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Everything posted by Snowy

  1. In the unlikely event Team Indy have to change plans and go via Lowestoft
  2. I guess we will lose signal again soon, and probably won’t get it back till near Harwich
  3. fantastic photos, thank you for sharing them I did love the video with the constant camera clicking, and wondered if this had happened in daylight a small crowd would have gathered with whispers of ”who’s on board ? Must be some one famous, let’s hang about and see” .
  4. Ahh yes, a very early start, stop at Ramsgate for fuel and breakfast then homeward bound
  5. A video just before the harbour would be nice if you have time, for those on the forum that have never been at sea in the dark and it will allow me to reminisce from my days as a deep sea fisherman
  6. Well Team Indy had to have a little hiccup when you consider the distance they have travelled and if today is it then they haven’t done bad, a little later I’ll be giving the grandsons a crash course on this whole experience..................I’ve now got to add tides into the lesson, wish me luck !
  7. Another day where I’ll get nothing done, between the hours of approximately 08.00 and 16.00 ! . is there a webcam we can see them moored at, like yesterday ?
  8. If you time it right, you could throw them a line and get a tow up the Yare
  9. Congratulations on reaching Brighton Team Indy, I have the grandchildren visiting tomorrow, You will have an additional 4 more followers before the day is out
  10. Light is fading think Sheila had a bad time for part of the trip, so probably can’t wait to walk on terraferma !
  11. I think Griff was just answering my post How strict are they with their destinations ? i mean if they made good time would or could they carry on to a marina further along the coast or are they booked in at say Brighton ?
  12. How strict are they with their destinations ? i mean if they made good time would or could they carry on to a marina further along the coast or are they booked in at say Brighton ?
  13. I’m getting nothing done this weekend and it’s all Team Indy’s fault
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