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Nbn Summer Meet


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Hi every body its The Wench, I thought I'd just tell you what a lovely weekend we had at Oulton Broads. The weather was very hot and sunny, we had our youngest daughter Kim and Alfie our youngest grandson with us. The journey from Stalham to Oulton Broad didnt go entirly to plan, we started off on Friday and ended up staying the night at St Olaves. The tide across Breydon just didnt stop ebbing, so it took us longer to get to the actual meet than planned.

We arrived at Oulton Broad squeezed in between Friday Girl and a Green boat (sorry cant remember the boat name Paul), Our little boat did us proud we no trouble with Her and meet up the gang, Alfie kept fishing, Charlie went chatting, and us two girls, just kept sunbathing. Kim got browner and my legs stayed white, not matter how much sun lotion I balmed!. Arms got brown back got brown, face got a bit of colour, but my legs stayed white.. We left it late for a shower just before six thinking it would still be open, but oh no it wasnt. So Kim had one on the boat, only to find out the drain was blocked, not by us but by the previous owner. So I ended up having a bowl and a flannel while Charlie tried to unblock the shower!.

Id like to thank Charlie Griffen of Broad Ambition spending time showing Alfie to fish, as Charlie (his grandad) was unable to help as the heat caused his legs to swell right up. Back to the shower block, we found out how much it cost but no sign saying what time they opened and shut. At 7pm we went over the road to meet up at the Indian Resurant what a shamble they was, enough said.

We meet John Daughter and friend, and got on like a house on fire, the wine flowed well, which made up for the meal.

Alfie done more fishing caught lots of fish, and lost a huge one witnessed by John, as he was getting on Friday girl with Mary Jane.


The Wench

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