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Everything posted by kpnut

  1. kpnut

    My Day

    Very envious Lulu. Enjoy this sunshine, spring’s on the way, slowly but surely.
  2. Looks like I’m going to miss out tonight on the continuing jollity. Have lots of fun. I’ll be cheering bikertov on, in one of his many guises, of course!!!!
  3. Thanks grendel, very good fun this evening. I won’t be there next week , being treated to a theatre night out by my son for my birthday.
  4. Hi to you and Meander. It looks like you're already enjoying the freedom the boat will bring. I'll keep an eye out for you.
  5. Thanks very much Jean. So using my pc rather than tablet will be a very good idea so I can use your copy and paste idea. If/when the week arrives, everyone will have to be very patient!!!!!!
  6. Many thanks Jean, really enjoyed it as usual and thanks to Grendel for winning! Can I ask a question please? If I do end up winning sometime in the future, will someone be able to help me during the week to practice using the chat room to pose and answer questions, so I have some hope of doing it right?
  7. kpnut


    Yes, much colder tonight than previously this week. Full set of clothes and hot water bottle me thinks!
  8. Oh no Garry, that’s really really sad. She’s my favourite hire boat of them all, no other boat (except her near identical sister) with such a layout. Last time I had her out (June21) the bilge pump float was sticking. But it kept it ON not off. I did report it. Hope it wasnt that problem again. I really hope she gets some attention urgently and back into the fleet asap.
  9. kpnut

    My Day

    Regarding the discussion about delaying your state pension - yes, it takes x years of claiming it at the enhanced rate for it to be equal to the payout if you took the pension at the normal time, so as David says, it’s a gamble, guessing how long you might live. But if like us, your spouse is a lot younger it’s probably worth considering as unlike the ‘normal’ state pension which dies with the individual, the enhanced bit carries on (-albeit at a % maybe, I can’t remember the exact detail) until the death of the younger person. With a big age gap, that’s likely to be a large payout from the govt.
  10. kpnut

    My Day

    If my husband pension is anything to go by, it still does disappear in the normal way though, far too fast!
  11. TH steamed ahead, very well done. And many thanks Jean for another fun evening. I would recommend it to anyone as a way to get the brain going for a couple of hours.
  12. Before reading your post, I was going to comment that it can’t be that time of the week already! Will be there in timely fashion
  13. Boat: springers retreat Kpnut (Kate) 1 (maybe 2) and Finlay springer. will pay as soon as I work out how to do it!
  14. Oh thanks Lulu. Now to check my diary and hopefully get signed up.
  15. Can you tell me where it’s being held please. Has a bearing on whether I can come as I don’t want to go through Yarmouth on my own and not sure yet if I can persuade a crew to join me! many thanks
  16. I quite agree Carol. Welcome from me, also a relative newbie who has been made most welcome on this forum. Kate
  17. Well done Jean. Well you did say you like doing it!
  18. If you are taking up the issue with him perhaps you could get the other ones, launched from right next to my boat by Nigel's she'd and going round the private mooring basins taken off too. Paul is aware.
  19. Griff The video of the wet shed is still on the said persons YouTube site. Won't name the site unless you want me to as I don't want to encourage further views.
  20. kpnut

    My Day

    You must be on the elusive Horning staithe this evening, judging by the last photo. I absolutely love the first photo at Acle bridge. Have fun.
  21. kpnut

    My Day

    Aw, thanks. Are you off down south or just as far as acle?
  22. Sounds an ideal couple of days.
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