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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 13 minutes ago, kpnut said:

    Odd that the Broads Authority has to apply for planning permission to itself it seems. Or did I misread it?

    No you read it correct. Normally the local council would be responsible for overseeing planning applications, but in the case of Broadland The BA is responsible for overseeing planning applications within its executive area, however that doesn't absolve them from the planning process if they want to make material alterations themselves. The public have to be given the right to object or comment in just the same way as they would with any other application. The planning office is funded from the central Government grant and doesn't come from the toll account and should work independently to national planning guidelines. Though some might disagree with that! 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. Have been meaning to post about this for a little while. I'm not sure if it is the forum software or a phone issue, or just compatibility between the two. I've noticed that quite a few of Ian's posts have a long blank section at the end of the message. I've found that I get a similar result occasionally when posting from a Samsung S21 using the standard Samsung internet app. I wonder what make Ian's phone is?

    However the other rather annoying issue I get when using the phone is when I click on quote on someone's post it then takes me to the editor with the quote all highlighted. As soon as I click below the quote to start typing the on screen keyboard appears and then disappears straight away, meaning I am unable to type a response.

    I suspect it is more a Samsung problem, but I don't have the issue with any other websites on the phone.

    Anyway thought I would mention it, because the first issue is very similar to the one that Ian has at times.

  3. And to prove it here's a copy of the original artwork I uploaded for my Avatar! :default_biggrin: I consider it to be rather Zen like. :default_laugh:


    I was thinking of copyrighting it before you go downloading it. :default_eusa_naughty: I got the inspiration for it from some of Ian's posts :default_coat::default_beerchug:

    • Haha 2
  4. The latest update from the Police is

    "We're hopeful a significant part of the operation will be finished today and we will keep the public updated"

    Looks like at least another night away from home for many, although it looks like the council are now planning to offer overnight accommodation rather than just the shelters they've been using.


    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Hylander said:

    Has anyone heard anything more regarding the disposal of the bomb at Great Yarmouth.    It all seems to have gone quiet.  I saw on the Anglian News this morning that the Army has started to dismantle the bomb but nothing more.   The remainder that is not part of a controlled explosion may be taken to somewhere inland for the Army to dispose of or taken out to sea.  

    The latest appears to be that the cordon remains in place and the army are using a robot to cut into the bomb to defuse it. The Police had said that could take up to 10am, which since we are now past that time you can only assume they are still working on it.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    that giving your opinion on a forum, is not the same as trying to tell other members to shut up.

    I couldn't agree more, but who told other members to shut up, because I didn't, so I don't know why you're mentioning that. I gave an opinion that now is neither the time or place to be making jokes about the ongoing situation, I never at any point told anyone to shut up!!!!!!! I also said perhaps the time for jokes is after the bomb has been safely disposed off, again a suggestion, which is different to telling someone to shut up.

  7. 16 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

    then it is my opinion that that reader needs to consider their place in society.

    Really? I mean REALLY? That is your opinion and I'm glad it is no more than just your opinion!

    But you have to accept that everybody is entitled to their opinion whether you happen to agree with their opinion or not. Without opinions there would be no forum. Sometimes voicing ones opinions makes others think a little more closely at their own actions, or may even alter opinions, but they still remain just opinions, no more, no less.

    It is purely my own opinion that it is insensitive to be making jokes at the expense of businesses that have now been closed for three nights, and at the expense of the 230 families who have now been displaced from their homes for 3 days. I never suggested that any comments were made with venom but I do think it is insensitive, however well done for whipping up the forum indignation with your hyperbole.

    Call it the madness of political correctness and mock if you want. I call it empathy for those going through an unfortunate situation. All I was suggesting on that thread is there is a time and place for making jokes.

    Anyway John, I have considered my position in society (whatever the hell that was supposed to mean) and I'm going nowhere. To show you there's no hard feelings I would buy you a pint down The Rumbold Arms, only I can't because it has been closed for the last three days. :default_beerchug:

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Vaughan said:

    For Goodness' sake, let's lighten up a bit.

    Ok maybe I'm wrong!

    But don't be surprised if the next time a hire craft sinks and you get on your high horse about people making jokes, and start reminding us that there is someone's business and livelihood at stake, if I remind you about black humour, or to lighten up a bit, or to brush it off, well I presume it's insured!!!

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