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Problems importing RAW files


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Hi All

I have been having a problem over the past few weeks when I come to import RAW files. It doesn't matter whether I use Windows picture import wizard to copy the files to my hard drive, or do it direct from Lightroom, but a percentage of the pictures end up with corruption. :cry

If you look at the pictures in Lightroom along the filmstrip, they all appear okay to start with, but then at random seem to get bright coloured blocks at the bottom (usually the bottom right corner). Occasionally the whole photo turns yellow and magenta. I thought originally this was Lightroom, as when I viewed the photo thumnails in windows explorer they seemed ok. However, when opening one of the affected files to view full size, it seems to be okay until windows has finished rendering it and then gets corrupted. I have checked the files in the memory card, and they are fine as if I delete the dodgy files from the hard drive and then re-import them they are ususally okay. :?

Has anyone had any experience of this? It seems the corruption is occuring at the time of transfer from card to hard drive, so next time I am going to plug in the cameras USB cable rather that using my card reader.

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Hi Mark,

You may remember I lost my photo files a couple of months ago but I managed to get some back using a recovery programme but most of the RAW files were currupted as you describe, I posted a question on the recovery website but never did get an answer,


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Could be a number of potential reasons.

I have a habit of re formating the card after I have transfered my images; to date I have not suffered any corruption. I am not saying this is the answer but might be worth a try in future.

These may be of interest:

http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read. ... e=30324350

http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read. ... e=28725889


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Thanks for those links, and they certainly do describe what I have been experiencing. One of the photos shown as an example is exactly what I get. This morning I took a few dawn shots from my bedroom window, but when I imported them into Lightroom, I used a USB card reader instead of the one built into my PC. There were no corrupted files this time, but I do not know whether this is down to there only being a dozen shots, or if the different card reader really did make a difference.

I have downloaded the memory test program mentioned in one of the threads and mine checked out okay, so that's one less thing to consider anyway.

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