP would not go amiss.

    Just let us know when you think the next time to contact our MP s is appropriate.

  2. I must say my answer to that would have been " go buy a Yaris then" 🫣

    Adaptive is probably the one gadget I would pay extra for on a new car. It's the one thing that Mrs FF's gadget laden Jeep has that I wish I had on my same age Jaguar. You can keep all the other bongs and bleeps but the adaptive is just brilliant. 👍


  3. It does seem to me that BRAG are operating under the radar at the moment and IMHO that is the best and only way to operate at the moment.

    If anyone of you are reading this forum I can only wish you every success 👍

    To also seem to have lit a fire under the totally useless NBSA' s collective backsides. Well done and keep those fires stoked 😁

    • Like 1
  4. On 24/03/2023 at 18:41, Wussername said:

    I think yes. It is a grudge payment. Not acceptable.

    The £5, £10, £20 payment all add up don't you know. At Horning, The Swan, there was a £50 payment, or did i dream it. I think that the average holiday maker may decide enough is enough. Unless you are fortunate  enough to be above average.

    I think what Mr W says here is the crux of the matter.

    The introduction a few years ago of the contribution boxes for water refills must have generated quite an amount of cash for The BA over the years.

    I always dropped a couple of quid in as I thought it would help with the upkeep of the moorings.

    Now I feel I am being ripped off by having to pay twice for moorings I can't see me dropping that couple of quid in the box.

    • Like 3
  5. Such a shame as the little park when it was first done was really nice.

    I had noticed the deterioration over the last few years but had hoped it would get a bit of a re vamp and return to former glories.

    It was such a nice place for both locals and visitors to spend a little while on a nice day.

    • Like 1
  6. 46 minutes ago, Wussername said:


    Grt Yarmouth. 

    "One full turn of the tide" comes to mind. Surely the right of every boatman, helm, to be able to seek sanctuary without duress for safety of his boat, for himself and his crew. Who are they who deny this fundamental right by imposing a financial obligation for their own pecuniary advantage. Disgraceful, absolutely disgraceful and should never be allowed.

    They don't and didn't.

    Well in my limited experience anyway. Just a mere 30 years.

    I can only think someone must have upset someone.

  7. Also good to see you have decent tyres on ZB 👍

    It's one thing I will not compromise on. 

    For Jaguar it's Pirelli or nothing.

    Tried Yokohama on my first Jaguar and they almost killed me.😲

    • Like 2
  8. WOTW was one of the greatest concerts I have ever seen.

    Missed the first incarnation but saw it at the O2 in the 2010's 

    Ricky Wilson played The Artillery Man and Richard Burton appeared as a hologram.

    There were some thin performances namely Jason Donovan but overall the experience was awesome.

    We did not get the best seats around a third along on the right of the stage but when a war machine marched past us breathing fire that actually warmed up I distinctly remember saying " well you don't see that everyday" 

    Like you Griff it was the soundtrack of my youth.

    Enjoy 😁

    • Like 1
  9. The forum has gone a bit strange 😥

    So please pardon the duplicate post.😥😥

    Apparently the good folks of Potter Heigham are to vote on what to do with that blooming monstrosity.

    Son folks are complaining about the increase in traffic due to the monstrosity being closed 😁🍺😣🤣🤮

    The best scenario is demolition.

    But failing that please please please make it pedestrian only.

  10. Having a better look at the good photo this morning it seems that my speculation about stability was incorrect.😞

    The dock looks dry and the safety netting was rigged. There are still some items on the dock floor and the gangway,or in this case more correctly, Brow is laying on the Dock floor.

    I think you can see the port side props laying along the dock wall.

    There is talk if high winds but unless there was some miscalculation it seems unlikely to me to be a factor.

    But then I have been known to be wrong before 😥

  11. 4 hours ago, oldgregg said:

    Instead of CD's in a changer magazine, you have mp3 files (in folders) on a USB stick.

    It allows you to have more than just 6 'discs' and as there aren't any moving parts they're more reliable.

    You can't get them for all systems but this is the sort of thing.... https://www.xcarlink.co.uk/bmw-usb-sd-interface-business-radio-or-navigation-with-text-display-and-plug-and-play-harness-new.html

    Sorry M8 

    I am with Griff here.

    Not a Scooby

     and not interested 😥

    Now if you had posted something that would make it go faster......😁

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Looking at the latest (Good) photo, I'd say it has been in dry dock sometime as there is fresh anti foul and a proper clean hull below waterline.  Therefor I'm deducing it had been sat on the keel blocks just fine, the port n stbd legs from the dock walls to the ships hull - I think the problem was with them, maybe they were removing some prior to flooding the dock and removed one to many!


    I had missed that Griff 

    We as ships officers do spend a lot of time focusing on ensuring stability on entering dry dock.

    It is much more simple leaving dry dock as you ensure the tankage is the same as on arrival. All entered in the OLB ( Official Log Book) or as near to what you see in fiction as The Ships Log.

    It is quite possible as you say that the tankage of the ship was different to her arrival and she became unstable on departure. Even on a small ship such as this the difference could be some thousands of tonnes. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Looking at the latest (Good) photo, I'd say it has been in dry dock sometime as there is fresh anti foul and a proper clean hull below waterline.  Therefor I'm deducing it had been sat on the keel blocks just fine, the port n stbd legs from the dock walls to the ships hull - I think the problem was with them, maybe they were removing some prior to flooding the dock and removed one to many!


    Maybe 👍

  14. Looking at your picture Mikey it does look like inadequate intact stability let alone reserve stability.

    Pure speculation of course.😥

    From other sources, The vessel belonged to Paul Allen a co founder of Microsoft and was used as a deep sea research vessel and was instrumental in locating many deeply sunk historical ships , I think the most famous of all for us Brits was recovering the bell from HMS Good.

    She had been laid up after the Pandemic but had now been sold to new owners maybe hence the drydocking.

  15. Complete speculation.

    It seems like the ship missed it's keel blocks.

    On small ships like this the ship ( 74m I believe) the keel has to land on the keel blocks and then is propped up from the side of the dock as the water is pumped out. Yes just the same as in a canal lock.

    When entering the dock control over the ship is given over to the dock workers and basically bow and stern lines are passed from either bow and quarters (stern) . The ship is then winched into position and located on the blocks by laser measurements and then the dock is pumped out.

    Very important for the ships officers is that the trim is correct as determined by the dry dock ( usually a small trim by the stern.

    If this trim is incorrect then the ship will take the aft blocks and as the ship becomes progressively more unstable could potentially slip off the blocks and something like the article happens.

    Or the dry dock got it's measurements wrong and it missed the keel blocks.

    In all fairness I have never seen or heard of this happening .

    Larger ships land on a series of keel blocks and require no propping up from the side. It still has to be right though.

    The stability of any vessel on taking the bottom is complicated and is more so in a controlled bottoming out such as a dry docking 

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, ZimbiIV said:

    Well my Ultimate hair dressers car, a mark 4 MX5 2 litre remapped, has a cd player, sd card slot and usb player so what do I listen, to usually local radio!. 

    The remapping raises the bhp to 240 and tyres to zero!

    I still miss my TVR Tamora (remapped) 415 bhp of noise, in a car weighing less than a metric tonne, in the dry 0-100 in 7.8 seconds 0-60 2.9 seconds. These figures are from the 1st owner on the Nurembergring.

    In the wet left it at home!



    Impressive 👍

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