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Posts posted by LondonRascal

  1. I think there are two ways of looking at things - you get a very reasonably priced ex-hire boat from Richardson's. You end up with a lot of boat for the money, a bunch of inventory, probably fuel in the tank and 'turn key' ready as she would have been as a hire boat. However, it is not going to be perfect and the moment you want to do anything like put in navigation lights, its hand in pocket time.

    However if you are happy with an okay boat at an okay price this is ideal - you won't be worried about the odd knock and you will accept that things will have their scrapes and issues down the line and in all probability will get many years of happiness.

    The other way is to get a boat that was in a hire fleet ten years ago, and might have been through two private owners. Over this time it may have had a lot of upgrades to it - new paint job, a bow thruster, new upholstery, new galley etc etc. However this now attracts a premium over and above the usual market value for this type of boat and it is up to you to decide if that extra cost is worth it in cosmetic condition and internal updates.

    If you compare an average ex-hire Sheerline 24 to Trixie (and I have and viewed 3 since we got Trixie) you find the small things here and there and how the hull might have had several coats of paint over the years, rubbing strakes damages, windows not in as good order, etc etc and then I think to myself you know I am happy with how Trixie is, warm, dry, cosy and rather 'cute'.  It is funny how the same thing in a very slightly different layout look can effect your perception of value or enjoyment.

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  2. 23 minutes ago, jeffbroadslover said:

    How did you like driving in proper open countryside?

    Been doing that rather a lot in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, and here is something that is going to cause some surprise or even 'sadden'  Road Warriors who love such roads.  The open landscape, the sweeping bends and undulations and that feeling of taking a corner particularly well coming out the other side, feeding on the power with a smile on their face as they slip another gear...

    Yeah..I don't think much about that side of things, but what I did find was the fact the car's auto box was so good at engine braking on the downhill sections - especially Sutton Bank which I did not film on the way back.  I was going to use manual mode to force the car to hold gears but that was not needed.  I was also surprised how many drivers do seem to ride the brakes on such sections which is just not needed.

    Regardless of the future and emissions and so on, I do enjoy the low down torque a big Diesel provides and small things like the auto hold function that works flawlessly even on very steep gradients once you come to a stop it engages the brakes and keeps you there. Audi do something much the same but in past experience it uses a pretty light amount of brake pressure and if the car begins to move puts more on - mind you things may have changed, that was 9 years back.

    I think the most interesting part for me was the journey back - I took the A1 then A14 then M11 - and we had a stop at Blythe Services for a walk about and to grab a drink, and including that stop meant a 5hr 8 minute journey from Scarborough to North London - the only hold ups was the good old North Circular having come off the M11. I used £47.89 of fuel going there (Via Brundall) and topped up in Seamer. Since then I have not and have just over half a tank left.



  3. Voice command, once enabled you simple say "OK Waze" and then it wakes up to listen to your commands, be it reporting issues, or searching for a destination. One thing however, Waze uses data all the time it is running - even if it is not in navigation mode and you have it on for road reports etc, it is not a lot but over days and weeks of being used can add up.

  4. Time for another outing, this time on the beautiful North Yorkshire Moors - and a very interesting beginning as we leave Levisham Station and climb up the single track road.  If you are not as keen on the music and editing of this, there is the 'serine' version here. However, I love Trance and Electronica and this was a big part of my life back in the day, so it is nice to share some lesser heard tracks and make a mix for this video. 

    It was a truly remarkable time weather wise and a shame we only had two days to spend in this part of the world, but certainly somewhere to return to and explore more of the area and it's roads.


  5. 8 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Just to add that although ‘B.A’ has indeed enjoying being pampered of late, she is fuelled up and ready to go as normal (minus her mast)

    I'm trying to get Shiela up this weekend and do that Varnishing and take her out - even if I can't encourage her to, the Varnishing will be done :)

    • Like 1
  6. One of the features I have come to really enjoy about my car is the speed limiter - of course it is manual and you need to know what the limit is to dial in, but by so doing it will keep the car at that limit (unless on a down hill where it will loudly protest and remind you that you've exceeded the limit).

    I have come to discover that 'stand alone' Sat Nav (be it from the manufacture or a separate unit) really are not as good as they may claim to be. Now, granted the BMW Professional System is very good especially in the way it will guide you with voice 'prepare to bear right' and not 'in 200 yards turn right' and when you arrive you find their is no turn off to the right it is just a sharp right hand bend. But the Garmin unit which is as close as makes no odds to £200.00 has shown itself to be unreliable.

    It won't have the latest speed limit database, speed cameras (fixed) and route choice all leave it struggling at times. Google Maps on the phone does well - but won't tell you all the information you might need such as what the current speed limit is and how fast you are going, Apple Maps (which i cannot stand usually) actually does a great job as a driving Sat Nav. It seems to pick the most logical route, Garmin will pick the one if thinks will save you 19 seconds and send you off on some wild goose chase down narrow lanes to save 5 seconds instead.

    I have tried several other App based Sat Navs too, but I tend to use Waze which seems to be a fair all rounder with routing and unlike a stand alone Sat Nav will be able to navigate to a business, location or name - no postcode needed, no street name etc - tap in Homebase and it will just find the one you are thinking about that is closet.

    But the best thing is the other Wazer's which none of the other systems can compete on. I have now become very active and submit Map updates and edits too, but what it enables you to do is alert others to things - a pothole, a car stopped on the hard shoulder or an accident and then even add comments so when you are sat in traffic at a stand still at least you can see if someone ahead has updated the situation with what is actually going on.

    The feature however that most Wazer's are keen to share is Police activity. Now of course, all the above is not foolproof and rely on someone a) having Waze on and running b) having been ahead of you on that road and c) bothering to report the presence of the Police to the App. I did this on my recent trip to Yorkshire as a mobile speed camera van 5 cars ahead pulled over into a lay-by with some nice cover - I duly did my thing and any Waze users approaching would be alerted to 'Police Hidden Ahead'.

    It has become perhaps a game of Cat and Mouse but I usually get an alert every time I am on the A11 and as a combined bundle it all goes to keeping you in check, both to what the speed limit is, what speed you are really doing and what may be ahead that you don't know.  The NDR really comes to life I have found on Saturday nights when annoying little 1.2L Corsa's and Fiesta's filled with youngun's try to see how quickly they can get between two roundabouts - very different to the North Circular where it is the son's of wealthy Turks in high powered Mercedes and BMW's doing the same just far faster and quieter...


  7. Asking about batteries and charging there of is a big can of worms to open - least it was when I opened it around here last year.

    I now have on my Sheerline 24 (which has a 43HP engine) a large high CCA rated cranking battery which also powers the Bow Thruster. I then upgraded the domestic batteries to three Vetus 105Ah batteries which are sealed and though have slightly less capacity have much thicker and heaver plates internally which provide longevity through multi cycles. They also come with a longer warranty.

    Even if your boat has not got dedicated shore power and fixed battery charger, your mooring may have shore power so a simple sealed trickle charger would do the job to keep everything 'topped up'. Failing that, a single solar panel that you could mount on the boat securely when moored but remove when out and about (if space was at a premium on deck) would be an alternative excellent idea.

    The best advice I would say is buying a battery monitor regardless of what type of battery you have, or how many since then you will be able to know what your state of charge is, how the batteries are performing - how many Amps your Alternator is putting back in, how many Amps you have used over a period and so on. Without one of these you are basing everything on guess work and hope and it is surprising just how much an evening on battery can take out of batteries and how long it can take underway to replenish them fully.

    Advanced Battery Supplies do some good batteries, and you can buy two or more in 'packages' to save some money. They include VAT and delivery too.


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  8. 6 hours ago, SwanR said:

    I'm curious ... do you miss being out on the rivers Robin? It sounds as if you've had so much going on with all the work on all your fleet plus your car, that you've not done much cruising in a long while. In past years we all eagerly awaited your next hire boat and subsequent blog. Clearly you've no need to do that now but I am one of the many who learnt a lot about the Broads courtesy of the Captain's Blog. Is it yet to return in something more like how it used to be?

    Very interesting point. In short, yes I do.

    However, I will take this opportunity to be frank and open up.  Firstly, I think for me what was the initial draw and big part of boating when I look back was the ability to escape to an area that was so very different to that where I lived, and be away from all the usual pressures of life and work - but also family.  When I would hire a boat and be alone it was that solitude on the water that I found to be the perfect medicine.

    Along with the above, going boating was the only way (short of cycling) that I could have complete control on where I was going, and do it all myself. Since I have learnt to drive, it has now opened up a entire new landscape to explore.  Last weekend I was in Scarborough and Whitby. This was an idea I had the evening before when onboard Independence with Shiela and by 8:30am the following morning we were on the A47 leaving Norwich behind headed for Scarborough with Shiela using her phone looking at hotels to head to.

    I began driving in late November last year, and now it is late February 2019 - lets call it three months, and in that time I have covered some 7,000 odd miles. I have turned into 'Victor Meldrew' behind the wheel but other than that I am loving every moment.  I am also missing a great deal about the boating though.

    Right now BA is looking forward to having some pampering come April, she has also had a lot of work and upgrades as Charlie has been posting on here too but she so far has not been out 'in anger' on the water, Trixie has been in and out of boatyards since last September and Independence - well she has had a few issues here and there but has been acting as home for a good part of the year which is intended and explains why the type of boat, size and internal space/fit out was chosen.

    It does beg the question though - what about boating? What about the videos?  To be honest I got tired of the Blogs because they were the same style, same way repeated - sure you could mix up the boat, location and so on but there is only so many moorings, rivers and places to go and film on the Broads. Other 'Vloggers' have come along and are doing their thing too, but I realised that what I was doing was going on boats not necessarily because I had wanted to, but to make a new Blog, or because viewers and followers were asking when the next instalment would be.  My channel's core demographic is men in their 50's and 60's and a smaller percentage is men in their late 30's. Hardly any women, and certainly very few younger viewers. 

    When you look about the Broads at owners of boats, my channel's viewership reflects this, then you have the hirers who tend to be younger and come in groups - families and friends.  The thing is while I may be 40 this year, I certainly don't act that age, I am not sensible and responsible and I don't really consider much before doing things - I live for the moment, get bored easily and prefer not to settle - perhaps a typical Gemini then.  So imagine having to conform to the same old in Blogs - I wanted to put the camera down and enjoy things, like spending 2 days and nights on the mud weight on Barton Broad. That would make for incredible boring video, it would also cause someone like Shiela to go mad with boredom - but for me it was lovely to experience it.

    I have made some subtle changes to the Channel, no longer is it "Boating. As it happens" but now the tagline is "Life, captured".  I feel like the old rocker who went quiet and came out with a new album years later which 90% of his followers thought was to 'progressive' and were up in arms, but he having played the industry line was free from doing what a label thought was best and decided to put out music he wanted to, free to experiment and explore his creativity in new ways again.  That is what I want to do myself.  Expect more driving films, but the boating stuff will surly come too - at the moment, it is about doing things how I want to, when I want to in the style I want to.


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  9. After some improvement work and upgrades have been carried out over the autumn and into the winter time of 2018, it has been a trying time getting time and the right weather to have her back to Sutton Staithe Boatyard for the remainder of the work to be completed and some previous issues rectified.

    It was a case where perhaps some progress/communication had been lacking during the works and where asking for something to be investigated caused it to be removed and replaced but either the original issue remained or a new one was then created. I am pleased to say that Robert has been most helpful and diligent and has shown what true customer care is about.

    Today I had a productive conversation with Glen of Aquaspark Marine, who while is a qualified Marine Surveyor has had over 30 years of experience in the marine industry specialising in marine electrical systems and installations.  The good news is that Trixie's electrical system is now in good order.  I have opted to keep an 'Automatic Changeover Control' that was installed in place of a more simple cam-switch (Shore/Inverter/Off). However to ensure that this is fail safe I am having a separate Isolator installed between the 12v Battery supply and the Inverter - something that was not included in the instillation of the Inverter and which meant you were relying on a remote standby panel to control the Inverter and thus should you need to conduct any electrical work onboard could not be 100% sure there was no power to the ring main (short of removing the leads from the battery terminals). 

    I am having a very small Accumulator tank fitted to the fresh water system to remove the 'chattering' that has become a problem since the new fresh water pump was installed. This is pump number 3 having had an old Johnson, a Jabsco and now a new SPX Flow pump (manufactured by Johnson).

    The steering remains a problem where a new steering cable was fitted to help remove some play in the wheel - but has created a situation whereby the wheel needs two hands and a lot of effort to turn. I am told they are going to check the cable, the run, diameter of the turn radius's it passes through and the rudder stock to try and find the what is causing this since previously one finger could turn the wheel.

    Once this and a few other small snags are sorted it will be good to go for the new season. I plan to have some new carpet fitted (Stalham Carpets) and all new LED lighting is to go in and some new speakers for the Stereo should see her finally complete....Well, I say that but you know how boats are...


    • Like 4
  10. 3 hours ago, chameleon said:

    welcome to the real world of driving robin

    Indeed and this is what is lacking a lot of time with learning to drive - you are not even talked to about how others may behave. I know they have a set curriculum to teach and this has to be standard be it learning in London or Inverness and yes we do have one of the most complex and difficult driving tests (of you include theory and hazard perception test too) but it leaves a lot to be desired so far as real world verses driving instructing goes. 

    I wonder how people would feel if every ten years their licence needed renewal - only in order to do it you had to take a refresher course - or if you got 6 points in 2 years you lost your licence as per a new driver does. It might focus people’s attention a bit more. 

    I really think given time when we get truly autonomous cars that the date will be set when all manual controlled cars will be banned and once everything is automated pulling out at junctions will not be hard - the cars will simple talk to each other and be ‘polite’ by default. 

    Of course by then will we actually bother owning a car when we could just use an Uber like App and be driven where we needed to go without any human intervention in the process. 

  11. Never 'hang out' down the side of an articulated lorry - you could well be in their blind spot - and for foreign lorries this is especially so.  In traffic that is slow moving in both lanes I always have a quick look to see if the plate is a UK or overseas.  Also over hear most lorries will give a mirror check and then indicate, lorries from the continent then to indicate at the same time as move the wheel to pull out.

    I do find the standard of driving in Norfolk is better than London - but perhaps it is because generally people seem less impatient here and more polite - giving way, thanking you and the like. Also although not all of the time there is a more general keeping to the rules of the road. In Greater London their is a far more relaxed approach to the rules but in fairness this is likely because there are a lot more people in London who originally learn to drive in their own country where such is the accepted norm.

    I really don't let things get to me much.  If you've been held in traffic for a good while I don't mind but most do and that leads to frustration and an over eagerness to 'get on' after the traffic has begun to move freely again so I tend to keep far more cautious for  others and their actions.


  12. The problem when joining the M11 from the A406 is that so few bother to stick to the 50MPH speed limit, either those who are joining from the A406 be it from where I joined coming from the Walthamstow area, or those coming over from the Redbridge area.

    As the single lane joins with the other two, everyone is already well over 50 MPH - therefore if you were to stick to your guns and hold 50 MPH here until the beginning of the Motorway at the National Speed Limit sign then two things will happen:  Firstly everyone will fly past undertaking you and secondly you are going to hold up others in lane 3 who are used to ignoring the speed limit here, but unable to move out and undertake you for lane 2 and 1 are already doing that.

    I found a video to better explain this:


  13. Onboard Independence the best trick to cure damp has been to remove moisture from the air.  I was going to invest in a dehumidifier but instead just bought more tube heaters - just one 135w heater left on in the forward cabin has removed the condensation that would form on the wood panels, and has also taken away that terrible 'damp feel' to cushions and carpets.  Despite their low power consumption, they will heat the air just enough - and as the air passes over the heated tubular surface it creates convection currents and that in turn causes a constant, slow movement of air.

    Where I did still suffer dampness was under the foam mattress. I bought from Amazon some Dry-Mat which cost £55.00 for a double and has completely eradicated any dampness under the mattress. So good it has been I am getting another for the rear master cabin.


    While nothing will beat a De-Humidifier in actually capturing moisture in the air, doing what I have has taken a cold and damp feeling space into a much dryer space. I have had no condensation issues or any dreaded mould/mildew appear.

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, FairTmiddlin said:


    The part about the A406- M11 interchange neither of you are on a motorway when you merge it is simply two slip roads that come together from the south bound and north bounds circular. 

    You actually come onto the M11 when you see the National speed limit signs.

    This is correct but come day or night everyone either coming down from the slip above, or from the A406 does not see it as that way. If you hold at 50MPH here you will have people behind you trying to undertake and as you come into lane 3 finding that lanes 1 and 2 are moving along much faster than you.  Personally I think the limit should only apply to the end of the curve onto this section. 

    Of course a lot of this area was a bit of a compromise because the separation  between the carriageways was intended for the never built M12. Also the M11 was meant to pass underneath Ringway 2 (also never built and would have been classified AS THE M15)

    What would have come up from the M12 to join the M11


    you can see that this was where the M12 to M15 sliproad met the M11 to M15 sliproad - only now it's the main M11 route to the A406. 


    Looking south, you can see where the M11 was supposed to go under Ringway 2 (M15) and head further into London.


    The M11 rises over the bridge, under it should have run the M12



  15. So many issues with water lol - so my supply issue with Marina is only my tap, its the non-return valve gone - other taps are (were working) earlier today.

    Just been out to salt the walkways and quay headings around my end - marina is frozen solid again.  Does not take much to do this.

    On board the boat the majoity of the pipes are very thick walled hard stuff - would take a hell of a lot of pressure and ice build up to ever split them, but the weak point is the manifold for the washer jets for the windscreen. Effectively this is outside and the tiny diameter hose used from this to the three wipers freezes up.  That is my fault as I should have drained it, removed the hose, isolated the manifold and be done with it for the winter. I just drained it down - thing is I then come back to the boat and pressurise the water system, water then heads back to the manifold - and, while I sit in the warm interior the outside temperature drops well below freezing..Hose freezes and splits, a day or so later in the day time the temperature rises and there is my issue.

    Live and learn..I do it in the most hard and roundabout way though.

  16. Update:

    I have found out why the fresh water pump as been cycling and pulsing so badly - and also why every few minutes it would trigger - I went hunting for a leak and my investigations led me to the space above the helm crawling in to inspect the washer jets - yep just like last year, the pipe has frozen and burst - despite me draining it all down just enough was left to break the small, original and brittle hose.

    This has then meant water has been heading off where it perhaps should not and could actually be the cause of my leak in the deck head - anyway thank goodness Trader thought of that, and put a handy isolation valve on the manifold so I have isolated this and so have no more wash wipe for the time being - not the end of the world - but now have a sealed and presurised water system again.

    PS Marina has frozen over again - crazy how this has happened so quickly from a high of 6c today it is now -2c outside.

  17. As you are no doubt aware on previous threads I am now a driver let loose on the open roads since last November.  For some time now I have had some ideas about doing something all rather swanky and well edited of a journey but frankly never got around to doing it (lazy) to set up cameras...

    So this morning at just after 6:00am I decided to use my mobile and just capture the journey in a pretty informal way.  What actually happened is half an hour of me talking and moaning about driv1 ers and since my phone mount is not the best, the footage was a tad shaky..But it may be the basis for a new series of adventures on four wheels.  You might find it interesting, certainly the weather was


  18. I'd not be too bothered as long as no collision happens - its a River system after all, not the open sea and unless something goes terribly wrong you should always have time to alter course or go astern and come to a stop.

    In the situation described I would have never gone in front of the other boats bows 'just in case' they carried on.  Ease off and pass behind, as I do with sailing yachts is always better than making a dash across their bow.

    • Like 1
  19. My pump is a higher flow (20L per min) but a lower pressure 30psi (if I remember correctly), I have an accumulator tank but this is only on the hot water side - something I find odd because this causes the hot side to obviously not require the pump to run immediately but this causes issues when having a shower - you get a steady flow of to water (no pump) but the gold water needs the pump - as the pressure in the hot water accumulator drops there is a point before the slack is taken up by the water pump running and you get a sudden 'cold' flow of water. Most uncomfy.

    My idea has been in the Spring to remove (or isolate) the small accumulator on the hot water side, and put a larger accumulator in on the cold water side that will then serve both hot and cold flow. This is exactly what I have on Broad Ambition and performs perfectly.

    As for the Teak I the entire area forward of the step 'up' to the bow needs working on the sides of the Teak deck to be re-caulked along with the surface to be sanded and sealed. This had been done on the sun deck , swim platform and side decks but not the bow and it is looking now a bit worse for it.  Not too bad by any stretch of the imagination but it was on the list of 'things' now of course the fly bridge is too. I will be updating the Forum on how things have panned out.


  20. Stuart - A fellow Trader owner.  I have a question unrelated to the above, but could you share what fresh water pump yours is fitted with - flow rate and psi? I know the original the boat came with was replaced before I bought the boat, which I then replaced with a like for like but I suffer with low pressure in the Galley and 'pulsing' when the pump runs.  I have some ideas how to sort this but be interested to know what someone else has to compare with my set up.

    As for the leak situation I have not been able to tell if the bodge has worked or not since I have now been away from the boat and won't be back for another day or two - I have left various bits about to catch any water in the saloon.  I may have to get a tarp to cover the fly bridge but I am none too sure how to fix it in such a way no water runs back off and on to the deck (Teak where leak seems to be) but instead drains overboard elsewhere. I have had a chat to a friendly professional who believes the best way would be to have the Teak up it can then be certain to cure any leak, sanded and sealed and deep-laid and caulked.  Now someone who is very good with laying and caulking and used to work for Oyster Yachts happens to be employed to work on a boat moored next to Broad Ambition, so since I have met with him a few times now may see if he has time in the future to do the same on Independence as his work has been first class that I have seen.

    Thank you too for the info about the paint - I can clearly see some lines in areas which suggests it was brush applied, but other than a few tiny areas the line generally is in very good condition.  However I will be painting the non-slip areas on the upper deck where the RIB is and also on the bow area, as these are just not looking very tidy.  I am not going to go with a white paint because this will stand out so much being 'pure' so will tone it down, perhaps a light grey with white to make a 50/50 mix.  I rather like the idea of it being clearly a non-slip area and not 'virgin gel coat'. 

  21. 2 hours ago, diesel falcon said:

    Leak test it with a bucket of water?? 

    Great idea, and one I too had.

    However then I realised not so good  when it is below freezing outside.  Firstly I have hardly any water onboard and secondly the Marina water taps are fed with pipes that run under the quay heading walkways - nice and exposed to the cold air and freeze readily. 

    Despite this all I thought if I did do it the water would not come through right away - and then I would have a lot more ice to deal with up top.

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