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Posts posted by Wonderwall

  1. Just now, Hylander said:

    Oh how I wish Spain and the like were not shut down and all this rubbish could be over there causing grief instead of on our precious Broads.    Hope the boat was ok.     Disgusting behaviour,   they should be chucked off of the boat.

    I've been on the broads many many times. I accept that not everyone is experienced, and mistakes will be made. Add to that alcohol and bumps are all part of it.

    This however complete disregard for any safety. Someone could have got seriously injured, and the boat could have been written off , I kid you not. Sturdy old boat it must have been. If it had been my own boat , I would have called the police, it was criminal. I maybe should have, it crossed my mind , but thought better of it, especially in the current climate.

  2. From how hill  we headed to Sutton, and popped into the hotel to enquire about booking a table the following day. From there we headed up to Wayford bridge, where we moored just before the bridge, and set up for the night. All was going well, though not catching much fish, when a family returning from the hotel and clearly smashed , boarded their boat and attempted a 3 point  turn to head back towards Stalham. Well, they rammed my boat when reversing , not once but 3 times!! Now I'm not talking a little bump here, full on ramming me into the moorings. By the 3rd time, my language was let's say colourful!!. They eventually got facing the way they wanted, and carried on , just ignoring my rantings and gestures. Probably just as well. I really was concerned the boat was damaged, but on inspection it appeared to have with stood the trauma. It was out of hours , so I kept an eye on it , and decided I would report it to the yard in the morning.

    I managed to calm down, and enjoy the rest of my night. A lovely peaceful night was had, and the boat was still afloat in the morning!!

    • Like 1
  3. So, 1st morning ,had some coffee and toast and took in the beautiful scenery. We had no plan as such, just follow the tide!! I had spoken to the bridge pilot the day before, and he reckoned we might get underwater in the week if we got some high pressure. So first stop was going to be Ludham  bridge. There was a stiff breeze , so you are never short of a bit action there!!

    I was half way through a challenge to do 30 press ups for 30 days, so done them on deck while we were leaving the broad and posted them on a family what's app group. They river was quite busy but an uneventful pleasant cruise up to the Bridge where we got moored just after the bridge. Prime spot!!  Watched the goings on while having some more coffee and a quick visit to the shop. With the 🌞 now out, and wind not as strong, we sailed onto the gardens at How Hill and had a lovely  walk around them while the young lad stayed and fished.

    More , much more to follow!!

    • Like 3
  4. So, after much is it on? , is it off? I picked up Silver light from HW  on the day Britain opened up (4/7/20)

    Myself , my good lady and nearly 18yo junior son travelled the 500 miles.to Norwich , the day before and stayed in a hotel , so we were nice and fresh for our week aboard.

    Arrived at Potter Heigham  around 10:30 , but unfortunately the peop!e who were booked for the day before were quite rightly given priority, so we didn't get the boat until around 1330. Lathams , the tackle shop and burger van were all visited before we were boarded. A very quick handover , unpack and off we went. Beers were opened and headed very slowly to S Walsham broad . Due to the current situation, we had prepared a large home made fish pie , which only needed heated up for our first meal. This is unusual, as we always eat out on the broads, especially the main meal of the day.

    Our favorite wild.mooring , just next to the small adjacent broad was vacant , so we set up for the night. Lashing to a tree, and dropping the weight. The night was warm, dry but dull. A lovely night of fishing and happiness was had. I caught zero fish, that's none , zilch, where my apprentice caught 18????. It was good fun though. Went to bed happy , and couldn't wait to wake up for my first full.day in paradise.


    I'm rubbish at typing , so will continue this later.


    • Like 8
  5. 3 hours ago, Hylander said:

    Listening to Kate Garroway on GMTV this morning was such a leveller.    Boy did it hit hard and made you sit up and realise that this bloody virus is a dreadful dreadful disease.    


    I really do not want to offend, but does 40,000 deaths not tell us this? 

    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    It has occurred to me that many are saying that we are easing restrictions faster than other countries, yet they take no account of us having a 2m social distancing measure rather than the more usual 1m elsewhere.

    No matter how important us boaters think we are, we are a long way down any list of priorities.


    There were some "experts" on the tv last night questioning the need for 2 metres. Claiming the science tells us it's has no better safeguard than 1 metre. They thought we would adopt 1 metre very soon.

  7. 4 hours ago, Poppy said:


    Total number of COVID-19 associated UK deaths


    Deaths of people who have had a positive test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory


    So what is killing the other 10k+ ?

    I'd stab a guess that many have died due to corona virus but it hasn't been registered as such.

    There is surely no denying, that for whatever reason, this island we live on has performed very poorly in combating this virus, and continues to do so.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, marshman said:

    Andy - read up on Hugh Pennington and then his statement yesterday and then, even you may feel a little more cheerful!

    And I am a nobody but I will guarantee that there have not been 50000 deaths from Covid19 on its own - sadly many would have occurred without it and you will not get away from the fact the nearly 1500 people die every day, many unavoidable but not all.

    For the last six months the UK has had around 50,000 more deaths than it has had on average during the last 5 years. That is not total deaths, it's extra above the average.

    What do you think is killing them?

    • Like 2
  9. 41 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    I don't understand how Le Boat can estimate 12th June for the Thames. As I understand the UK rules at the moment don't permit non-essential stays overnight anywhere away from home.

    I'm with yo.


    41 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

      Perhaps Le Boat know something  our government don't?


    Well,that wouldn't be hard :default_icon_mrgreen::default_icon_mrgreen:

    I am booked for a week end of June , it ain't happening though , is it? :default_icon_mad:

  10. It's operation herd immunity , make no mistake. By a very poor stealth.


    The sad thing is, there will be greater public uproar when the taxes get raised a couple of pennies to pay for it all.

    Well, actually , the saddest thing is we are the worst performing country in the modern world when it comes to this pandemic.

  11. On 28/05/2020 at 22:31, jeffbroadslover said:

    The thing that sticks in my mind is the fact that they applied to do that job (nursing, cleaning the wards etc).

    Not one of them has been FORCED to do it.


    Oh dear.

    • Like 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

    Numbers, figures, statistics what a sad lot we have become, 1 death is a tragedy to those affected whatever the cause, covid 19 is the latest of a number of life threatening illnesses to which we are vulnerable stop worrying about numbers and follow the basic advice stay at home unless you need to shop, work, excersise or carry out necessary services, frustration is one thing costing someones life is a whole bigger ball game.


    I think it was Stalin who said

    "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic".    Very sad, but true.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, ChrisB said:

    The office of Dept Management, which is the arm of The Treasury that borrows money borrowed 46bn in April and are looking to borrow another 181bn to end July. That is before the announcement that job retention will be extended to end October.

    Another way of looking at it,

    replacing Trident is estimated over 200 billion

    bailing out the banks in 2008 was 500 billion

    • Like 3
  14. 6 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    Plenty of vacant allotment plots available round here......

    Plenty of time on my hands due to lockdown.....

    I wonder?????:default_icon_idea: :default_eusa_naughty:

    Actually, not my subject at all but I thought it needed heat and humidity?

    I think it is basically a hardy weed, the hotter the better ,but will grow regardless. It's a cousin of the tomato plant apparently

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