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Posts posted by Islander

  1. And we think trying to moor with an of shore wind is difficult!

    On a personal note we were recently in formed that a friends son had recently be killed in a small aircraft crash in wilts early this month. He was a Fl Lt Alex Parr and was a tutor at the empire test pilot school. His loss did not make the national news unlike some more news worthy items but until the air accident investigation service can tell us what happened we can only guess. The video shows how difficult it is to fly a modern plane but like my mooring, if no damage is done, it was a good one. Every respect for those that fly the planes we just sit in and enjoy the journey, even more that teach the pilots. Unlike my father who had a license to fly all airscrew aircraft I cannot fly being colour blind and now getting on a bit but there are other ways I can get up there.

    please remember just how much work the guy and his co pilot have had to do to be able to sit in those two seats they don't just renew their license at the post office every ten years

    having skipped through some of the video I think the young lady did very well.


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  2. I still don't see that burying stuff can be acceptable. Either it's recycle able or we should not produce it. Tetra packs come to mind, I was quite happy to get my milk or juice in a bottle that could be washed and reused. Unfortunately I'm not the one to change these things but I might just be able to make a small change by educating my grandchildren.


    p.s. This world will find a way to get rid of us if it sees fit. There will be nothing we can do to stop it. The best we can do is not to take the p....and hopefully survive for a good few more generations. 

    Colin again

    p.s. Going to have a few beers now. I will not be responsible for any further posts today!

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  3. I'm sure a lot of people are reading this thread with interest. I, for one, am sat here in front of my iPad while my good lady has just adjusted a summer top and repaired a hole in my overalls with the pocket off the back which I don't use.

    it came to mind that just a few years back we had to clear my family home when my mother passed away( it will happen to all of us). My son and daughter in law were looking to move to their own home and took ALL the brown furniture, all dated from pre and post Second World War, much better quality than now and with zero value at auction! While clearing the sideboard we found spare buttons for every garment that had been warn by the family in 50+years. There was even wool to repair my school jumpers.

    My fathers shed contained materials dating back to the end of the war. Our boats contain screws that were used to build Mosquitos and the remainder will defernately see me out. Ali beer cans were cut up ready to use and cellophane from packaging saved for windows on model trains or layout buildings.

    I, today, have just used the last of my sodium chlorate for weed killing under the veranda of my caravan ( now hard to get in dry form)

    We have to remember that some of the NON GREEN things we did in the past were because we didn't know better. I use to have a weed killer used by BR called 245T, it would kill anything (including people so I'm told). I spent most of my working life in the consumer electronics trade breathing in fumes from tin/lead solder and fluxes. Now I see lead free solder and fume extraction where anyone works. Pity they didn't do it in my day. I don't know if I'm going to be effected by that, but who could I blame, I was a smoker for many years( gave up, for good, a few years), was brought up just a spit away from A1 in Hatfield from the age of 1 and driving over a thousand miles a week while working, so car fumes come to mind too.

    Im sure there are others here that can add too this. No we weren't green in the way the young look at it now but one of my boats has just been repaired with mahogany from a wardrobe cleared from my sister's house 9 years ago. It  would have become wood hip otherwise. I do not spend my life with my iPhone glued to my ear and in fact only just had to top up credit having nearly gone 2 years on £25! I, sorry, we, recycle as much as possible and I don't mean to the dump either, I have a shed full of useful stuff. I don't need a new phone, TV, car( this ones got to last 10 years). What I would like is a new back, knees, eyes and ears but that's not going to happen. I will continue to be as green as I can but I think I may be doing a better job than these youngsters.

    just to add that Ruth, bless her, has just cut the shabby end off a roller blind for the boat. We could have bought a new one!!!

    Small rant over

    best regards to all

    Colin and Ruth 

    The Q,so what happens to the disposables, buried are they! Our nappies, made from cotten,. Were steeped in horrible bleach and boiled in a burco. Probably a lot less energy than even a modern washing machine.

    Viking23, wish you both well and hope your treatment is successful. There will always be substances and products that we will not fully understand until it's too late.What I find frustrating is the development of new treatment that takes years to approve or is not available to the NHS.

    additional small rant!


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  4. All the best to you and Susie. Safe journey home. Ruth and I will look forward to seeing you again in the autumn. Hopefully when I see your camper in the Buck car park I won't be in the middle of painting, glassing or gluing and will be able to stop and chat.

    Colin and Ruth 

  5. S.O.B should be the boat up for sale. Having passed over Breydon bridge 6 times in the last 2 weeks, during the day, I've only ever seen it moored to the quay!. Total waste of my money. I can't understand why the river launches can't do a better job.

    Guide price would be nice! Reserve price guess anyone?


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  6. Just to bring things almost back on track. We fitted a victron 30A charger on The Green Lady 8+ years ago. I have just changed the domestic battery  that has been in every day use for the same period. As we live on our boat, I'm very please with the battery life. If the replacement (Brian Wards again) lasts as well the victron will have paid for itself.

    What is the need for ALL this power. My kettle boils water ok, my grill will do 4 crumpets better than any toaster and there are other ways of making coffee and far less expensive than a fancy caffeine machine taking up valuable storage space. The next thing will be electric power showers:rolleyes: and come on people, do you NEED hair dryers when you have Norfolk sun and a gentle breeze, got to be less damaging to your hair.

    Time to chill, slow down, you are in Norfolk, enjoy it, so what if the coffee takes 5mins to brew, you will enjoy it more. Or you can worry about how much that 3Kw invertor  will cost with having to change all those cables, not forgetting the ones that link the batteries together, new fuses, isolator switches.

    I think I'll stick to one gas pipe feeding one cooker from twin 13Kg gas bottles, all my other tech works off 12v or 5v and think solar is going to be my next major expense.


    p.s. Recently fitted another victron charger to Lady Linda. This was fitted by Moonfleet and was cheaper than I could have done it for!!!. 

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  7. We bought ours through Norfolk Marine. They didn't stock the model we wanted but ordered one direct from Italy. It took six weeks to come as I was refitting the galley but well worth the wait. With out checking I think ours was a 313. This has 3 burners and the controls are on the front right hand side. Much easier to keep clean. We had the 4burner model (old) on the Green Lady but this had the controls on the top and was a nightmare to keep clean.



    p.s. Work in progress.image.jpgimage.jpg

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  8. Hi Vaughan, glad to hear what you said having recently install £600 smev cooker on Lady Linda. It will only ever be run on propane so hopefully will never be a problem. I must admit I found it hard to believe that a service item would be secured with pop rivets. When we bought the Green Lady she came with a smev cooker (4 burner) which was excellent. We had to replace it a few years back and at the time thought the smev were too expensive. You get what you pay for. The replacement has had to have jets cleaned on a regular basis the worst being the grill which fell to pieces and the oven jet impossible to undo and had to be done by feel with micro drill bits (the blunt end). Any more trouble and I think I will buy another smev.

    When you live on your boat you want something that will do the job.


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  9. Hi Keith, been busy. Sorry not us but another couple from the island with a fosters low liner spent about a year there. They are good friends and swapped free mooring etc for some maintenance and bar work. Jill use to work here in the Buck and Martin is a regular.


  10. I have to agree with MM, the Berney had been a very successful pub in the past, I think it was only the owners greed that has caused its downfall if the stories of ever increasing rents is true. Owner/Landlord with the addition of basic supplies available would be a good start. If the BA want it to stay as a pub then they need to be more flexible over planning. Miles idea of a shop and maybe a shower block can only improve business. There are caravans on site that must have PP or a certificate of lawful use. One of these could become a laundry and shower facility.

    What about a pub share? Perfect for NBN meet! The sailies and gin palaces can go for a blast on breydon while the rest go cross eyed in the bar.:party1::wasted:

    It will all depend on how the receiver decides to sell it. There always was a lot of land with the pub and I do wonder if this will have to be included in the sale.

    The Berney is the perfect refuge from bad weather when Breydon is closed by the BA.


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  11. Change of use is definitely the stumbling block for the Berney. The BA only want it used as a pub. If this goes to auction because of receivership then it may be a bargain. The BA and RSPB could set up a visitor centre....with a bar. Hopefully some sense will prevail as this was great stop off point between North and South.


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  12. Baitrunner. Glad I'm not in London, that would be painful to see. Sadly money doesn't come with style or taste. 

    Personally I would rather be in the drivers seat of the ghost in the advert rather than have a chauffeur. Many years back my cousin bought a corniche but only owned it for a day as his business partner wanted to sell his share in the business and had to sell it again to buy him out. I never got to sit in it.


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  13. Hi Shreck, the only mooring problem you may have is squeezing between some of the dinghies. Unless the BA or Thorpe tc are using STI type misinformation the moorings here are definitely open.

    The Buck now much improved after having had a rough time in the last few years. I can't tell you as to what beers they have as I'm a lager drinker and the Mrs likes her g&ts.

    Remember you have 4 pubs and a hotel within walking distance of river green.


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  14. £4,400 saving on printing. About a £1 or so per boat. I can't see any saving for me. This years tolls come to £830. I'm sure the most of us will pay up but I don't see this being cost effective. Poor old ranger will have to type in every registration he passes to be sure it's paid and then a week later with staff shuffling another ranger will have to do the same. Cost effective? Not! Passing boats will have to be checked and possible chased, where as the right colour sticker can be checked at a glance.

    JA, DON'T stick them on your nice woodies paint. We have ours on a Perspex plaque tied to the pulpit.


  15. All very well giving laptop/smart phone access for the Rangers to check tolls on boats but that means entering every one on their tech or checking on a list where as before if they  could see the right colour toll plaque that was all that was needed. Should not those that come up with these ideas be made to implement in the field to see if it will work. This has to put a greater load on our limited number of rangers all the more. Just how long is it going to take to check on all the boats in yards in say Brundall or Wroxham. To my knowledge 2 boats have been sent tolls requests that are no longer on the broads. Are going to get ARPR, automatic registration plate recognition, on the ranger launches. If it ain't broke don't fix it, or just use a different ink.:naughty:


  16. Hi Robin , note taken, got shares in Auto Glim then. I will admit having used them on the bike they have been excellent.

    like the idea of the 3m product, didn't know about that, could of saved a lot of pennies replacing canopy windows in the past. I have tried Perspex polish in the past but has been disappointing I the past.


    regards Colin


  17. Alan, not tried the Magic Sponges but will def give them a go.

    Wow Robin, you go the whole 9 yards but I had not thought of using the Auto Glym. Think I may have some in a safe place.:rolleyes:

    Dragging fenders in the water!!!......I use acid too:naughty:

    And all this is environmentally friendly isn't it.



  18. Hi Alan, I will go for anything that works for the least effort without taking the paint off:naughty:. Even found some of the cheap cleaners out of sainsbury good. Cream cleaner on fenders and only pence a bottle.


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