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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Thank you...  poor old girl it's sad to see her like that. I wonder where I got the idea she had been blown up, it always seemed a bit extreme!

    That final resting place photo makes a great image though I must say, an art shot!

  2. Folks fishing who cheerily pack up and move from a BA mooring? Never met one! I never bother to ask, just cruise on by. I could of course ask and press the point but although I can just shrug off any unpleasantness it would sufficiently upset my wife to spoil the whole point of stopping there in the first place.

    I always go as wide and slow past someone fishing as circumstances allow. Quite often on rivers like The Ant for example there is no option to go wide if a boat is coming the other way. Fishermen seem to have perfected a dead eyed stare of malevolence with which they attempt to dissolve you. Waving and smiling back doesn't help their mood any but makes me smile.

    What on earth makes people fish from their boats at places like Ludham Bridge and Howe Hill is beyond me, no wonder they look so miserable!

    I expect to be told that they are not all like this, I accept the truth of this and apologise to those few, it's just that I have never met them.

    I also expect to be told that many helms are rude and inconsiderate, I accept the truth of this too. Apart from the ones who don't know better and the occasional "don't give a damn" charmer perhaps treating helms with a bit of civility would go a long way towards reciprocation.

    This has been my first rant, forgive me for getting it off my chest but it is an honest reflection of my experience every time I take my boat out.

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  3. It would presumably be technically possible, although impractical, to build a lock each side of the bridge, then have a step down to pass under and a step back up once clear. No doubt the river bed under the bridge would be dug out to facilitate the lower level between locks.

    The first locks on The Broads! It could be a landmark project with a visitor centre with a viewing platform to watch the boats going up and down. £10 each way, the same as for the Pilot now should soon pay for it!

    I can't imagine any objections... can you?

    (Tongue firmly in cheek... or is it? :default_biggrin: )

  4. Our electricity supplier pays 3% interest on credit balances, I'm half way through a two year fixed rate deal which is competitive. 3% of very little is still very little but it's more than the money would have earned in the account the DD is paid from.

  5. That was a nasty experience, I hope your guests were all OK and it hasn't put them off!

    I see your point about concentrating on it being a boat.. the speed thing seems to be hard to appreciate for first timers. More years ago than I care to remember on one of my first trips, a wonderful old gentleman who was Norfolk born and bred summed up the whole business of manoeuvring a boat for me "make haste slowly" - I think of him every time I moor still :12_slight_smile:

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  6. I suspect that very few incidents are the don't care mavericks, most people don't want to have an accident and would be far happier to complete a manoeuvre successfully and calmly to the quiet approval of onlookers.

    Being faced with a short introduction and finding yourself with a steering wheel and throttle must commonly lead to an instictive attempt to drive like a car.

    Maybe it's already covered in most yard's briefing but an emphasis on the "difference" from a car could really help. Maybe a small plaque near the helm with basic mooring advice regarding speed and where a boat pivots as the you turn the wheel would also help for those moments when it all seems to be going pear shaped (we've all had them)

  7. So feedback whether positive or negative is useful to you and all of us. If someone mentions a noisy sports bar for example those that enjoy that will now know somewhere to visit  those who dislike such things know where to avoid.

    Sounds more like sense than sheep to me.

    I believe though that MM's point was about negative reviews in particular being considered unfair if the circumstances change for the better but the review remains. In that case, using the pub example although it could be any kind of business, you have some information to bear in mind whether or not you care to patronise the establishment to see for yourself.

    Ignoring a review just because it's a review in case it makes you feel sheep like seems baaaking, ewe won't find it helpful either way :default_biggrin:

    • Like 1
  8. Reviews are only as good as the people that make them. I would certainly take note of reviews here in the forum where a group of (mostly) like minded people are members and on respectful and (mostly) friendly terms.

    A stranger on Facebook or a newspaper critic trying to be 'clever'... not so much.

    I like MM's idea, especially as it automatically comes from a starting point of helpful information for all members rather than simply making waves for a business owner.

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