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Posts posted by 650xs

  1. we have large dose orf snow now yard is covered in the white stuff and its lush ,..........


    more to come


    pics later ................


    love it


    and still customers are coming in from chichester ,reading far away too  etc so good on them I say ....


    we are open 7 days until the snow makes me take the dogs out for a long walk ....!!!!!!

    • Like 6
  2. we are looking for old dinghies

    wooden ones

    clinker or plywood etc

    sailing or rowers too


    we will collect


    must be complete and not complete rotter fit for fire but we will come to see all


    we will pay good money for rite boat too


    give us a call or send pics we love them all


    thank you ....jon wms


    ohh and as always wooden yachts ..... :wave

  3. we are about to put together a forum discount  group booking for boat safety bookings /inspection on here if that helps 


    here to help 


    how quick do you need it 



    there are several b/s people out thar on the broads we only use respected ,with a good boating back ground and knowledge of the boats and all equipment 


    keep in touch 


    happy boating

    • Like 2
  4. for the best results to address this use a very good french polisher who knows his onions they can do this easy and match it etc it that filed 


    the antiques trade know what to do how to sort out such issues 



    all sort sorts chemical like proper wood bleaches to oxalic acid then pigments to correct colours, sealer from single pack/two pack .alchol based ,water based and pre cat types etc etc 


    grain filler ,woode sealer ,selalc sealer coloured and self colours to 


    oil varnish s heat rest sellers and both and all types or lacquers gloss to semai matts etc etc etc arghh phew the list goes on and on..................bored now ...........

    if yer want it rite use the man who can 


    if yer want a risk and do it yer self 


    if yer wiling to give it a goo do it ,if yer want it rite ...................nooo



    diy ...don,t envolve yer self ................ :naughty:


    either way let us know how yer get on as we all like to hear the out come of all stories and info ....wel i do...................orf to work bye..

    • Like 1
  5. try this some pics and info


    which paint to choose some old stuff in errr



    got these old brusheds too, quick clean in petrol and wipe dunn plenty good enough for ole oot bood to paint primer on use to clean and degresas etc


    waste not wan t not ehh upp


    now then found ole tin orf paint quite goods tuff too ,super strong brilliant white and the dogs to shine too its free ! that the main thang err is  to do the hole thang on the cheap and make it work...


    one little prob been stood a while in old dusty corner orf yard ,move it and bottom rottern so all white floor now ,quick transplant the good stuff in to new tin ...savings savings .......



    bucket got ole petrol to clean ole engine bits cheaper than deagreser but not to safe ...now whars me fag ..!!!!!


    pic of gear box looking a bit sad but im sure we can rebuild her ...I hope



    look close a t the drive shaft ohh dear ohh dear


    still got to get it oot orf crank yet



    now then I stil need to find the rite colour for the out side orf the engine ........ant suggestion got retro or new modern



    poss prop is beyond repair but I will give good go to rebuild it just for demonstration purposes :naughty:








    • Like 3
  6. rite because i,m planning to do this from ole bits, scrap parts etc aqnd a donor engine iff needed to come out too

    i will use worn discarded sand paper rag and and paint to tidy up the new stands

    there is an old sayin that yer can poss run a small boat from the rubbish from a boat yard

    i,m going to tidy up stand and new engine bench with some old sand paper and old paint found in ole tins .left overs to me .........all quality gear too yar know

    so orf to hunt down some primers and selaers and wild paint ......

    me and" bear gryls" are or to the paint cupboards and siev througth the wrecks i own to see what we can find that will go orf, so test first all old paints and make sure they cure orf other wise yer look a sily billly if yer paint the whole thang ,only to watch it run orf to meet the floor in a sticky pile never curing and making a puddle messs or colours on tha floor ..........opps see i do larn but not alyways

    now can i find a nice colour .........................will see

    so engine stand and engine test bed all to be tidied up as the bolt togther and sand tidy up all dont take money just time with old bit s of sand paper and recycled thinners i,m orf on budget tidy up

    now orf to find some stiff brushes to reclaim in the paint pots ...i did say all on the cheap ....tigth ****

    so far spend has been two new botls ,out orf stock but new .......damm the expence 1.75

    one can of suppa doopa carb cleaner 2.50

    power to drive the drill and grinder estimated and compressor too..................1.50

    cost orf engine estimated 100.00

    see cost are building up ........................

    now save on next lot of works to do.......................................

    tea, chocolate bars and cans of coke are from my own personnal pocket, need some thang to eat fund

    well no input no output .......

    I started this some time ago in my world nad do this in eves when ive got the eneegy


    • Like 3
  7. the wind came and gone then sun ooot and then a dull day or two ...............


    now some nice sleet ,snow and rian and brrrrrrrrrrrrrr temp ...........................nice 


    bit orf froze ....................................



    boats in sheds are coming aloong a treat 

    queen has new roof and skin resin etc ,plus inside is looking better with more tidy up and paint work etc 


    rebuild broad s boat has now new roof fitted all painted and fitted to suit the top ready fro resine ply and new scrim skin to water proof


    clasic 1930 powles is nearly done all repairs all varnished and all tarred just little jobs ready for launch in next few days 



    latest broad s yacht in other shud is steaming along too .......stripped back end out all hull has been routed out and hull sanded to lok at paint work 

    deck covering all gone to 


    a few people this week and nice to see some old friends pop in too


    still as always on mass clear out skips are full and just launch a classic woodie in slip but out orf slings after 3 yrs not bad i say 


    boat sales ticking along phone do ring too so not bad 

    few swans roaming around ..............................and pike fisher folk no boats from private to hire 


    awaiting deliv of some boat this week now fed up with delays due to road trnasport nad rivers in flood 


    and also will lose some too orf to far way destination up norf.......brrrrr.................ehh uppp

    • Like 5
  8. had to cut the mid section to gain access to the drive shaft to then be able to get a cutting disc in thar grrrr



    once dun engine orf from the mid section then onto special new design engine stand .ole saw bench


    a cheat again to lift power head from mid section to the secret new engine set bench ....!!!!!with engine hoist 


    now reinstate the starter ready for the comp test etc 


    so stater on batt coupled on and a quick set up orf the comp test equimp 


    blimmey all good all good all the same 115 psi ..greta some good news .....


    spins freely and nice too 


    lots orf sucking and blowing 


    not bad for 1975 


    when i took plugs out they were brand new not been run so i reckon someone was half way through the service etc till the leg /gear box etc go bettter orf them 


    gear box is a bit sick from all the hammering and lorry testing so i will investigate later 


    next i will strip carbs and inspect and clean 



    i now plan to rebuild on engine bed test bench to fire and run i will add water to run for a few munutes to see how it sounds etc 


    all as is thne retro fitt to a new mid secrtion and gear box to test run a load 


    once i,m happy with all i will strip to see the water  jackets etc and see if i need to carry on 


    when all said and dun i will repaint, check all in detail and give it a make over doffo not green ...................








    • Like 6
  9. rit eohh i,m on best i can .....


    in reality i looked at and said sod it, come back later when energy and   entuusasuim 


    is high


    so i did 


    rite once the engine was on the new super doopar  stand and i knew it was not ceased i proceeded to look into this lump further is it worth doing?????


    i did check to see it thar was not too much play in end float i.e. up and dunn movement in flywheel and to see if crank bearing are a little worn  and it was all good 


    rite next job remove the air box ,carbs and starter etc to look inside the inlet side off things ,what we suck the good stuff in tar know 


    all bolts came un done so far all good air box off and carbs and linkages all removed all looks ok and clean part from a year worths off dust etc 


    block was cleaned with a carb cleaner and blown down with air with carbs on first to remove almost oll debri etc externally .of coarse the inlet were rag guarded to stop stuff going in ..........



    i was going to delve deeper into engine before test ,with compression test or even see if to start before i got to carried away but found too many little things missing,fuel lines links and balance pipes broken coils etc etc etc , so stopped to proceed to strip and investigate as is what is .....


    also the mid section and gear box had been in a battle before the lorry decided to try to kill her off.............ohh dear more issues ...keep going ..........


    some one had given it a goo with chisel and best hammer ......and lost .....!!



    so had  a poke inside the reed block and lower crank case to see a nice bright clean inerds ....................good ...good so far 



    now battle with her to spin over with starter back on and com test to prove condition off the top end or ....betterr still just slip orf the gear box etc .........well i was bored so decided to got for the little job off the gear box orff..............


    more ohhh dears ...........................



    lots off swearing ..cutting and levering to be done ,as the drive shaft was stuck like a stuck thang in the power head...not uncommon........a steel shaft in steel crank to connect drive from engine to gear box added with hint of yrs or contamination or salt water  and air from 1975 and no abba playing either ..........!!!!!



    blimmey that was a mess and a fews hrs to sort it ....but off now 



    so power head or engine as yer know it orrf to home made bench made from old table saw bench , more recyling to support the power head and bolt dunn to run with stater on and spin ove rot do all compression tests and leak done test too 



    pic to follow as the compute is on holiday from the real world and having a large family house with 7 on tuk internet i,m a bi slow with dunn loads and pics  .....great ,kids and gaming first .......what about my public profile i said ....umphhhhh............


    keep smiling and carry on ..............................love them 

    • Like 5
  10. whilst i have enough to do, i simple won,t leave it so i decided to bring a wreck from the dead, back to life with bits and bobs


    lying in the dust and dirt was a 70 hp 1975 omc outboard, to lay person an ooot board big un with grunt ....well it might go 


    she was bourgth by me some time ago as a non runner poss scrapper to rob bits from


    i foolishly  left her, once bought her,  on the side of the yard on a  pallet wrapped up and it got moved around and forgotten ohhh dear !!!


    what a numptie........................me 





    a nice chap who couldn,t get a good signal on his fone decided to run over the whole engine on palllet with his large lorry whilst staying in cab for over nite stay after large delivery previous day .ummmmm



    well after mutch shunting and sodding around and still not much better fone signal he managed to run over poor ole girl ouut boood and break the prop in two but not happy with that he decided to give it one more go and finally ripped his tyre to pieces 



    ohhh dear .......................never mind 


    when i came in the monrn and saw what he did, remember the ouut boord was on palleet on side of yard not in road way 


    i patted him on shoulder and said  "well dunn "



    **** ole girl sat in pallet untill i fell in love with her again she was taken to the den and put onto one side till i felt like it 



    so a few week ago i said "sod it" ill do sum thing for me ........a break from the norm still boat stuff but its a break for me 




    as i said i was to do this out orf bits and bobs all of it as much as poss......


    so first move her off pallet and make engine stand ......................ummmmm


    out of bits and bobs i said ....................soo hunt round the local boat scrap yard ,which is rite on my door steep to find sum thnag to make ouut bood stand ............


    simple and quick .......................easy good ole house basher treasel steel type 


    adjustable ,steel reasonably strong and cheap ............free ! tick some boxes so far 


    i,m to do alot of this as i can and cheap as poss and make mistakes/probs   too and show them too as i go along all to prve with some effort and time it can be done some how 


    so engine dragged across floor and new metal ooot boood stnad taken to den 


    simple lift engine put / hang on engine .........................nope 


    frame on stand not correct to fitt the bracket as too thin and not wide enough 

    back to scrap yard scrounge some ply wood and bolt engine to stand simple and safe easy fitt nice in middle to look rite and all steady ...................noooooo


    center of gravity is orf ok till i lean on ootboood to look at my lucky simple find so numptie bloke and engine head to floor at speed 


    one engine ,stand and numptie on floor                pratt.........!!!


    we do larn ...........................and admit mistakes ...............................dohh



    dissasemble and make it a wider foot pattern with off cuts orf metal in shud /den ,now modified and steady too once quick weld with ole rods found in ole box been stood for years too lots of old stock and old bits .....


    next to paint it  with some left over paint not new ...................ohh now .....



    now on its stand and steady ,time to look at it closer ...........................



    ohh ohh dear ........................ohh dear ..........................am i wasting my time .................!!?????



    i did and will cheat on some orf this as i,m lucky to have certian stuff!!!! but the i,m trying to do all this on the cheap out of ole bits and bobs 


    use orf the engine hoist is a must as i have a crappy back now ......and ole fart 



    shall we go on ............................?




    • Like 4
  11. now pics or the ole odd ball special stuff.............................. :norty:


    a good nite at a gig ......................lots of falling down water and some gigging too.....

    with all the beer goggle s lined up ................................


    look a broom with rover combination............................

    no bristles nor rover rot too thank god 


    one orf broom speed boats 


    a  special broom speed boat  with a rover  v8  sdi lump and connected to a jet drive and it does goo too 

    she wil be taken back to work shop for revamp soon and engine mods too

    drive like she is on rails and does,nt hand about and got a nice ole sound no silencers so lots orf v8 burble

    yet  i like a bit orf boat speed but havn,t put gps on this one, can,t remember the top speed  

    ohh good excuse for retest on private water 


    some ole classic odd ball omc stuff or outboards to the lay man 


    evinrude and johnson outboards 


    from 50s to 70s


    the dog waiting for a customer to bite .........good girl ..."attack "


    and a golden oldie nice little boat too superb condition and fast too .....more speed 









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  12. the wind do blow it took awhile to arrive and di too....


    lots off get up and go this week in the end 


    with boat transport in and out alot

    some leave and retrieve .......


    we collected a local boat for sale and nice ole ride it was too 

    been quite a few lookers on boats too and the phone is busy ,but a bit short on wife as her turn to be ill with coming in and looking white with a return look off "i don,t feel well " then off to be sick nice !

    so office staffing from poor ole long suffering wife a bit sporadic this week 


    nice woodie in shud has plank work all done and sealed and primes now bottom all tarred too just next coat off tart and tidy water line up quick five str treat and bilge paint little top side varnish we have made the hull shine a bit now with a coat off that mr muscle ronshine conron instant make hull shine stuff ..................................or really the hull was prepped and cleaned wiped and a good ole coat off new varnish dunn ......and now it do shine again a bit 


    classic  yacht in other shudd for tidy up has been busy too she will now have some major works dun to her more in the rest section when i get chance to rite it up no bad for a boot from the 1930,s ....so quite new for us then !!!!



    fishing quite and swans a lll come and goo with lots off grazing on the grass,no geese only susie when she wants to bother to say hello and the robin that flows me around the yard to see that i,m doing it alrite 


    was hoping for boat show trip but yard more important to catch up on work so will see what our friends can tell us about it when tar back....


    sitting here ritting and the wind is gusting so hard the noise from wind rushing dunn the chimney and the flapping vent flaps in the extractor fan in bog down stairs with  the occasional window whistle tells me the wide has got stronger too ....expect cover a ripp and stuff blown run yard i suspect .......grhhhhhhhhh






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  13. some strange thing s i have seen under boot s over the yrs

    a classic ole dolphin was collected on that day and back to yard she came new owner and rebuilt now well done that man ...I like the ole dolphins too...........

    she has a new hood and paint job now new cabins side too and run dunn the river a treat


    a wafi on a truck with deep ole keel she stayed for a year, owner not use then return from whar she came  a year later ...........what a shame


    a nice little relcraft from the era of the seventies  not bad for an oldie



    like these too ................


    went to buy this one with a man and it was shame and no,  good ole woods boot too I like these too


    plenty of ole yachts around .............









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  14. A bit back Jon you said you needed more information on this one, did you mean Timbers. If so I believe she was built by Ferry Boat Yard for Mr King himself, that is Mark's father more than that I am not sure.

    yep ye rite barry same info i have .........................................




    well she need a new home too

  15. arghh uncle doug ,she will be out soon just abit short on time staff and general get up and gooooo etc etc 


    she will sit thar for a bit its all ok at mo 


    the wafi in shud is going to shine when she comes ooot yer naaw,migth do her droopinh bum too...


    we are working on the powles 36  classic at mo and nearly done her so more room needed we hope 

    • Like 1
  16. bloody hell did full day to day and got some stuff dunn too 


    stiill loads to doooooo....


    up at crack of noon


    boat sin and out of transport nice to some ole friends too 


    lifted plenty to day and got a classic wafi out to in shudd for a spruce up and may be some mods 


    said good bye to some friends orf to the north with booot and dog too ,big ole dog ......


    nice to see ole friend from another yard on the south we exchange boat talk ,gossip and waffle til it stime to get on.................


    spent timme derigging a classic and also some thourgth on new drive system for a broads yacht may mor eto come later ...................


    erghh dog have yer seen my little sweetie jars i got for Christmas ....???????


    got two transport tomorrow one in and one leave 


    from thames to ouse what a mix we do all .....................................one artic on rigid hiab best orf both worlds 





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  17. ole wheerie and and huge ole plastic present and past still goin



    tom the dog sad as he leaves the office "time to go " i,wouldn,t go in thar he,s  havin a wobbler 



    now then is that a alien heading toward earth in the sky 


    or two missiles shot oooot orf the ole tractor.....................i,m not sure me self


    motor bikes or boats two stroke or four stroke make yer mind up ...!!!!!  all good plans and no time .....


    arghh cheff again ......................whole shallots umm.........rich beef in red wine ..ummmm melt in the mouth



    motor back after evening sail .........nice 








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  18. arghh rot, damp and dirty smellie oil, stagnant bilge shower water mix

    leaking diesel tank 

    nice ouse from ole thunder box too 


    arhhhhh the ole boot smell ca,nt beat it ..............!


    yep yer rite , can,t beat it ..................................

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