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water tanks

Guest Jonny

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If thats the case Rod! then I think Ken Nevard is the guy Jonny needs to speak to, he's good and he's cheap, the only thing is Jonny will need to take the tank out, which would also be a good opportunity to change that dreadfull pipework, the more I look at it the more supprised I am that jonny hasn't had a major leak yet,,

Regards Frank,,

Frank less of that talk now wash your mouth out with carbolic :naughty:

I will have to get some photo's taken the first day i am down there & ask Brian if i can use his mac to upload the photo's to the site. i would like a nice setup with plastic piping or some strong stuff with a big enough water tank & a calorifier dont want to spend sill money as i have other things that need doing as well.

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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I think its coming down to its a job thats going to need doing so better get it done propper i hate that home made jobbie so i think that would be on my list to go first :lol::lol:

but we will have to see how much the job is going to cost. i have got a holiday coming up you know :cry:cry

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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Hi Jonny,

there is nothing unusual about your calorifier tank, we have loads of them, I think perhaps position is a bit odd and the pipework not up to date as although the tank is kind of insulated the pipes are not.

If you want a immersion then either get one fitted or get a new tank but I suggest the tank is moved closer to the engine as the shorter the pipe run the quicker your water will heat up.

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Hi Clive

i dont think there would be any other place you could put it unless you moved the front well steps out of the way or mounted it in the engine bay.

Jonny ice sliceice sliceice slice

£250 on new tyers :cry:cry outch!!!

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yes Jonny,

put it next to your engine, under the deck behind the rear steps, There is a little platform there already :)

will have to have a word with Chris he must be getting sick of my asking for quotes by now :oops::oops:

will be looking more in to this when were down in April.

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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