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Everything posted by kpnut

  1. Ah ha, thanks. Simple when you know how!
  2. Maybe you were who Griff referred to as the best stern-on mooring he'd ever witnessed at Ranworth Staithe, on a Richardsons 45 ft? I think the date he said was Monday 19th? on his 'Broad Ambition Underway' topic. Lovely photos.
  3. How do I put what someone has written into a blue box to highlight what I'm replying to? Floydraser/Karizma - I'll have to get steeping more fruit of varying varieties then! As for solo helming, I'm getting used to it, my hands are getting less sweaty with the thought of it each time I come into moor! The main thing that helps me is being ultra organised as regards getting mallet/rhond anchors out before setting off and keeping ropes run up the side of the boat at all times in case. And double/tripe/quadruple checking what way the tide is flowing etc. And training the dog to stay put of course! And I must now confess, the boat had already got a bow thruster fitted before I bought her, so solo life is easier than it might be. Even so, stern-on mooring is an art I have most certainly not got the hang of, after quite a few years on hire boats. It always starts OK, then I bottle out and think I'm in a different place to where I actually am so it goes pear-shaped. Practice will hopefully sort that out. Mouldy - I did think about a purchase for about 3 years, looking at all sorts of layouts before deciding on a Horizon 35 with 2 double bedrooms and 2 bathrooms (heads?) - we've converted the 2nd bathroom into a utility/drying room for wet dog gear by extending the diesel heater pipework. As long as I reduce the flow from the other vents (3 of them), there is a blow strong enough to turn the utility at the end of the run into a bit of a sauna! And 2 bedrooms rather than 1 as I'll often be with friends rather than Tony, and I don't like using a sofa bed for more the the odd occasion. If it'd had just been Tony and me I'd have gone for something shorter with one bedroom and a bit more living space. I know the single level 'bathtubs' aren't to everyone's taste but I don't like the idea of sleeping in the bow, sort of 'under the water'. And to all, many thanks for all the kind replies, I've been made to feel very welcome.
  4. I tried replying on my new iphone, donated so I can have some internet access on the boat, but think I did something wrong, so apologies if a similar post ends up twice! Many thanks to all the welcomes, look forward to meeting you all, my damson gin might have to come out one evening if I meet you, Simon and Katie, anyone else is welcome to try it too. Am I right in thinking Seren is the collie who likes to sit by the front window of your boat, YnysMon? And maybe I helped your sister boat, Evening Shadow, moor up at Acle the other week when I was there with my 90yr old mum on board. As you say, Lulu, it's good to help out and a good way of meeting folk too. Apologies to Griff etc on Broads Ambition if reading, I called her Broad Ambition in my original post.
  5. Hope I'm doing this correctly as I haven't used a forum before, apart from reading stuff, which I've been doing on here for the last couple of years. It is jammed full of useful info. I decided on the spur of the moment this morning to join. I'm new to boat ownership, buying one of the lovely bright orange Horizon 35s in April and I moor at Richardsons. I bit the bullet and renamed her (hopefully we pacified the gods as well as they could wish at our renaming ceremony; we certainly enjoyed it, as did a passing swan!). She's now Springer's Retreat, seeing as I'm always accompanied by at least one fine example of that beautiful breed of dog. I've managed 4 trips so far, the nearly 4 hour journey is a bit of a drag, but just means I need to stay longer to make it worthwhile, so that's a plus. Broad Ambition went past on Monday afternoon when I was moored up the Ant, I waved to Purdey on your way past, but my Finlay didn't come out to say hello. I'm usually on my own, seeing as hubby isn't so keen and is not so well at the moment and I can't always find friends to come as frequently as I like to, so if any of you see me struggling to moor, please help a solo newbie. I've only made a couple of slight boobs so far (thanks for the help given by Maurice Mynah's friend at Horning Staithe last month). I'm learning solo boating fast and being cautious, so no going to GY or Breydon on solo trips just yet and am very willing to accept advice. If it's not me on board, it'll be my daughter and partner with their springer Charlie (Finlay's brother). Please give us a wave or a toot or whatever. Kate
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