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Posts posted by 650xs

  1. did we mention the floating shop ex ricos boot or chumley boat can,t quite remember ...............




    meetin mr diver super star lord chet ..................


    many many times diving for gold on them props ..........


    good ole john and his dad and wife ...................




    seeing little ole henry selling his super doopa windmills at the yard at south gate s all made from real bricks .............



    etc etc etc .................




    letting the ole port and haven boys chase yer around wroxham while water sking through the bridge  and midd inte racing oppppssss............





    towing loads of boots around the broads when all was quite ................in the depth of winter



    not soul to see ............



    chasing holiday maker,s  around all the pubs for keys for boot s on break downs ......



    calling the eel man at horning and telling him I ve  of got all his nets in a pile to collect from a boat props and tangles ..!!!!!



    getting chased by the cockerel at hearts .look out he is behind you ...........

  2. congrats young george ...................................and his good lady to 



    glad all ok ........................................



    from all at wayford past and  present ................................



    your turn to get up ...................................................




    welcome to parenthood .................................




    just remember my tow boat is faster than  yours ........................!!!!!!!!!!




    all the best too all .....................................jon 

  3. argh loook a good ole ship mate at the wheel................................



    ohh dear still feell sick ..............................adam ....................................new ship mate and first sea voyage .....gurrrppp...!!!!!



    naw up the yare to the yarco land just stop orf at the petrol station on south town rud  more drinks bisuits mars and ohhh yep petrol 



    and we didn,t get a charge from the port authoraster ...!!!!!!



    no bad 2 mile s to the gallon 



    and as we go up the river this great ole hotel ship ??????



    naw won,t be long soon be back hum ............................


    in next several hrs or so still pusin tide ................!!!!!!!!arghhhhhhhhh.........................






    • Like 2
  4. naw we oot at the big ole blue stuff and all good going backwards fast with oot bord flatt out and wind in sails



    so were fiting tide ,which we knew we would doo, so ****,s  all over side from last nite indian and farting in sail to get us to move faster than the gull sat on the marker bouy taking the widdle as we past ,best flatt oot narfolk style yer naw .......



    nice calm day and grey cloud,s  when we left but, naw look nice with sun on back as we creep along towards yaco land



    so ill climb up the mast to take a pic of the lazy crewe



    so its true we can escape the clutches  orf ole wayford and the ant and do go past barton some times



    after many an hour or two we made land again .....yoippee




    • Like 1
  5. do I sell boat,s  and work on them sail them and do the lifts and stuff and all that too blimmey .................





    thanks for the nice comment's tooo guys ........




    up yer pipe I say ........!!!!!!!




    it will sell when the rite  person come along may be now may be later ..!!!!



    good luck with yer sale and if we can help just ask I don,t bite .....

    • Like 4
  6. saw this on way oot too love these ...............



    I want one nearly went to look at carpeella and asco too  very similar



    while type this I have three heron,s  or ole franks fighitn and going haead tonite



    talki orf ole franks keep sucking on ole pipe thing with yer 300 volt cary case and yer engine is now in bits ....!!!!!



    send regard to  wife !!!!!!



    and new crewe  member rooking greene .!!!!!!! brrghhh...........



    ohhh dear shall I have to got and sitt on bow and out orf way and watch the seals




    • Like 2
  7. naw then orf to the big ocean we went with a motley crewe on board .......


    one very experienced sea captain .........with rose tinted glasses and an roy orbison hair doo



    one very experienced .broads sailing skipper  looks and style of jaun paul gauiter ..



    one rather shy retiring first time on a boot at sea crewe member .thourthgt it would be good ide to go on a boot with us for the day ..!!!!! ohh dear



    and me ,a large mouth big guttered self opinated no all now nofifng nunptie




    out orf the clutches of her long term mooring backwards and set fiar to stoft harbour ................




    rite on the ole vhf thangey and tell them that the greta ole hugge boot is coming through



    "I say mr bridge waller could you lift the bridge ole boy "....!!!!!!!



    naw .....!!!!!.******.....!!!!!!............arhh weel better get ther mast dunnm boys .??!!!!!



    so with a well organised as as well organised up fiddle can do the mast come dun like as quick as all narfolk stuff ..... slow ..when its ready and hang yer on ole partner it a miunute !!!!!




    just in time to ram brige ..thern orf to fight  the tide ..........



    with moota flatt oout and seagull,s  over taking us we were orf to the wide open sea ......



    naw than we have a crewe member who was a little shakey too with looking a bit green whilst I ate a sandwhich or two and a mars .ummmmmmmmmmm




    • Like 2
  8. try again .....................got stuck with calls etc



    been busy lucky boys we are too


    boat in and out and new customers to meet and see



    collected one or two and not sunk one yet


    had a little trip dun river and show yer hows it dun  too


    all lots of hp and poodle along to help the feul saving too !!!!!



    rite, up at  the  crack of noons on sunday to go for a little trip to lowestoft parts to coilect a little wafi boot    "sailing craft to collect and return back to wafford "


    back to inbreed lad where we are all in webbed feet .......!



    so in real terms meet at stoft to catch the tide from the salty side to ooot at sea ands orf to Holland .....................



    quick drul over some ole posh boots and fire the 10 hp whizzy two stroke up and caast orf ..................


  9. our three new boat are still in progress, to arvive the sedan is all done and now going to river trials


    the fisher is still to be complete


    the day boat is nearly there ..............



    and just confirm new fishing boat of 12/14 foot similated clinker too


    and two brand new speed boats too .........................



    may be more to come ..............................

    • Like 1
  10. no not another southerner or northener .............



    blimmey they will  let all in ............................



    welcome to alll i say ......................



    alwite guvvv



    ehh uppp



    naw than ladd......................







    AND TO TOP IT ALL YER  A HAPTTON SUPER YACHT OWNER TOO,.... OHH DEAR........ OHH DEAR ...........................!!!!!!!!!






    welcome to the bruds and enjoy ....................



    all dun in jess and to get a rise .....!!!!???????

  12. three blades catch three lots orf water .......!!!!



    four blades catch four lot s orf water .......!!!!!!!!!



    but be warned not as simple as thta talk to a prop expert not an ex ...pert 



    but be carfull 



    u can buy of the shelf .....................................



    check yer taper on yer shaft etc  clearence from skeg and bottom orf the ole boot etc etc 



    and of coarse get the correct " hand" ...........................l/h................................r/h..............



    not that  dear .............................




    search the net ........................???? there are lots of prop manufactures etc 




    talk to ...............................markwell ..peachmants etc  local ............go to sillet sonic ...etc etc 




    ask some people who have same hull etc as yer boot and see what they got on her with asame type of engine etc 



    or try a decent correct pitch prop for yer boat secound hand good one with good "ring to it "




    talk to me i have some props to try ......migth fitt 





    but there is more technical and indepth for whole prop thing ..........................look at turbina ,s props all that time agoo............ummmmmmmmmmmm



    horse for coarse,s




    i n reckon a nice five blade surface peirce/ cleaver  job for me ........................with 850 hp ................!!!!!!!

    • Like 2
  13. good reply young deebee..............................



    nicely put nad honest with no waffle to the point and yer now yer limits .................



    but patronizing aside with knowledge come experince ...............................



    thumbs up and a lokie ohhh ohh........................................from me ...............self like too...!!!!



    and yer a norther too blimmey ..........................oppss .....

    • Like 1
  14. not sure if correct but need some boats for our boat sale chap, he is a star and needs boats to sell as a bit low on boats to sell 



    all styles needed and customers waiting for correct craft ..................................



    call mike ..................he is a nice chap and very polite ..not like me !!!!!!!!




    he needs boats ..............all types from large to small..................................



    blimmey did,nt think yer would run out nor ask but we doo..................................








    just ask we can help ...................................

    hope all good ................???

    regards ......jon

  15. lokike ..loki ...................loooke 



    like ...................................liiiike





    al the same like kilke........................like .......................................



    arghh blast spelt it at last ish 



    like .......................................................................but push me own like button ..............!!!!!

    • Like 1
  16. please enjoy yer hols on the water ..................................................


    pay yer price whaether it be hi or low 


    yer can stay or gooo



    yuo can waffle for days on this ..................................and no dowbt will........................



    as yer say in comparsion and 95p a day not bad ...........................................



    yer can have my tolls bill and tolls  if yer like ......................and see what the hire flleet boys and girls pay 



    enjoy and good commments too ....................................

    • Like 2
  17. £22.00 per week .................or so not bad ................................



    yer get it back / knock off if yer go for full toll .........................



    just my thorgth.......................................



    i do see whar yer come from but 



    £22.00 per week .......................




    how much to visit some orf the ole natinal trust places ,lakes walks passes etc ......!!!!???????

    • Like 2
  18. naw jon is anti royal, only royall i support is the posh superb briiliant boats  in wroxham 



    orange and white for me .......................................royall and sons....................



    not some two minute used by some numbtie queen and scounging tax dodging claiming largest dole famaily in uk 




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