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Hardley windpump


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On our 2 week boaty binge we stopped at hardley mill as the sails were turning, something we've meant to do for ages but never got round to (the pub's too close...), a well recomended stop and a fascinating tour by a man so crammed with knowledge about the renovation of it, and a fantastic view from the top platform (you can walk around it, if you dare).

You just can't bring yourself to only put the £2 entrance fee in the pot at the end.(it was never asked for, just a donation pot inside the door)

It's just a shame it no longer pumps water into the river but back into the drain.



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Did you notice how it 'leans'.   Apparently it was built that way,  yes I have often had a chat with Wally , (there are two chaps who are a wealth of infornation but cannot recall the other chaps name)   hubby went up to the top , being braver than me.   It is a really good stop off  and as you say the pub moorings are relatively round the corner.

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