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Posts posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I too agree with Marks post, the biggest point for me is the "bandwagon" comment. 

    Every parent is proud of their children,  and will, no doubt, have spent the first 4 years telling everyone just how clever their kids are.

    This is normal behaviour. 

    When the kids go to school,  and are in a situation where comparisons can be made, some parents suddenly feel it necessary to find a reason why their kid isn't top of their class.

    It is, I believe,  then that the "special needs" card is played. 

    Sadly  I also believe that the gender confusion is, in many cases,  a fashion statement. Somehow I struggle to believe that very young children have this issue but that real cases develop, or rather question their sexuality at secondary school age.  Parents need to be very careful not to lead their children by the nose into something that would sort itself out later in life. 

    Given the choice between a Batman outfit or a pretty pink dress I think kids know which they'd like,  but if asked "Would you like that Batman outfit  or that pretty pink dress that you would so lovely in, oh it is so nice"  the desire to please its parent may override the child's preference, causing it perhaps to aim for both.

    • Like 5
  2. This wonderful weather has caused me a small problem.  It has lead me to sit in the sunshine and ponder. This is never a good thing. The more frequent the libations, the more outrageous the pondering.

    Reading the newspaper this afternoon I learn that our probable next Prime Minister has reached a decision as to what constitutes a male and what constitutes a female.  Not something I've ever had a problem with, but then I'm not a politician.

    All this had me worrying.  I know that the idea of having a normal child is terrifying to the modern parent. The youngster now has to suffer from at least one of the following.  Autism, dyslexia, ADHT, or some other learning difficulty.  If not there has to be some other issue. Gender identity seems to be the latest hurdle to surmount. Personally I sometimes think that the normal child curses the fact that he or she isn't special.

    Parents need to recognise that normality is a wonderful gift and to stop loading their children with burdens of incapacities.  Also, some children can quickly learn that some of these problems may be to their benefit. 

    I had a friend who informed me that her youngest was dyslexic.  I soon worked out that the kid hated school and would struggle with such complicated sentences as "The cat sat on the mat" yet seemed to have no problem with the more standard reading of.. "To reach level 14 of this game you will have had to eliminate the troll who lives in the maze within the castle walls, found the map giving the location of the treasure, and to have disassembled the primary weapon of the Zogons "

    The lads mother just said "Well, he's good at computer games."

    When can we have some sense please?


    I reckon I'm going to catch he'll for this.

    • Like 11
  3. Some time ago and not necessarily on this forum, this subject was raised and there was an interesting exchange.  As I recall it went a bit like... 

    " We need dredging done so we can get under PHB."

    "No, our experts tell us that dredging won't affect flooding in that area."

    ... The point is that although one observation was made, the reply was to a completely different issue. 

    I find it rather amusing that not only does the answer no longer holds true, it is downright wrong.

    • Like 2
  4. On a different subject,  I've just stopped screaming at the TV.

    I have to be careful how I phrase this given our younger member. 

    I'm watching 'Breakfast' on Auntie Beeb, where within an article one guest was guilty of using a naughty phrase. This error was mentioned twice, my problem was that I wouldn't have considered the phrase to be particularly naughty. My screaming was generally saying "Oh come off it, it wasn't THAT naughty". 

    The expression used is sometimes quoted as "Extracting the urine". 

    Never having had kids, nor ever being in particularly close contact with them for extended periods I find myself wondering if it's me who's out of step. This leaves me asking just what is, and what is not acceptable language when in front of children.

    Obviously there are profanities that we all know, but what about the lower levels? I remember as a 10ish year old reading in my comic a man saying "good grief" and subsequently being chastised for using the expression myself. 

    OK age is a factor but I do get concerned, worrying about who is being protected from what. Are we becoming over sanitised, over protective and over zealous. 

    My own rule has always been not to say in front of children things that I wouldn't say in front of a lady. I suppose that's somewhat sexist, but there you are, where are you!

    • Like 8
  5. 28 minutes ago, grendel said:

    If it is still here it's under all the reeds growing on the bank, I did clear some of the reeds along the edge of the Quay heading. To make it safer for stepping ashore.

    Good idea. You wouldn't want people slipping over and falling in... would you 🤔 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  6. Thank you once again Paladin for yet another insightful post. There is a habit for people to take excerpts of posts and quote them out of context. I hope that doesn't happen to the above. 

    I'm keeping my head down for the moment, but I'm simmering just below the parapet.  

    • Like 1
  7. I think I might have a forum problem. For the most part of yesterday (Wednesday 24th April) I was unable to access the forum. Whenever I tried, the site would load then went straight into background,  at least I think that's where it went.   Suffice to say,  it wasn't open in a usable way.

    If I went to close all apps, it showd the forum as active, if I then selected it, it would just repeat the process. The only way I found to access the forum was to do a Google search for it, and select it from there  even then it was temperamental sometimes loading, sometimes repeating the above problem.

    Was there a problem with the forum or do I have a phone issue?

    One other point, if I try to use a link to the EDP I have the same issue, even if accessing it from Google.

    I am not having these problems with any other sites.

    • Like 1
  8. An owl has started hooting at the nights end, whilst a pigeon has started cooing, welcoming in the first few rays of dawn.

    I'm rather hoping that the owl will eat the pigeon,  thus shutting the pair of them up.

    I never did have that libation,  and now it's too late... or too early,  not sure which. 

    I might try that music trick Grendel,  sadly most of my music has no lyrics.  

    The birds have stopped trying to out sing each other, possibly because it's started to rain.

    • Like 2
  9. I'm reminded of Marvin's lullaby from the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. 


    Now the world has gone to bed,
    Darkness won't engulf my head,
    because I can see by infra-red, Oh how I hate the night.

    Now I lay me down to sleep,
    I try to count electric sheep,
    Sweet dream wishes you can keep, Oh how I hate the night.

    • Like 2
  10. It's 03:00 and I can't sleep.  I have tossed and turned for the last 4 or 5 hours (well, turned anyway) with no sleep on the horizon. 

    I did wonder if a small libation might help,  but I really don't want to start  getting up in the middle of the night for booze, trouble lies in that route, besides,  I don't actually want a drink!!! Yes, you read that correctly.

    Now, what to do,,, what to do. If the fishing season was running,  I'd lie here and think about having a go. I could lie here and think about cleaning Nyx, but fantasising is not my strong area, well not about boat cleaning anyway.

    I tried just lying in the dark with my eyes closed,  but I just got hot. So I took my leg from under the duvet,  and it got cold. Somehow I don't seem able to switch off, which is odd. Normally I spend most of the day trying to switch on. 

    I would have said "trying to turn myself on", but the risk of that being taken the wrong way was far too great. 

    There must be a way, there's got to be a way. 

    I know, I'll lie here and write a whole load of twaddle.  Nah that's no good, my posts are twaddle anyway.

    Do you know... writing this has really woken me up. Sod it. I'm going to pour myself a small libation.  Good night.


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