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Just When You Think You Have Seen It All.


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I may be wrong here, has been known, but, before you pass through the bridge from the New Cut or from Berney Mill, there is a sign, a good sized sign, warning you of strong tides ahead. Or am I thinking of somewhere else?


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It's lots of things really - experience (or lack of), simply not spotting the sign (anyone done that on the road before when you concentrating on something else like new road layouts?), not reading the manual, research and plain old fashioned ignorance and stupidity.

As someone said when a bit of panic kicks in all hell breaks loose.

I always find the signs at Reedham a pain, especially the new LED board. Often I have to be in the point of no return to see if the bridge is open, but have plenty of control to hold the boat where it needs to be - I would hate to have to do it in a hire boat with a bit of tide following me.

Remember the current can be your ally not your enemy if you know how to use it - or is the worst thing on earth. Unless you have experienced it, it is hard to understand how it all affects the boat in reality.

The good news is no one was harmed or got wet. 

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