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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 5 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    I have to agree with Andrew on this. After all we have photographic evidence of what actually took place. He didn't hit anything, there were no moored boats about and he certainly didn't damage the banks, as they are solid concrete.

    I am not condoning it for a moment but does this really merit a fine of over two and a half thousand pounds?

    However the newspaper article does state that he was caught on 3 separate occasions on that stretch and also was prosecuted for exceeding 5mph along by the Whitlingham Woods car park, which is not a concrete bank. So the fine covers four speeding offences as well as an offence of not being tolled.

    Would have been interesting to see the level of fine if the RSPB had chosen to get involved and prosecute for the disturbance caused to the swans, if that were possible off course?

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  2. Boats often have a location underneath the name, either where the boat is berthed, or where the owners are from.

    Chose a new name and put it above SUNEBERIE and just pretend that is where you or the previous owners lived. :default_icon_liar:

    • Like 2
  3. I'm assuming the trade plates were airbrushed out during post production editing :default_norty: Seriously though, where would the boats, hire and private, come from if there wasn't boat builders on the Broads? The Broads needs these companies and like them or not, the larger boats do tend to bring some bigger spending money to The Broads.

    Now if it came to a choice of letting Brooms film a few videos and trialling a few boats at appropriate times, or seeing the whole site disappear to luxury riverside apartments with neat manicured lawns, I know which I would choose.

    To return to the original post that started this thread, I can see why some would be upset at the way in which the video shows a sea going boat at speed on the river, but at the same time, don't all promotional videos use a little bit of poetic license? Surely anyone thinking of investing in the dream of one of these boats is going to do their homework, want to go to sea, and most importantly do their research first if planning on keeping the boat on The Broads, and realise that there are speed limits. If I lived in Mayfair and purchased a Ferrari, I still know I'm only going to be allowed to do more than 30mph once I get out of the city. If I'm lucky I might even reach 40mph on the M25. :default_party0010:

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  4. Drifting slightly further, the train statue is listed as a Historical Landmark on Google maps. Clicking on Historical Landmarks shows about 20 or so in the centre of Norwich, including the Norwich Breweries War Memorial located at Normans buildings, Polypin yard footpath, Norwich NR1 1RB.

    Can see a fair bit of new sight seeing when next in Norwich.



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  5. 6 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    It is by the Compleat Angler but that is a new name - can't remember the old one. The main station in Norwich (GER) has always been called Thorpe Station (except perhaps by Google). The others were the City Station, for the M&GN from Kings Lynn, which is more or less where Halfords is, on Heigham St, and Victoria Station, which was a goods station, now a big supermarket at the bottom of Queens Rd.

    Thanks, your comments led me back to Google maps and in searching for Halfords I found something marked up as the train statue. A little further research and this is on The Marriott's Way Trail which appears to be a trail that follows the path of the old railway. You learn something new every day. :default_beerchug:


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  6. 6 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Can't say much about moorings in Norwich, but there are several buses which stop outside Thorpe station by Foundry Bridge, call at Thorpe Green and Whitlingham Lane (for the Commissioners' Cut) and then go direct to Sainsburys on Pound Lane, where they stop inside the Supermarket car park.

    A pleasant ride of only 10 minutes and you can always break the journey at Rosary Corner and have lunch in the Coach and Horses!

    Isn't Foundry Bridge by The Compleat Angler? If so isn't that Norwich station? Looking at Google maps, it lists it as Norwich station, but actually I can see Thorpe Hamlet is actually quite close? Is this another Roys is actually in Hoveton scenario? Confused!!!

  7. The stores opposite The Bell St Olaves,

    The stores in Hickling a few hundred metres along from The Greyhound,

    I think The Pleasure boat had a shop in the out buildings in the car park for a while,

    The shop on the front at The WRC.

    Not sure if it's still there, but there used to be a fruit and veg shed in Geldeston village.

  8. 10 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    One easy way out is to take SWMBO's first name, pre-fix it with Lady and it'll be brownie points all round, never fails!

    Have to be careful in these PC days otherwise you might end up with a Lady Tom or a Lady Richard, which perish the thought might be shortened to .................. :default_icon_redface:

  9. They must have been quite a way down towards Winterton as well. When leaving the car park at Winterton there was signs asking dog walkers to turn right along the beach away from Horsey. Many people seemed unable to read the sign and were walking dogs to the left. We turned right and walked about halfway towards Hemsby, then back to the very busy café at Winterton.

    According to one of the seal wardens at Horsey there had been reports the day before of some father trying to place their son on the back of a seal for a photo opportunity!!!!!!! They can move fast when they want to, and can deal out a nasty bite. Beggers belief. 

  10. It does look like the Ferro yacht and if so there has been a family living on it for a couple of years now. At least dad and a young boy and a dog.

    Sad to see any boat go up in flames, even worse if it is someone's home.

  11. 7 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    If its the same team that did whitlingham moorings then they will be in and out in no time , shame the ex BA team didn't get things sorted as fast I remember river green at Thorpe taking an absolute age to sort out .

    On a positive note at least tolls ,are being spent on moorings and up keep of , sure is better than gardening equipment :default_coat:

    MMM, I never understand how a contractor or out sourcer can do the job cheaper, and make a profit at the same time. Why aren't the BA doing this job and using the profit the contractor would have made, to repair even more moorings? Why do my local council no longer empty my bins, but they pay another company to do the job, which that company needs to make a profit as well!!! Same principle.

  12. 2 hours ago, Philosophical said:

    According to the EDP, the Breydon incident caused damage & distress so it would seem to be more than just speed.

    I hope it wasn't spilt G&T :default_drink_2: Seriously though I do remember a number of years ago walking along the edge of Breydon past the NRA mooring and seeing a guard ship or marshall for a sailing regatta and they were getting particularly annoyed at being bounced around from the wash of speeding boats. Speed limit or not on Breydon, surely navigating with due care and respect for others comes first. Having said that, every time I have been on Breydon all planeing boats have slowed for me. My only criticism is sometimes slowing too late and the wash catches you up, or if they take off again too soon.

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