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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. Lengthy first post warning !

    We’d like to begin by thanking both Steven & Jeanette Teasdale for being incredibly helpful over the past few months, assisting us in our works to continue the great venue which is Priory Farm Restaurant.

    Whilst we will have more information in the coming days, the most important thing we have to share is, Priory Farm Restaurant is Re-opening ! 

    Our opening day will be Friday 16th September, just over 2 weeks from today. 

We expect high levels of demand so booking will be highly recommended, which can only be done from our website at present. (Link at end of post)

    We are accepting bookings up to 4 online currently, with parties of 5 or larger required to email us at priorystolaves@hotmail.com.

Taking over the phone line has proven incredibly difficult so hopefully we will be able to answer your calls soon ! 

    Featuring newly renovated bathrooms throughout, updated entrance, bar and undercroft areas, we cannot wait for you all to come and join us.

    We will be serving classic British cuisine with daily specials boards, all made with the finest locally sourced ingredients.

    You’ll also notice that we’ve taken inspiration from some of the favourites off the previous menu. 

    You can view our menu on the website.

    Bookings available now at

    • Thanks 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Cheesey69 said:

    It looks less like an hire craft. People feel less second best

    Why should they feel second best? There's a lot of hire boats worth a shed load more than my boat.

    Years and years a go I used to work as a TV engineer for a rental company. The customers mainly fell into two categories, those who couldn't afford to buy, so rented, and those who wanted the best, latest technology and rented because they could get a new TV every year and expense wasn't a problem. Some places you wiped your feet on the way in, others you wiped your feet on the way out, but you quickly learnt not to judge and take people at face value.

    • Like 6
  3. 13 minutes ago, stumpy said:

    A cynical old curmudgeon might suggest it's a measure to obscure the identity of a boat that may or may not have just clattered into another boat and hammered off into the sunset leaving only a trail of empty Stella cans.

    Although it should be remembered that the primary method of identifying a boat is the registration number which is unique and has to be a certain minimum size and displayed on the stern and bow of every boat. 

    The rest, names, decals and advertising is purely down to how the owner wants to present their fleet.

    • Like 2
  4. 58 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Of course he could, since he used to own and run the place.  He is also an ex member of the BA Nav committee.

    "Taken to not posting anymore" actually means censored by moderation, as he was considered at the time as a "BA Basher" and discouraged from posting further on this forum.

    I can't speak for him of course, although he has kindly spoken of me as his "Old school buddy from Taverham" on the BRAG Facebook page.

    If he were now to post here again (I wish he would) he would no doubt tell us : "I told you so".



    I'm not sure why you're suddenly quoting one of my posts from over a year ago! however I was thinking of Palandine when I made that post!! and if you're thinking of James Knight, he never used to own the place, his father in law did. :facepalm:

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, FlyingFortress said:


    Never been to a good restaurant in Norwich despite repeated attempts 😳

    But, have you tried The Belgian Monk? Good food and an impressive range of Belgian beers. Too be honest if you try too many of the beers you won't remember if the food was good or bad, but I've always found it to be very good. A pleasant change from the norm.

    They've been around since 2000, so must be doing something right. Also in a very nice quarter of Norwich.


    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, oldgregg said:

    But having to go back to the boat at 8? Seems a bit odd.

    I'm not so sure they are not the kitchen times. I don't know who's running the Inn personally, but I suspect currently they are running just to keep up. They don't have a proper website for the pub, they are using a Hotmail email address and Facebook, plus links to and from the main Tingdene websites. 


    • Like 1
  7. Before being too critical I'd wait and see how it develops over the Summer. As many will know Tingdene bought the whole site from Len Funnell and since then they seem to have struggled with a business that doesn't perhaps fit their normal business model.

    However as I understand it The Waveney Inn is being run independently by a family who will soon find out the unique struggles of running a pub within the confines of the river centre. Tingdene are more focusing on the marina and its annual moorings, as well as the holiday lodges.

    If you've paid £250K - £300k for a lodge with fully fitted kitchen and excellent surroundings to BBQ in, why would you use a pub? Likewise if you've paid to rent a lodge with fully fitted kitchen why would you pay to eat in a pub? Then you have the campsite, which by its very nature people tend to BBQ on. The self catering facilities offered on site have always competed very effectively, often to the detriment of the pub, one of the reasons why Nigel and Tracy left when James was in charge of the park.

    Give the family time to find their feet and work out what works best, but remember the Inn is not part of the overall Tingdene empire.


    • Like 5
  8. 27 minutes ago, MargeandParge said:

    All this talk about Carling ? Nothing to do with the spread of it after being drunk :default_coat:

    Apologies in advance. 

    Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

    Marge and Parge, your as bad as Gracie, only one thing on your mind! :default_drinks:

    • Haha 1
  9. Then there's also the perspective of the local businesses based at Ranworth Steve Gray of The Granary Restaurant has just posted a picture of the moorings with three boats visible at 1pm on the Monday of the Easter holidays. In his words, its dead here.

    I don't think Steve is a big fan of Mr Packman's policies either.

    • Like 1
  10. I believe it is a Carling Switch, but the symbol doesn't match any of the standard legend codes. Possibly the closest is PG which I assume is rev limiter.

    Carling do however allow people to specify custom symbols, so it might be worth an email to them and see if it is one they have supplied before and if they know what the legend is.





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  11. 31 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    While I'm sure you were well meaning, I would respectfully suggest it's best not to involve visiting tourists who may be blissfully unaware of any argument.

    With all due respect, although I own a boat, I don't live in the area, so am "a visiting tourist" and would like to be informed of such rip offs. 

    What private conversations people have, and with whom, away from this forum is well and truly outside the remit of anyone here to try and censor.

    • Like 7
  12. 1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

    Some-one whose opinion I would very much like to see is @Paladin.

    Haven't heard from him for a while.

    On 02/04/2023 at 08:27, rightsaidfred said:

    The option here is don`t visit the Information Office and don`t pay.

    A  There is no penalty charge posted or enforceable for non payment of an unlawful charge.

    B  As long as you don`t overstay the 24 hours there is no breach of the Byelaws.

    C  This was the the basis on why the charge was rejected at Reedham previously which the BA are fullly aware of and still applies, 

    In 1916 "Mr.William Mckenzie K.C. opined that the B.& F.R.D.C. could be considered as the owners BUT (and I quote): 

    "It appears that charges or tolls can only be made where they have been customarily paid for a period of years, so as to show that the quays are not public quays." (Staithe)
    It seems clear that if they are public quays, the public are entitled to use them free of charge. The council appears to have treated both quays as public ones.

    D  The definition of a Staithe from the Broads Act 1988 section IV  which applies to all BA controlled moorings 

    “staithe” means any land which is adjacent to a waterway and which the inhabitants of the locality are entitled to use as a landing place;.

    Anyone who wants can print this and may if approached for payment use it, you could also point out that attempting to solicit payment could be deemed committing the offence of fraud by misrepresentation.


    RSF was quoted elsewhere with his permission by Paladin who was 100% in agreement with RSF's observations above.


    • Like 2
  13. 9 hours ago, grendel said:

    rather than blame the staff of the Authority, who are just following company policy handed down to them, I would much Rather see the main man himself down at Ranworth explaining to the boaters why he has introduced these measures, if he cant stand up and justify them in person, and answer all of the boaters questions, then how can he expect his staff to do so?

    The chances of that happening are substantially less than zero, however members of the public are welcome at the BA committee meetings. The next is the 12th May, I wonder how many disgruntled boaters the venue will hold?

    Broads Authority - 12 May 2023 (broads-authority.gov.uk)

    • Like 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, FlyingFortress said:

    But that is what we , or should I say me ,or I want MT

    I'm sure that's what's happening, but getting involved in a discussion he's never going to win will only lead to those above pulling the plug on any participation in this forum.

    • Like 4
  15. Let's get this straight from the start, I'm not in favour of this charge, do not support it and will not be paying it.

    However, for those that are asking Tom to participate in this discussion on behalf of the BA, what are they expecting him to say? He's not going to agree with you even if he thought the charge was unfair personally! He can only state what we already know. The BA have introduced a charge, they have changed the signs, they "presumably" have done their legal homework, they are charging those who are prepared to pay. If he tries to defend the BA I'm sure there'll be lots of replies!, and why should he?

    I appreciate Tom's input on various threads on this forum and the useful information he posts, but ask yourself what are you really expecting of him on this thread, other than a BA representative to vent your spleen on!! I don't blame him for keeping out of this one, as I don't see he how he can have anything useful to add that won't get people's back up.

    This episode will pass one way or another and at some point in the future we'll all be glad to have some input to this forum from the BA.

    By all means air your frustrations here, I'm sure if nothing else Tom will be feeding it back, but don't expect someone to put their head above the parapet to be a target for all and sundry.



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  16. 20 minutes ago, CeePee1952 said:

    It's a play on the wording on the sign. MAXIMUM stay is 24 hrs but there are two charges - one for overnight and one for the daytime - biggest con going in my view!!


    So true, but at least Ranworth isn't tidal, unlike Yarmouth yacht station where the same rigid pricing structure encourages people to depart by 10am or face a daytime charge, never mind whether they are facing into or with a strong current. Tides don't understand the 24hr clock or the BA's pricing policy.

    • Like 2
  17. 11 minutes ago, Davydine said:

    First night of our holiday and, perhaps inevitably, we have ended up in Ranworth. I don't like paying, but I want to visit Ranworth, so we pay. What has really irked me is that when we payed, we were told that we are OK until 10 a.m, so not even a full 24 hours.

    I would point to the sign that says 24hr mooring. Maximum stay 24hrs.

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  18. 1 hour ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    Afloat again , arrived last night , popped up to Catfield for dinner and slept aboard in the wet shed .

    Set off at 10:00 , passed a few hire boats on the Ant , mostly Richardson's and HW boats.

    Now moored up at Ranworth , windy and a light drizzle with quite a chop on the waters .



    I wish that was an April Fools joke! :40_rage:

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