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Hi Rob

We are doing a bit of both this year. I have also been up the marina this weekend fitting tube heaters. Being a tight sod I have them on stats so I dont pay for any more leccy than I have to :grin:

I have also put the dehumidifer on board.My only worry is that because of the design of my raw water system I cant get into it to pour some anti-freeze in - but with the heaters that should be ok.

Having said that the heaters are only any good if the leccy is on and has not tripped for some reason.

In the new year she will come ashore for two to three months for some TLC.



Hi Wayne

last year at brundall bay,we pre mixed 5 gallons ant freeze 50/50=10 gallons put 5 through strainer of each engine,need to use a large funel or tip from container ,this was as recomended by workshop there, hope this helps, eng=2xvolvo tamd 63p

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Hi Wayne

last year at brundall bay,we pre mixed 5 gallons ant freeze 50/50=10 gallons put 5 through strainer of each engine,need to use a large funel or tip from container ,this was as recomended by workshop there, hope this helps, eng=2xvolvo tamd 63p


Thats what I did on my first boat last year :grin:

Problem is this one only has a strainer right next to the sea cock and obvioulsy when I pour water in it wont go uphill :naughty:

I have thought about making a threaded adaptor to go on the end on the strainer to which I can attach a hose to a large container with a tap on. I can then put the container higher than the engine and hopefully fill it that way. Or cut in a valve somewhere at the top of the engine.

Either way I am now concerend about the previous comments re; getting A/F into the manifolds etc as the engine would not be running :o

best regards


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