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Posts posted by Londonlad1985

  1. 4 hours ago, LondonRascal said:

    I do like the start of this, and as a fellow PTU (Public Transport User) I can well imagine the journey a you described it.  Another nice point about going to Norwich from London, is while the rolling stock is a bit tired - it is proper trains, a locomotive, big heavy carriages and proper comfy seats and for the time being at least.

    I thoroughly agree! I use the east coast mainline very regularly and this was a welcome change! I'm a bit of a aircarft fan and the train reminded me of the train out to Swindon for RIAT proper seats and a buffet car! Long may it continue!

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, LondonRascal said:

    Well Mark you showed it can be done - but not something easily achieved on a boat like this when alone as I often am.

    I've made a mental note that when I return, to turn earlier and back up along past the moorings/riverside gardens and then when you get to the staithe and it is free, great you are facing the right way but if you arrive and it is full no issue, you just head on the way you just came.



    I went up to Dilham on Sunday on the 30ft San Rafael. And as a less than experienced helmsman found turning with no boats moored a challenge i had to moor up for a cuppa for half an hour! :shocked

  3. 5 hours ago, SwanR said:

    Enjoyed your write up ... anyone travelling by train from London to Norwich will go past the end of my back garden ... if I'd known you were coming I might have put a flag out ... well probably not as there's rather a lot of trees and undergrowth to get through first but the thought was there. :naughty:

    Mistley Place Park ... took my daughter there for one of her birthdays about 20 years ago. Dovercourt and Harwich is another favourite for a Sunday drive.

    Stayed at the Premier Inn opposite the station for a couple of nights and enjoyed seeing Norwich ourselves. So all in all that sounds like a good start to your holiday. Looking forward to reading the rest of your tale.

    I'll be sure to give you a wave next time! :wave

    My Nan lived in dovercourt for the last 20 or so years of her life! Was a regular childhood destination! 

    • Like 2
  4. My 1st bit of real content I hope you enjoy.

    Day 1 - the journey and Norwich. Today is not really boaty and a bit trainy but may serve as a very rough guide to those venturing to Norwich perhaps by boat.

    My adventure starts at about 0905 on Thursday the 13th April. With my day sack and trolly case I board the 473 bus to Plaistow station, where I can catch the tube to Liverpool Street. 

    I’d hastily arranged an earlier meeting with my partner in crime (PIC) the night before to grab a breakfast at the Hamiliton Hall Wetherspoons next to the station. Breakfast and cider was consumed before we boarded the 1130 to Norwich. 

    This is the 1st time I’ve ventured beyond Stratford on this train line and I must say it was a lovely train journey. Crossing the Stour estuary was particularly nice, bringing back a memory of a child hood visit to Mistley Place Park animal centre while holidaying in Dovercourt.

    I also caught site of the ornate door to the Manningtree Station Buffet which was, I understand, legendary among East London local authority planners during the 1990s as a favoured special occasion hostelry.

    After all this excitement I manage to relieve the buffet car of a couple of cans of Ghost Ship and gin and tonics for reasonable fee helping us to relax into the holiday as the train veered almost dead north through the arable lands and market towns of Suffolk toward Norfolk and ultimately the broads.

    In no time at all the train was pulling past Carrow Road and Norwich was upon us. We alighted and made our way to the Premiere Inn across Foundry Bridge stopping to gawp at the cruisers moored at the yacht station. I was excited to see the place having seen it on several of The Captains Blogs adding to the anticipation of plans afoot to visit the southern broads in June. This was my 1st albeit mild hint of boating on the broads for 2017.

    Once the bags were dumped it was 2pm and time to be off out into the city to explore, and what a city it is. Drawing comparisons as one does from other great cities; I would say in a sentence it has the vitality of London with the character of Edinburgh. I enjoyed the sandstone quality of the buildings which was refreshing from white lime facades of Central London. 

    The market was bustling and the shopping areas had quaint independent shops in Brightonesque “laines” leading to modern glass meccas of capitalism. The gothic churches are in immaculate condition and the castle dominates with a tell take circular route around the walls.

    After an hour or so wandering, refreshment was sought in the form of buy one get one free cocktails in Turtle Bay. (Caribbean chain restaurant a fav lunch spot of mine) The cocktails are premixed but shaken to order and the sitting at the bar chatting to the staff and fellow patrons gave us the feeling that Norwich was on the up and the residents were proud to call it home.

    Rum and Gin based cocktails done, it was time to find some peregrines unfortunately the Hawk and Owl trust gazebo was packed away when we arrived, however I was rewarded with a falcon wheeling in the sunlight generally worrying pigeons. The cathedral it’s self was stunning. The spire rising to a point that fair boggles the mind when one considers the technology available in 1480.

    With the evening approaching and a chilly easterly wind building it was time to seek some warmth making our way down Prince of Wales Road we stopped for a libation (we like a drink) in the Compleat Angler,  taking in the last of the sunshine on the relatively sheltered terrace. Once the sun set we walked up to the Prince of Wales for a round or 2 on the quiz machine before heading (£1 up)  to The Lawyer on Wensum Street which is where thoughts turned to food and we indulged in a very passable Indian in the Spice Lounge.  That really concludes day 1, don’t worry I will actually take over a boat on Day 2.

    • Like 12
  5. Point well made! :shocked I obviously would never want to see the place turned into urban sprawl! Wroxham is hectic enough for anyone!! Still anything that generates revenues for continued maintenance and businesses to ensure the future should be thought about I would say. 

  6. I think there would definitely be an appetite for a seasonal pop up - I assume Norwich has had some success? (to my shame I've never been however I will remedy this on Thursday).

    This concept has been very successful in London with space used innovatively. Frank's Cafe and RoofEast on car park roofs have been been great and the Croydon container "BoxPark" looks fantastic there is another to follow in Walthamstow. Which can already boast a pop up 1930s style cocktail bar that is now permanent in in old cinema. 

    I could wax lyrical about pop ups without even mentioning the floating ones! Peterborough had some good examples. 

    What we need is a brave person to risk some capital or convince one of the big players like Secret Cinema to come in. With Norwich student population imagine a "secret cinema" screening of Kevin Costners Water World in the middle of Wroxham broad! Now that would be a Pop Up to end them all!! 

    Or am I getting carried away? 

  7. Another entertaining and informative video. Thanks :)

    I find the point about the loss of wild moorings an interesting one.

    Where there is a popular spot, for a wild mooring that's been lost by reprofiling might it be an idea to encourage people to start using them again? It wouldn't take many weekends in a dedicated area to trample the reeds before the grass reappeared. The "layby" in Womack dyke that would be a an obvious place for a trial campaign. 

    Do you think this would be considered irresponsible to undo Broads Authority work?

  8. It's all good! I love the white horse at Neatishead (worth booking a table) and you can moor in the public staithe (if you can get a space) or Gaye's staith for a 20 min walk and Paddy's Lane for a good half hour yomp. 

    Or go urban and moor in the Richardson's yard at Stalham and go for a pint and curry on the high street (10 mins walk)

    You can top your water at Gaye's staith and at Richardson's. 

  9. Thanks for another great video, your honesty was lovely. Im very sorry for your loss. I enjoyed the blog with your dad on song of freedom. I've been following you for the last few months on YouTube and now joined the forum. Thanks again for all your work it brings the broads into my living room. 

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