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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 1 hour ago, Hylander said:

    Going back to dishwashers,  I have a Miele

    Strange name for a child, :default_icon_e_surprised: bet they had a fun time at school! :default_coat:


    1 hour ago, Hylander said:

    Ok stacking it but emptying it and putting it all away , it is another ball game.:default_norty:

    I'm surprised you have any crockery left if you're playing ball games with it. We were always taught never to play with balls indoors :default_eusa_naughty:

    • Haha 3
  2. So it seems like I either need a machine to clean my dishes, or I need a machine to clean my tea towels because I didn't use a machine to clean my dishes!!!:default_rolleyes: So maybe I should just put the dishes in the same machine I put my tea towels in and then I only need to buy one machine Eureka!!!! :default_drinks:

    • Haha 3
  3. 10 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    I can see the value for people with a few kids to get off to school etc but as Empty Nesters, nah.

    Hold on, I thought that was the whole point of kids!!! You bribe them with a little pocket money and they do all the household menial chores such as washing up, whilst the parents relax with a glass of wine. :facepalm:Doh! I wasn't going to mention wine again for at least a day. Now look what you've made me do. :default_icon_redface:

    • Haha 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Mouldy said:

    No, but mooring ropes and fender lines do come up well in the washing machine, but I don’t use fabric conditioner!!  :default_coat:

    Noooooooooooooo!!! how could you?



    You have to use fabric softener, makes them feel so soft and leaves your hands smelling good. So I've been told :default_icon_redface:

    • Haha 2
  5. 3 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    Being moored last evening opposite to the former Mermaids Slipper , Katie and I both thought that the building would make a marvellous small retirement bungalow , certainly gets us thinking 

    Now I know why you titled this thread Pipedreams. :default_rofl:A nice daydream, but never in a million years I think.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Ray said:

    Talking of wasted resources, last week I selected 'Paperless' in my online account with a pension provider. I always do this as I'm perfectly comfortable with digital records. They confirmed my choice within the app and by email.

    This morning, you guessed it, a letter arrived from them confirming that I have selected 'Paperless'


    Whilst it may at first glance seem a bit of a waste, it is actually very good fraud prevention practice. Just imagine for one moment that someone had hacked your online pension account and was intending to steal your hard earnt pension. At least the letter arriving would have alerted you and you could then contact them to say it wasn't you who had requested your account was made paperless!!!

    • Like 6
  7. 1 minute ago, SwanR said:

    It also means that local businesses lose valuable custom. We wanted to moor there and then go to the Sutton Staithe Hotel if they were open. 

    To be honest, most of the same culprits were there for most of the Summer as well, which in turn lost Robert some of our custom as well. Nothing worse than heading down for fuel and a pump out only to find they are already serving a customer and the green is full so nowhere to queue without blocking the turning circle. Once you've turned and passed another boat on the way in you simply head off elsewhere rather than risk going back to have to do the same thing again. Then it gets to the point where you go elsewhere rather than even risk trying. Too much of a faff at times.

    Year on year we are losing moorings, Barton Turf and the TBMC quiet moorings are more recent examples. If the BA don't start to create some new ones to redress the balance then I'm sorry but they need to properly enforce the existing moorings.

    I'm sure for many, given the rising costs and the reducing infrastructure the decision on whether to keep boating becomes harder and harder.

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

    I’m quite happy for over stayers in t winter at quiet hardly used venues


    The problem with that is that we are almost in Winter now, and as two people have already said on this thread, they wanted to use the mooring and found it full. There are those of us with home moorings who don't play the system that want to complete the occasional Winter or Autumn cruise and don't expect to find no room at the Inn. 

    I can understand the BA turning a bit of a blind eye to over stayers in the Winter, but when it means a mooring complete with electric and water is effectively out of bounds for those who want the very occasional night there then something has gone wrong.

    Perhaps the answer is for the BA to designate one or two mooring spots, or maybe 50% of the mooring, not the whole mooring, to a 48 or 72 hour limit out of season with the rest of the mooring having the 24 hour limit properly enforced, perhaps with a no return within 48 hours.

    • Like 1
  9. 58 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

    Agree…these disposable trays are being sold as an easy option at Christmas to save washing up. You can only recycle them if you wash them. Nigella has a lot to answer for. My recollection is that she was the first TV cook to recommend them as a way to cut down on ‘work’ for Christmas. 

    Do you know what's even worse? The following is taken from the Tesco website, for the roasting tin foil trays.

    I kid you not, it says

    "Preparation and Usage

    Before first use remove packaging and hand wash tray in warm soapy water. When using for roasting please support bottom of the tray and wear oven mitts or equivalent before taking it out of the oven for your own safety."

    OK the last part is common sense, but you are supposed to wash the trays before use, and then if you want to recycle them, wash them again, and you pay £1 for the privilege of creating more recycling. No wonder the world is in such a mess!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  10. Our current PM has stated that he fears for his daughter's safety walking the streets alone and that we need to put more people in prison, to which he has stated that we need to build more prisons. I suspect it is a lack of prison spaces that largely influences whether a custodial sentence is passed, and if it is, how long it should be.

    Personally, I would create 100% extra capacity overnight by just adding another bed to each cell. Prison is meant to be a deterrent. It shouldn't be comfortable, and the rights of the people who have been robbed, attacked or hramed should always come before the needs or overcrowding of prisons. 

    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, Gracie said:

    How this man got only eight years is beyond me.

    Sadly, whilst I agree it's not long enough, it has to be pointed out that with good behaviour it is likely to be reduced by 50% so he will serve a minimum of 4 years with more than likely 4 years on license out of prison.

    I also don't understand how the judge reached the sentence of 8 years. They are obviously privvy to a lot more information than us when making the decision, but for drink driving they can award up to 14 years, which again would only be 7 years in prison for good behaviour.

    • Like 3
  12. 11 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

    Cool.  Although it’s been pointed out that Richo’s will honour all bookings, I can foresee issues arising for solo hirers.  I’m not sure how they can make exceptions if their insurance won’t cover them.

    That assumes off course that the reason they do not hire to solo hirers is because of their insurance. Does anyone know that as fact!. It may just be their policy that they no longer hire to solo hirers, because I do remember a time when they did. In fact they used to hire to one customer for a period of weeks at a time. So you may well find their insurance does cover them, that it is company policy and written into their terms and conditions and doesn't affect the hires transferred from Silverline under Silverline's terms and conditions.

  13. 7 minutes ago, grendel said:

    brundall is i believe the only place for either on the yare, and other than that you have beccles or burgh castle (I will be happy if proved wrong as long as you let me know the other locations.)

    ADB Marine just below Reedham swing bridge almost facing the end of The New Cut certainly do pump outs and I'm fairly certain sell diesel.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    What's happening with the 20-boat space left at Brundall?

    20 mooring spaces at £2,500 each on average = £50k per year income for very little grief. No having to work weekends or be on call for breakdowns. Concentrate on boat building Mon to Fri to top up the base income from moorings. A no brainer really.

    • Like 8
  15. 12 hours ago, Karizma said:

    Went onto YouTube and hey presto - secret 'maintenance menu' accessible by pressing a few buttons in a certain order to retract the pistons automatically!

    Any vehicle with an electric parking brake will need the rear brakes changed via a service menu to wind the brakes back in.

    Also a lot of vehicles with electric parking brakes no longer have traditional wear sensors on the brake pad itself. They measure the amount of travel when the parking brake is applied to work out how worn the pads are.

    • Like 4
  16. It's worth noting that Euro Car Parts now have a fit for me service that uses local garages. You simply go to Euro Car Parts website and choose the brake pads, discs etc that you want and then when you get to the checkout stage there is an option to include the fit for me service. It will then bring up a list of local garages and how much they charge for fitting those parts. You then proceed through the checkout and pay Euro Car Parts for your parts. You pay the garage direct for the fitting at the pre agreed price. Euro Car Parts will then deliver your parts direct to your garage of choice in time for your time slot. For more expensive purchases you even get the option of spreading the cost over four months using Paypal interest free option.

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