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Techie session


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Hi All

A while ago I posted a thread to find out if anyone would be interested in a little get-together with the the focus (pun completely intended :grin: ) on the more technical aspects of photography, rather than composition etc (for that side of things, refer to Bruce & Paul !).

After meeting up with a few members last week, the idea was raised again by Bob (Happy Days), so I thought I'd ask the question again.

This would take the form of an informal stroll, maybe around Norwich city (unless anyone else has any other good ideas) on a Sunday morning. It would be intended to explain, in layman's terms (cos that's what I am) things like depth of field, shutter speed, aperture etc or anything else anyone had a query with to help you get the most out of your cameras (SLR or P&S)

I do not profess to be an expert on the subject, but I know enough about the theory behind photography to be able to help with most basic concepts. Don't expect to get any stunning photos on this one, but hopefully with a bit of information, it could make your future photography a little more fun (or at least explain why a particular shot didn't quite work!).

Let me know if interested, and we'll sort out a date. I was thinking of maybe Sunday 22/2/09 at about 09:30 in Norwich unless there are any preferred alternatives.

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I hadn't twigged it was half term :oops: and as it turns out I am now up to my neck in it with work, so it may be better to postpone for a couple of weeks, say until Sunday March 1st?

Would that suit people better (sorry to mess you all about.....)

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Hi All

So if I've got this right, it looks like we'll aim for the 1st of March (ONE week later than originally suggested, I just cant count ;) )

So far we have:


Paul (lorofsealand)

Colin (newf)

Col (HappyJax II)

Trevor (chriscraft)

and possibly Pete

Any one else interested, let me know, or just turn up on the day. I would propose to do a bit of a stroll around Norwich, meeting at the pay and display carpark near the Adam and Eve pub at about 10:00am, (if anyone isn't sure where this is, pm me for directions) and we'll just see how the fancy takes us and what develops (ouch)! :grin: We could then walk down the river past Cow Tower, to Pulls Ferry, up to the Cathederal and on to Elm Hill taking in all the historical sights. There is plenty of scope for mucking about with depth-of-fields, exposure compensation and so on.

As this is a tech type session with the emphasis on using manual features of the camera, it may be helpful if you have a specific problem or query, if you could dig out that old manual that came with your camera. I am okay with Canon (and Paul is even more so) but anything else I would struggle with.

We'll firm things up, or adjust as necessary, nearer the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

Looks like it's going to be a bit sparse then, but never mind.

Okay, so we plan to meet at 10:00am in the public pay & display car park next to the Adam and Eve pub. I'll assume everyone knows the ring road okay, so I'll start from there.

From the cross roads on the northern ring road where Salhouse Road starts, go down through Mousehold along Gurney Road (ie stright across the traffic lights if approaching from Salhouse). At the roundabout at the bottom take the third exit along Barrack Street, past Green's fitness centre. At the next roundabout (the one with the Puppet Theatre), take the first exit towards the city along Whitefriars and over the river. At the right hand bend in the road there is a turning on the left called St Martin at the Palace Plain. Take this turning and follow the road down to the sharp right hand bend. On this bend is a left turn, which takes you to the Adam and Eve and the car park.

My mobile number is 07810 354277 for anyone who gets lost! I've attached an aerial view (courtesy of google maps), and you can see the car park at arrow B.

Should anyone feel like joining us, just turn up on the day. :wave


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