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Everything posted by Springsong

  1. No more takers It is Barton Turf and Coxs' boatyard with Monarch and vesta in 1947 again Barry.
  2. Hi Alan No not Sutton Staithe and Keith no not Herbert Woods but Landamores Vesta before the window changes. Barry.
  3. Often gets people this one I'll just leave it a while and see. Barry.
  4. Right about Horning Ferry and 1947 not bad at all. Barry
  5. See if you can guess where and roughly when. Barry
  6. I am fairly sure that this house used to be Sims shop the fellow drove an Austin Sheerline does anyone remember them or the shop.
  7. Nigel You can certainly have a copy of the advert photo. Give me a little time and I will get one of Englands as well and E Mail them to you. Barry
  8. Browsing 1934 Blakes brochure and found this advert. Reading the bottom line it is no wonder Ludham is such a popular place to live in today
  9. Much more recently the fruit & veg shop on the bridge at Wroxham Barry
  10. Nigel Correct me if I am wrong but on your excellent Ludham site the photo of Harrisons yard is that not the site of the Womack shop which after gollinge , belonged to Vaugh Ashby Commander Ashby's son of Hearts cruiser fame. All the boats were named after King Arthurs' legend I think. I think the shop disappeared during their tenure.
  11. Brian I forget when exactly the photo was taken early eighties I think, but are you confused this is the dyke leading off the main river up to the houses.
  12. Hi Brian The Wroxham by pass caused an amount of controvesy at the time. It was going to run behind Keys Drive and as you say on a huge bridge over the top of Heronby George Forby's house a CPO was put on Heronby and Harry who lived in it built the house to the left of it looking from the river.The planners or whomever faffed in their usual way and it was eventually rented out to alan who reckoned he had the most expensive council house in at least Norfolk. There was something quite recently about a fellow who had a house down there who could not sell it at the time because of the proposed by pass went skint as a result and only I think 2005 finally received his compensation. A complete --ls up. I hope photo Heronby to right and Francis Molly to left. Barry
  13. Watergypsy I have just recalled a conversation with someone recently who said a Lady Beryl was being restoed on the south coast but I don't recall where.I am almost certain there are none on the Broads.
  14. Hi Watergypsy Yes George Formby did have several boats called Lady Beryl , two or three were Windboats of Wroxham and at least one maybe more were built by Herbert Woods.I have a photo if I can upload it which I believe to be the launch of one at Windboats. Barry.
  15. Keith I shall be old before my time Do you remember the Anchor PH at Coltishall or it wasn't quite a pub but at Barton Turf you knocked on a wooden hatch in the wall and were served through the resulting hole. Barry
  16. Hi Keith You may remember Horning Dairy take your milk churn to Dolly to be filled at the Chinese near the New Inn, and the store at Sth Walsham at Bondons/Russels , and the Old Curiosity Shop. Barry.
  17. I have forgoten who told me this but , a Windboat called Bubble which incidently had a tender called Squeak having been painted by her new owner who told the sign writer the name was Bubble ''Gap'' Grt. Yarmouth. She is now called Bubble Gap. Barry.
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