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Posts posted by ChrisB

  1. 1 minute ago, Hylander said:

    What are GOBA moorings please for the uninitiated.



    Great Ouse Boating Association. They negotiate leases with landowners for use by their members. They are mostly of the "Wild" type many in beautiful places, like right in Wicken Fen, our favourite.

    It is a pity that the NSBA could not be pro-active and do similar.

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    When I’m trying to insert a bit of welsh (we have ‘hats’ too) I usually resort to typing up something in Word first, using the symbols option and then copying and pasting. There might be an easier way, but I don't know how without changing you whole language selection.

    Actually, my forum name is just wrong. The ‘Mon’ bit should have a hat over the O which lengthens the sound of the vowel. 

    Hold the letter down on your virtual keyboard to get and you will get a chice inc. The Circumflex ôòòòõ


    • Thanks 2
  3. But. Don't be tempted to to fit domestic to a sailing boat especially if seagoing as they can't handle the heeling and pitching, often needing a down period of many hours in the calm of a marina before working again.

    I would also expect that marine fridges are manufactured from materials more suitable for a salty environment.

    • Like 1
  4. I was taught that "Air" as in what we breathe is 21% Oxygen 78% Nitrogen and 1% others.

    It is the Nitrogen that causes decompression sickness, as it comes out of solution in the blood if you come up too quickly.

    Some very small percentage changes can effect the body adversely, not only in what we breathe but also hydration, and certain minerals.

  5. We had one that was bought by my parents for our two. Exactly that colour. Mushroom and Navy. However we had a metal basket under, just above the axles for shopping. They are 47 & 44 now.

    It came from a huge pram, cot and highchair store in The Uxbridge Road, Ealing but I can't however I try remember their name.

    • Like 1
  6. Onedrive has spit out a "ON THIS DAY" from eight years ago. I remember watching these two through the kitchen window.

    Mrs Pheasant robbing the bird table and the Sparrow Hawk thinking " that would keep us going for a while"

    Quality is not too good as taken standing back in the kitchen through double glazing.



    • Like 2
  7. My intention when we moved to Norfolk fifteen years ago, a move driven by Judith not wishing go "off-shore" in our 50s, was to buy a traditional Broads cruiser. However having hired, river sailing was not really for me.

    I will say however that the skill of some Broads sailors is exceptional with regards to their tactics and reading of wind shifts etc. They could certainly show a clear transom to the "Inshore, round the cans" Sunday morning crews at clubs along the South Coast.

    • Like 2
  8. On 22/08/2022 at 13:28, BrundallNavy said:

    Making passage is the best bit of sailing, any one can zoom up and down a broad but reading the wind and planning which side of the river would give the best advantage is the best bit.  I have sailed since I started secondary school first on dinghy’s on Hickling broad then with Hunters yard first year as a mate then four years as skipper of Wood Anemone. Then a selection of dinghies from Lasers to fireballs to a Contender and became nation champion in the Lightning 368 class, windsurfing coming 11th in the 1987 th world championships.  Sailing the med in our own boat left in Corfu and of course sailing Perfect Lady 9 until we got into mobo’s 

    We still have a halfdecker as once a sailer it never really leaves you. 

    Give it a go you might even enjoy it :default_icon_clap:

    I went Laser, Merlin, Contender. We must compare scars sometime. Dinghy Sailing and rugby has made me what I am today.......Totally Crocked!

    Then Coastal and some Blue Water.

    Looking back, having swallowed the anchor. My late wife loved the ten years onThe Broads and various inland cruises. It never gave me that frisson of putting to sea. The exception being The Shannon Erne.

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