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Posts posted by 650xs

  1. i will as time goes on put on some off my pics of what we have been doing over the yrs 

    from when we took over the yard at wayford and even might go further back 


    just need to find some ole pics from the ole ole days rasp man clearing up a the ricos turn round days to jj at woods driving all mad 

    even far back as alpha craft to be laugh boats ,fiarcraft ,eastwood s need i go on 

    to river trip revue boats and sunk one too ,ohh dear 



    hope not to be to boring ..................................


    the pics will be mixed up as it takes me ages to find them 

    this is are ole friend with his steam roller helping flattern the rudd ohh the rudd 

    more of yard in a mess or look the same ?????


    always with a wet road..........ohh joy





    • Like 7
  2. well at last we have done some work 

    and with our friends at new targets got a web site which we can use 


    give it alook still under construction yer know and lots to do yet 


    we are always looking for boat s of coarse 

     any commnents welcome good or bad 


    wanted all boat for trade buyers and private 

     we do try our best to make it simple and less hassle 


    thank you look forward to 2015

    • Like 5
  3. new boat s............................................


    we have this one to come .............................34 foot sedan 

    new to us 

    and this hand made canoe to ...........................ply stitch and glue built local to

    and a brand new fast fisher too

    and a brand new day boat broads style copy of a local one  and a new12 foot  fishing clinker dinghy.....

    and two brand new 18 foot  crab /oyster catcher open motor boats 

    more to follow...


    most of these new boat will arrive from mid jan 2015 onwards


    we are on the move in 2015................more boats to come 

    being built built behind scenes yer know 


    a full working boat yard 


    we are re building a woodie too not complete new but close and for sale !!!!!


    not just hire fleet some private boats too




    • Like 6
  4. merry christmas to all..................................


    raise a glass to all present and past 


    a big thank yuo to all who have supported us over the year 

    a cheer to all our customer new and old 


    lets make 2015 a happy boating year 


    enjoy it  where ever you are and who ever you are .........................


    happy new year  cheersbar


    happy boating ........................................jon ,wife,family , boys at yard and the dogs woof........


    rite i,m off to cook the meal, but orrf to work first a for few hrs ......

    • Like 14
  5. well its been awhile to pass comments on stuff going on .......


    the yard is filling up slowly with winter boats 


    the time i have off recently has given me time to reflect ...................


    life ,job etc etc etc 


    so i will anounce what we are doing.......................


    off to hostpital for enlargment of mouth and down below too, as two for one offer .....!!!!!!


    well migth as well ......................


    trade wife in for new one ..................................!!!!


    yonger model less miles and has not rot in her too....!!!!!!!



    not reallly 



    yard is good what i have really been doing is building the new web site up 


    thnak yuo to my new web team and thnak for the old one too thnak terry ................


    "new targets" are our new web team and bloody good they are too with a superb professional advise on all matter to to doo with tuk inter web very helpfull and imformative



    these guys now there onions  but not boats ............


    we hope its a bit cleaner and easeir to use ........???



    all comments welcome too good or bad ive got broad shoulders 


    the wooden boats in shed are coming along at speed now with new team complete to aid boat restoration along with the expert of two of my best boys still in house of coarse


    queen look the nuts ......................


    and matts restoration /rebuild is looking not to shabby too well done 


    i will be adding pics soon ..........................



    all my works has piled up due to me not been at yard for weeks full time ,but back in saddle now and looking forward to a long winter with brigth days to help me along


    lifts to doo,engine works to sort ,web site to rite and genaral stuff of day to day yard 



    once gain big thnaks to all, with there wishes to my family over the last few weeks ....thank yuo 



    so if yer passing and want to see alot of boats in a proper working yard pop in i migth curse and swear and put kettle on too ...........................


    always happy to help 



    sorting screws out ohh what fun  that teach me to not pull away so fast in truck .....oppps 


    shed full of classic woodies....as it should be too love it .............."farther would be pleased"



    busy at home, while oi rest umphhh  "web central " all this to run a small business......!!!!!!!!!!

    look good but i anint got a clus what to do ......just wing it ...



    narr orff my land ....................!!!!




    happy boating ..................................







    • Like 11
  6. A sad ole day

    A toast to man who loved the waters of the UK

    From a man in the north who came to the south

    He came to conquer all waters from the fens to the canal network of the UK and even the Thames

    and rest on the broads.......

    he started some waterways causes to save some coarse s from middle level to the Driffield canal

    with help to the broads and would show support to the little boat clubs of the ouse and nene too

    Fromm middle level boat men club to the Dilham boat club too

    a man with water and love of boats in his heart and views. ...

    I thank him for my boat world and life....

    god bless....my old farther of the river

    R I p........Peter heward

    my dear ole dad....

    A sad day in deed

    From all at the broads happy boating...

    27 11 2014.......

  7. hello in deed went in and out .........................................

    simple look around and stuff ...................

    still breathing ........just

    did brian scan from behind and found little trace of brian ............................

    thnaks for concern .............................just busy ............................

    got new hair do to cope old age comb over

    rgards ..................................jon


    • Like 10
  8. hello sir ,look out for the v8 diesel make sure its a gooden 



    i take  it is the gm 6.2/6.5 turbo or non ie     n/a or ?????


    they like to rev but do tend to blow them selfs to pieces 


    not heavey enough flywheel amongst other stuff 



    rev very easily .....................make sure load is correct on prop keep revs down .....



    test befor yer fitt 



    look closely ............................watch them starter on them get correct one too many have the petrol one fitted and its a bit weak 



    nice boat ..............................enjoy it good luck .......................




    opsssssssssssss forgot ............................hello

  9. all cut from same planks done for speed ,strength and stuff all techincal etc 



    cut from same planks to be able to rebuilt with a frame/glamps  to set the shape in 24 hrs  and all the same grain pattern too so look proper too .and they doo



    well observed alan 



    not dun by me but supa doppa matt the trainee boat man ......not a printer ...!!????? in joke sorry 



    she is coming along nicely ......................



    so is the queen of light with extra staff on it now .................



    would yer adam and eve too ive got yet another cutlass bearing to doo too this week 



    it don,t rian it pours too



    been playing canopy repair man today too .water proof a large ole canvas one today  and got another to clean too for a little day boat ............................



    yet naother one to put on the cv .......!!!!!!!



    short ole day today with hum life a bit up and down so short time at yard ,feeling tied and old swollen knees


    and bad eye sigth and lack or get up goo too .........................getting old is greast fun .............

    • Like 6
  10. oh deep joy ..................



    two bolts to undo ...........


    not so simple I fear



    built boat on top of floor ,ontop of no access  to prop tube back of cutlass housing


    undo panel in bog ....


    remove hot tank drain system ,remove tank



    make a panel acess in fake bulkhead to gain acess to hopfully floor /bilge ,cut a new hole big enough to hopfully fit bit of body and arm to gain access to back of tube



    no such luck .either i,m too fat, old and got short arm or the nice chap who built this boat of 5 yr old  thorgth "well not in my life time will need that "



    ..great can do reach top bolt and remove, but sadly not bottom ,with chin up against rear proper bulk heads and pushing hard with arm stretch out as much as so still no joy



    and yes we did all the extension etc on to and stiff wire trick too etc etc etc


    push bolt out from under side ,easy ........


    renew .............simple  reseal ,new washer and lock orff...........



    install simple top bolt, bottom bolt ..ohh dear


    lets say a hole in bolt, a wire soldered to it, two people  and a bit of jigerry pokerey , swearing and yippes at last .only took best part of a day to sort ........................



    stil lifting boat and clean them bums .........




    go to tow three boats in this week for works to collect poor sick dogs so fire up the tow boat and were orf .............



    nice very hard wearing proper winter cover going on a classic to wrap up


    this is just the first fit ,to lay out the ole cover on the boot .it wil fit superb and be able to lift in sections as to man handle and also still cruise in depths of winter with access to port side and view from wheel house too all clever stuff yer know


    very strong well built too ,last for yrs  these are made to last and are not  in the realms orf silly money to just ask we do all ......


    all strapped made to fit not sag fully adjustable too



    these cover we have made for yrs too and are superb .........


    breath no sweating .........so good just come and see.................


    some good news to cheer me ole misert gut self up ...............


    at last look like the first new built 34 foot  boat to come to yard for sale is on its way at last .........more to come ..........we l I hope .???????



    head work still to do this one is nearly ready to fit, been all cleaned and re set valves too



    this old boats bum was a dirty ole girl and the water line set a bit too low too .............adjustment needed



    roof beams going in to the new rebuild woody ,,come  on get on with it ..............













    • Like 6
  11. blast and dam and !!!???XXXXXX>............grrrrrrrr.....



    to the time wasters thank you, you make my day go better ...........


    there have been several in last few weeks ........



    and another moan the a hole s who think they can just moor up wiss in me field and help self to take a paid customer mooring spot up ....


    look in complete shock while I explain in my bestest way with an ordeance from boat owners on yard why not just to piis in me bush, fish orf me land and general help yer self


    reply was didn,t know it was private !!!!!!!!



    di I walk runnd yer garden and wiss in yer roses ....now .............



    orf my land .......!!!!!!



    rite ....I,m orff

    • Like 5
  12. I have to agree too posh for likes of the real boater ........



    rite I,m now orf to rite up on the wifes new fashion designer boat shoes ,what to wear at dinner while on deck in a force .5


    then were orf to the the sivthhs to have nibble,s  at thar new stables / livery block ,just opened .............


    joined by the drkes and otftera  and sithson -jones too  which I,m sure yer all have heard of....................... "great friends of mine ,yers too ????"



    the nibbles are to be prepared by the well known chef from some whare in some narfolk village in Scotland,  with the only rustic fresh orgasnic grass with hint orf ole truffle and such ....urghhhhhhh.........



    ohh don,t forget to look at the stocks and shars on back page and of coarse all the consultnats in how to and not to do ..................



    with a hint of " how much for that house " with a little glimpse orf the river from the up stairs window learning forward balanced on bog view ....



    rite now ive up set the ruong ones ..I,m orff...........!!!!!!!

    • Like 9
  13. the rest of the post went a stray ...........................



    im cooking and i can doi it 


    the dog is next to usless when is comes to help 



    cured a head fault on an ole little four stroke today ......


    i love head gaskets jobs .....................give me more 



    use to don them really quick on a turn round day ....................quite easy 



    wine ,maussles and ride up the coast what a nice day ............................

    • Like 6
  14. Well sod it its time for me....

    so for a combination of work and play...

    collect a craft for client

    And trip for me and me mate Mr sander long

    If fact wife said f's get him gone so u did

    So off to north Norfolk to collect a boot in field and meet nice ole gall....

    nice day sun low and some clear sky

    As we pass the posh golf courses and drool over the tanks at milkleburgh. ...must keep going and go to destinations arrive. .....

    So carry on too colect ole little be say

    Quick stop at Morston and get sum muscles as im h I bit weak..

    so cook them at hum

    Nice ole drive up coast.

    .and some quite time with me ole mate....

    Thanks russle. ...


    • Like 3
  15. just a quick look a twhat is happening at mo 



    we are moving alot of boats this week to make room for the winter store boats 


    the shed  is full just the way we like it ..................



    what a brigth day today sun oot for long time ...........................nice 



    managed to clean acid wash presure wash  and sort out a posh ole boot today now tucked up in shed 



    new office still not dun yet but more paint on outside this week end .......



    our recident pike man came at week end but failed to hook the big one gain it got way with a big ole tease to take line and run then stop........



    digger is out to to flattern road  ready for tommorow ..........



    playing with me tonka toy again ........................



    more parts arive in posat today to able us to finish rebuild of a volvo engine and finished rebuild or an out board today ready for test run tomorrow to see all good ...............



    so some engine work done aswell .........................



    one boat builder down, due to pass the kiddie sickness round the school probs ..............ice cold bog paper in the freezer i fear .................!!!!!!



    still trying to buy boats for the trade today from all over uk .................so busy on phone and emials 



    had a quick chat with susie about poor ole ziggs and she said for the time bieing she will stay,.......good girl 



    show customer his new pride and joy that was in shed after major clean up he was well chuffed and paid the bill too ............good ole boy .........................



    got some happy news from a boat sales customer today so they were jumping around too 



    so good news alround ..........................



    had to pay roadie again at week end for a quick gig up the coast well dun the band "ashdown"   the boys did well nice set played 


    good ole classic rock tunes from a young band ................................



    more work on queen proceeding well ................................begin to look a  bit more like she did in the 1930s ...........




    remember we are always looking for boats to buy ......................................give us a try 


    didn,t work on sunday out or respect for the the day ......................we remember.......... i,m doing this job becuase orf all the efforts of the fallen during the wars ...............................we remember them ....................thank yuo ............








    • Like 5
  16. no need just here as and when ................



    glad all good now .....................



    well dun boys and girls at the yard ..............



    thank you team ..........wms ltd



    we do humans too ................and dogs .......



    bill on way .................



    marine engineer ,boat yard man .......heart surgeon .....paramedic ......




    ohh me head is sooo big .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





    a pleasure to help ........................

    • Like 5
  17. the new velcro  works well on large panel .........


    experience tell us that..................................



    if yer buy the vintyl buy the posh stuff no tthe cheap and nasy one as everbody does 


    better qulaity with an extra scrim coating goe s rund corners well and hides lots of silly lows and higths in the surface  yer stick too ........................




    look close at yer supplier and ask them .....................................



    they will advise correct glue etc ...or velcro .......



    use new board s if ye rcan and best quality wood ........................



    seal  all wood surfaces goes with out saying .............................



    or screw it with plasti domes ,batterns .plastic etc etc .yer choice 



    as above .................................................



    enjoy yer boat ..............................jon

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