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Posts posted by tim

  1. Far too many options to list, do you want to stay north? Do you want long cruises or short?

    Best bit of advice would be to ‘move your day’ by that I mean get up early and go to bed early!

    That way mooring both lunchtime and evening should be easier 

    We don’t cook much when on holiday, so for us mooring twice a day near a pub is important but not (fortunately) everyone sees it that way


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  2. Ok, this may upset some people, but we all see things different ways don't we?

    I find both Wroxham and Potter Heigham unwelcoming tacky places, apart from the beautiful medieval bridges both have and supermarkets I don't see what they have to offer!

    Wroxham and Potter Heigham (imho) are better viewed from a boat!

    The exception is The Kings Head, or as Mandy calls it her 'man creche' after we've used the pilot to get under the bridge, that's where she leaves me and the dog while she gets 'essentials' at Roys, while I get essentials while watching the boats so by and the dog watches the ducks!  :default_beerchug:

    Give me Coltishall, Ludham, Horning, Lodden etc anytime

    But... each to their own!  :default_biggrin:



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  3. I can’t see why you can’t get to The Reedham Ferry, we booked there in July table and mooring, however they did manage to lose our booking, all sorted in the end.

    They opened then at 6pm, food and beer was good, you can email or call them

    If you are a hirer you can moor at Pacific Loddon but give them a call they are ridiculously helpful, but it’s an hour from the main river and very twisty 

    if you do get to Loddon then I would recommend the White Horse at Chedgrave lovely pub and staff

    Good luck

  4. On 16/08/2020 at 18:54, Mouldy said:


    To be honest, Jean, having been in the transport/logistics industry for forty two years, being told the best way to do my job by a manager whose involvement in the industry spans just nine years, has never held an HGV licence and has never held an O Licence, is quite hard to take.

    Sorry only just caught up with this thread

    I'm in aggregates/haulage/logistics

    Don't totally write off your working life, unless of course you want to, but I know several guys in my field that retired but went back to part time employment with smaller companies that valued the experience and knowledge the more mature worker gives

    You appear to have had one of those 'rising stars read it in a book' types that seem popular with bigger companies these days, she wont last, they never do!

    You'd be surprised how many smaller companies want and can afford someone for 2/3days a week!

    Good luck!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 10 hours ago, IEatFish said:

    Cheers all - really helpful. 

    At just over 9 foot it’s gonna be exciting. Mrs IEatFish asked if we could let some air out of my tyres......how do you respond to this!! 

    Tell her to eat a lot more fish the night before and a few more chips!  😉

  6. We went to Brinks for a pump out as I was coming to moor at the front two bloody day boat cut up on the inside!

    I had to abort and come in again!

    Two of the Brinks yard guys just shook their heads in apparent disbelief!

    However, I’m sure they’ve seen it all before!

    Some of these people hiring day boats  have no idea!

  7. 10 minutes ago, johnash said:

    We are early risers and I remember from previous times the joy of having the river almost to yourself, so we will be doing plenty of that!

    That would be the biggest tip I could give

    Move your day, get up early and go to bed early

    i like to support the local pubs, so we normal cruise early moor up at 11ish and moor again 3ish not had a problem (normal times) in July

    We always have a dinghy, not used it a lot but recently it’s been used to get from Ranworth Island to The Maltsters and opposite the Horning Ferry to get into Horning, it’s my ‘insurance’. 😉

    Never stayed overnight on the mudweight as we have a dog and that late evening walk could prove difficult!

    With 3 weeks booked you have the advantage of being able to try a mooring again if you fail 1st time

    However, if you get to moorings early you won’t have a problem.....enjoy

    • Like 2
  8. It looks hot there Ruthie?

    That sky looks beautiful

    Only a couple of hours and I will be back home with a glass of beer before going to the pub

    Glad you had a good birthday, hope you dont have to wait for the next big birthday to come back to the broads

    Enjoy your cruise back to Loddon, and the White Horse tonight!

    Watch that landlord, you've been warned he is a bad man!  :default_beerchug:

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  9. 15 minutes ago, Ruthie1970 said:

    Oh really ? No I didn’t realise this and thanks for the heads up , we are mooring up at Beccles Yacht station , does anyone have a taxi number please ? How far is it and are we close to any other pubs , bars after meal ? 

    We’ve moored outside The Waveney Hotel more luck than judgement as we couldn’t get into the lido and moored for a couple of hours to let the tide out before going to the yacht station, we ended up staying the night, food and drink good maybe a tad pricey but heck you’re on holiday 

    if the weather good the garden is lovely

    If you got blisters walking into Reedham from the chain Ferry I don’t fancy your feet’s chances of surviving the walk to the White Lion, although never been there

    However it’s a big birthday and a tenner each way in a cab, and if your like me, £20 won’t change your life after what you’ve already spent!

    whatever you do have a great time, I have a sneaky suspicion  this isn’t your last boating holiday? 😀

    • Like 1
  10. There were more 'life carrier bags' than holdalls by a factor of 3 or 4!  :default_biggrin:

    Two cars, by big estate had me son clothes and booze and was rammed!

    Daughters fiesta had her wife and dog!

    Surprisingly there was a lot more room in my car on the way back!  :default_beerchug: 

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  11. I suppose it all depends how much space you have on the boat?

    Normally it's just me Mandy and Lottie (dog) on a boat with two bedrooms and heads, we usually take cases as they sit on the spare bed, we take a couple of days clothes out at a time and throw the dirty clothes in a black sack in the spare bedroom!

    This year as we had our 'adult' kids with us we went holdalls and 'bags for life' carrier bag for the booze, and put them back  in the car before we left, obviously minus the booze!  :default_biggrin:

  12. Was in there on 15th July and was chatting to the landlord, he said he’d just paid the brewery 4K and were asking for another 2 and threatening to stop supplies 

    He said he couldn’t pay anymore  as he’d only been open for a week!

    I hope that’s not the reason they are closed!

    Shame nice place nice pub!

  13. 1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

    Errr..maybe I should have said a ‘few’ pubs, rather than several. :default_blink:

    Semantics I know, but what’s the difference between several and a few?  😉

    Are they not the same?

    Blimey this is the first time I’ve been on this site so much after my holiday, I normally hide away too jealous of you lot still enjoying yourselves!

    Maybe, having been so grateful to enjoy boating during Covid, I’m hanging around to enjoy others enjoying what I enjoy!

    There, must be a record 4 ‘enjoys’ in one sentence?  😂

  14. Just to add I have a dog, dogs by nature to their business where they want!

    i always have bags in my back pocket and clear it up!

    I also don’t hang it on the nearest tree (what’s that all about) if I can’t find a bin I take it home!

    Ok, apologies for a non subject rant, but some bad owners give dogs a bad name!

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  15. I’m afraid CC thats a reflection on modern Society (going into old git mode) if I book somewhere I bust a gut to fulfil my obligation, should for unforeseen circumstances I can’t, I ring and cancel so they have a chance to re-book if they can’t I’m prepared to pay something towards my cancellation!

    But I suppose I’m ‘old school’  

    • Like 1
  16. In addition Ferry Reedham and River Waveney Centre. The Wherry Hotel might never tried

    the boatyards can be funny at change over times which is quite often these days

    If I think of anymore I’ll add


    • Thanks 1
  17. We always have one, there will be two different views on this!

    Normally its just me wife and dog, we manage to move the dinghy before stern mooring, Horning for example you often moor on the wrong side but unless you swim cant get to the village or pubs, the dinghy is very useful

    Perfect for the north, I wouldn't recommend many places on the south to use it

    The other view is that it can be a pain to move (I've never found it a problem) just make sure its not banging against someone else's boat when you moor

    It'll also keep the kids amused somewhere like Salhouse Broad!

  18. PS, tip with the dinghy, (I used to work as a kid that hired them out) step into the center of the dinghy and make yourself low hold onto both sides sit down and wait for it to stop moving before the next person does the same, make sure you balance the weight!

    Good luck and enjoy

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