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Broom Scorpio Help Please

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I have acquired a 1976 Broom Scorpio this weekend,  

It had been fully refurbished and has a new outboard. 

The screenis fogged and difficult to see through.  I have found a replacement at a good price. 

My question is,  how easy is it to replace,  I can see that it is screwed via a aluminum frame,  is it likely to be bonded in or just sealed with some sealant .. 

Any advice would be welcome



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Did I see you go past in this over the weekend? 

We have just refurbished Purple Pearl, a Broom Speedboat that lives at Thorpe. 

I very much doubt that the screen is bonded to anything. These things are so old that I can't believe that they will have been apart a number of times. Your's certainly never left the factory with that holly and teak laminate on the decks! 

When we took Purple Pearl apart, the windscreen was attached using nasty sprung steel clips that take a self tapper. Many were missing. We reseated the screen on glazing sealant and used M4 machine screws, washers and nuts. If I were to do it again, I would use Bear Tape or Trimseal rather than the glazing sealant as the clean-up was troublesome. Protect your decks with something to stop the edges of the screen from scratching it when refitting.  

There's some photos of our work on the Kingfisher Boat Services facebook page. 


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