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Posts posted by Malanka

  1. True. I’m normally a cup half full guy. I’m merely saying my experience says women can and have been to me as evil as some men have been to women for generations.

    By extension then, take a leap and multiply that behavior to a national scale and all those folks I mentioned could ( but weren’t by happenstance of history) have been female. Remember some of the most effective SS interrogations were carried out by women. Palestine 1946. Paris after liberation? All places where women committed atrocities. 

    In the UK we use female interrogators for special forces selection and where the culture of the interrogated would be most discombobulated by the presence of a woman. 

    Women are in my opinion just as capable of pure evil as men. I say that as anyone who could do any of those things is not right in the head and men don’t have a monopoly on that. Rose west? The list is endless 



  2. I don’t believe anything that nature does is or should be described as detrimental. The reason being one has to ask to what? In natural systems what’s bad for one habitat or species is always good for another that’s what makes the world go round.

    Putting everything in human terms is what the tree huggers do which is incredibly dangerous and hubristic. Using big numbers out of context or even without context is another thing they do. As far as the UK is concerned natural doesn’t really apply anymore anywhere. We are told that the UK is densely populated, whilst this is true per se relative to other European nations, without any context the sentence is meaningless, the actual area of the uk that is urban ( to give some context) is still less than 5% of the total area. So densely populated? Really??? 

    In the US there are still places where humans may not yet have set foot. The sheer size of the place is incomprehensible in terms humans can grasp. This gives rise to a phrase which I think helps to both explain and lighten the mood. 

    Americans think 100 years is a long time, and Brits think 100 miles is a long way.......

    Have a great weekend 



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  3. I don’t disagree with you but we’re not talking about the same thing really. Being abused by women at work is not conjecture on my part. I was merely by extension of the silly behavior suggesting that should there be female dictators or women with immense power and no ethical compass  they would do exactly what men have done in the past. 

    The fact they haven’t is due to the historical patriarchy, I believe they could and in the right circumstances for them they would. After all a dictator and Stalin and Mao all had female companions. If their psychological mindset was so different we should ask ourselves how could they stand to be close to such monsters.

    There are many historical precedents for war like women. There are also countless examples in nature of the aggressive and expansionist nature of females. Bees, wasps, termites, lions, tigers, and so on the list is extensive. 

    Anyway a good debate .... 


  4. Many thanks Pally. 

    We rarely have to accept the overage from previous users as we have adapters for all the connections. We give and take sometimes using someone’s 79p and sometimes leaving 79p. We don’t sweat it. 

    Having a long extension helps too lol. We only really use the leccy for hot water if we haven’t cruised very far. Between LED lights and a lot of amp hours stored we don’t need it at all apart from that. 



  5. Hi John, just to be contentious, lefty agenda driven tree huggers, maybe with a phd in Victorian women’s literature (Deluded ex head of the green party) I have met her she truly is....Always start with “man can now control nature”. After that start it’s always 100% downhill. It’s that kind of super hubristic arrogance that gave us the UNFCC. For justification they use big numbers 7 Billion etc. x Olympic swimming pools y mega gazillion tons. Natural England do this. These loons have even decided with no real evidence of an empirical nature ( and before anyone starts to argue  I said EMPIRICAL) to name an epoch in our honor. They have labeled it the anthropocene. 

    To put the case what I mean is this: Natural England and other such agenda driven quagos DECIDE, what is natural. This of course takes no account of the fact that the UK has many “ natural habitats” none of which are truly natural. 

    according to natural England to allow east coast flooding to occur is natural. Why? Because they want to, do they have to no, ( ask the Dutch) but they decide to do so. 

    So natural is not a description I would use for the UK, managed is a better word. 

    Using that word then of course reveals the political influences at play to change the status quo ante so they don’t use it. 



  6. Has anyone noticed that previous years cards don’t give you 1.0 pounds if used now. Paladin is this still true after you mentioned we now get a pound. I remember it being 98p when plastic cards were first introduced. 

    Cards from 2017 October used in 2018 Easter gave less than 1.0 on the meter. 

    My thought was the software necessary to know the card was last years would cost more than the loss due to inflation. 

    Anyone know the straight dope here.  Paladin ?????

  7. Interesting viewpoint.

    All I am saying is that women and men all have the capability to be ruthless or abusive in pursuit of their goals.  We see it more often in men as women have not yet achieved parity in all walks of life yet ( hopefully soon) In my personal experience I have been abused in work by a female boss, been subjected to persecution by another female boss. I have also taught women to fight if they choose to rather than acquiesce. All chose to learn to fight, I never had anyone leave over the choice I gave them. 

    My point is this, given the right tools men and women seem in my experience to make the same choices so I’m afraid I don’t agree with the presupposition that women wouldn’t attack or start a war. I believe they would and have done so throughout history. 

    The difference I have found is that men assume they can fight and most men simply can’t. Women don’t make that assumption and therefore listen and learn much more quickly than men in the same group. Then they can fight very well indeed. They may choose not to because they can in any given situation, but some choose to fight because they can as well.

    So I do not accept that when all things are equal women make different choices. In my experience they simply don’t. 


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  8. Sorry David to disagree but women in power or women with power are just the same as men and in some instances infinitely more ruthless. Queen Elizabeth I, Victoria, Thatcher, Marie Curie to name a few. All ruthless in their own way. 

    I used to instruct a self defense class for women ( up to 100 of em) believe me you didn’t want to fight those ladies. I’m proud to say ladies taught by me put two pervs in hospital prior to the pervs then being incarcerated. In one case in broad daylight on Oxford road in Manchester by a slim 18 yr old fashion design student.

    Who would argue with a woman defending a child. Not me lol




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  9. Don’t ask natural England or any other quango, their idea of natural is tedious to say the least. They pick a period in time they like and hmmmmm scratch head, that’s the natural we want.... face palm.....No area of the UK is natural in the way that say America is. No bears for a start. 

    Grouse moors, moorland in general not natural, Scottish mountains with no Caledonian Forrest  not natural. 



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  10. Remember to clean them occasionally with a glasses cleaner. ( one of those wet paper ones in a sachet) Takes all the road gunk off. Our garage in Germany used to slip a couple into my central console every time. They work... 

    • Thanks 1
  11. TQuite right John it is a mater of give and take out if the closed season. And unfortunately for some whether they like it or not when it comes to fishing the BA is set up to maintain the navigation and that means boats have priority on BA moorings, so give and take yes but at the end of the day why should anyone with the bye laws on their side and perfectly within their rights even have to ask an angler to move. They shouldn’t and certainly they shouldn’t feel intimidated into moving somewhere else. IMO anyone feeling intimidated should immediately call the broads beat. Without miscreants learning the error of their ways when they know very well they are in the wrong we have chaos or should I say Brammerton. 

    On the issue of overstaying I was at SS this last October ( solo) and had to use my extension cable to give me sufficient length to get to the electric point, the reason being two boats overstaying, the ropes had algae growing on them! After I arrived they both left the next day and the space was taken by two brinks boats. Two lovely families enjoying their holiday. Overstaying should be clamped on as this may prevent someone having an enjoyable broads experience in season or otherwise, be that fishing or boating.

    Making a comparison between overstaying and occupying a mooring as a fisherman is silly. Both are in the wrong, one can be easily remedied the other less so but to equate one one with another to justify the latter is the route to chaos and anarchy. 

    Rant Over 



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  12. Love it... Always felt that Norfolk is our second home, hopefully our first home soon. 

    Our middle one lives in Norwich after studying at UEA. We turned up to his graduation on the boat and had a ball. 


  13. New paragraph John mate new paragraph. 

    Jenny odd boat sheet dangler, Vanessan, and of course John. 

    Excellent you all saw the humour.  The main Irony John is I live in Switzerland so you’re all Northern monkeys to me.

    Currently blowing a hoolie blizzard outside. We ran out of oil yesterday and we are using log fire until oil man comes. Off to get more logs in a few minutes. 


    See you all soon, Drascom detector is being sourced prior to operation ramming speed. 

    Do you have coloured flappy things on ? I suspect so ! 


  14. The definition of North is not south not some arbitrary line drawn for convenience. I said a while ago doesn’t anyone do Irony. Seems to be a habit for some. Ever heard of Watford Gap? Up north is used as a figure of speech used as an humorous general descriptor to reference a perceived ( oop  north ) perception of superiority from those residing not in the north ( daaan saaaaf) not a geographic reference. 

    By way of my own little piece of pedantry I would personally describe anywhere north of Watford as north as that seems to be historically where the attitude stops Lol. 

    Im sure some people in St Ives would describe Birmingham as North as of course it is. Anyway it gave me a chuckle this morning well done . 

  15. He is well he has lost a great deal of weight recently and is continuing to do so he swims regularly to get in better shape. 

    We saw a lot of him last year and he is a lovely man. 

    Geoff’s friend Steve is a lovely man too, he does a lot to help out. We always drop in for a wee drop o summat when we see them. 




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  16. Go talk with Phil at Simpsons, we are planing to have the same flooring at some point in the next year or so and Phil is going to do it. John at the yard is also a great painter too.

    My advice is also to carefully review the cheaper than everyone quotes you may get from some also. Not always the bargain it seems...Check with folks who have had work done before parting with your hard earned cash. This forum has members who have had work done at almost every yard i can think of so a good place for advice .

  17. So here are the final pictures from last years maintenance that turned into a saga.

    No job yet but still working on it, but here is something to cheer us all up.

    The pictures are two angles for the new galley and the new window from inside showing the new window and underneath that the plank well fitted in and varnished to match already existing wood, great job Roger.


    View from the stern well:


    View from the saloon:



    New window and new internal planking:


    I hope you will all agree that the guys have done a magnificent job.

    We will be (me and Fiona no doggies unless Brexit rules sorted for pets) out for Easter, a few days before, then Easter, hopefully with Charlie Dolphin (if anyone wishes to say hello), then a few days after depending on the weather. If it's glorious we will stay longer, if rubbish we back on the Harwich ferry pronto like.


    We look forward to seeing you all out on the river and thank you all for following the continuing restoration of our old lady.

    I really do hope Clive can do something with the roof over us in the wet shed after all this expense. To watch it dripped on and the new canopies discoloured will be a PITB to say the least.

    Hopefully this year we can forgo the major hull dents too...lol. Malanka's poor port and starboard bows, starboard side and transom took some battering last year, almost exclusively from boats with bow thrusters and also stern thrusters. This year we hope for less. We hope not to be broken into as well, oh and less sinking would be good too.

    Without a job I will have more time for Malanka tales and so will write them up in 2019, until work drags me away.


    Best Wishes to everyone except southern Jessie Drascomb sheet danglers....Go northern monkeys go......lol


    More later



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