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Posts posted by BroadAmbition

  1. The wx Friday and Saturday really was awesome - we certainly dropped on there, shorts and no T shirt it was that hot

    Had a Heron come calling Saturday late afternoon, despite Purdey woofing that this was her patch (I'd say it was the Herons patch) so Mr Heron hopped up onto our canopy, Purdey accepted that, not much choice really

    The replacement ensign staff is all sorted ready for next time out

    Next time afloat will be our annual Lads week commencing 04th Oct, 2 x Hirecraft and 'B.A' of course - I'm skippering 'B.A' this year




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  2. We are now driving home. A very quiet relaxing weekend for us both (And Purdy) 

    Cockshoot dyke was lovely. Once the passing boat traffic picked up this morning the fishing was more of a challenge but I was up  at 0600

    Last night I actually shouted at a passing speeding hirer,  normally don’t bother but they were really pushing it. Of course they ignored me regardless 


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  3. So, I’m in t wetshed locker mucking about getting gear onboard, namely stuff for fettling / varnishing new ensign staff after I buy one tomorrow. 

    Leon and his huge Rupert arrives (Great Dane) at 2230 and asks me if we have any Lager he can borrow?

    Really? He’s ex-RN like mysen asking me the most stupid question ever!

    We always have available libations onboard, especially Lager as I tend to favour Ale. 

    A few beers shared on t gangway later means more issues to deal with in t morning. Happy days & good to see him (And Rupert)


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  4. Just to be crystal, the drive plate & input shaft do not change direction of rotation at all ever - for that to happen you would have to turn off the engine then start it running backwards ( Grendel could possibly achieve this unheard of feat :default_rofl:)

    What does change direction of rotation is the prop shaft via the internal gearing in the gearbox, drive / power / torque which of course is supplied by the input shaft from the driveplate


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  5. The drive plate does the job a clutch does in a car is the simple description


    Erm actually the drive plate doesn't do anywhere near the same job as a clutch in any sort of car.


    A clutch on a car will disengage the flywheel from the gearbox input shaft via a pressure release bearing and springs on the pressure plate, separating the clutch face from the flywheel, thereby disengaging the gearbox from the engine drive even if  still 'In Gear'

    A driveplate on a boat engine will constantly spin the input shaft on a gearbox whenever the engine is running - It cannot be disengaged (Other than mechanically stripping down or catastrophic failure)

    The driveplate is bolted to the flywheel.  There is a splined female fitting fixed in place by a 'Cush' or heavy duty rubber fingers in the centre of the driveplate.  The splined input shaft from the gearbox fits into the splined female fitting.  Whenever the engine is running the driveplate and gearbox input shaft are constantly turning.  Engaging Fwd or Aft via the morse control will engage the fwd or Aft gears within the gearbox instantly from the input shaft.  The driveplate and input shaft remain rotating in the same direction constantly together at the same speed as each other.  The rubber 'Cush' allows some movement akin to a shock absorber / taking up the slack.  Applying more rpm's to the engine of course speeds up the driveplate / input shaft / gears / prop shaft.  It is to be avoided going from fwd to astern without pausing as this can cause premature wear on the driveplate cush /splined fitting and the splines on the input shaft, to such a degree that drive will be lost entirely.  I suspect Pipedreams cush has failed and the spline female fitting is spinning free of the rest of the driveplate

    Hope this helps?



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