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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. I don't suppose the prices are no frills though? Certainly are - Cheap as chips Griff
  2. A lot of newer craft have electric flush loos with no control over how much water is used to flush. We had this issue with our previous 12v macerating w/c, It did have the option of a short flush or a long flush and that was it. Upgrade to the current item, it has a simple rocker switch one for fill and one for evacuate - We now have control over how much flushing water goes into the bowl - Much better and a lot less flushing water filling up t waste tank When crewed up with male crew:- If it's yellow - Let it mellow If it's brown - flush it down This method along with using shoreside facilities with six chaps on a lads week the holding tank can quite happily last all week Put a girly crew onboard - and emptying the holding tank could quite easily become a daily experience Griff
  3. Broadside Chalet Park for a bite to eat and a few Guinness's. We have started using the Broadside Chalet Park. Its' very handy being only over t road, no need to book a table, clean no frills honest kinda place, great in the summer and dog friendly too Griff
  4. Did Griff do any of the Tilling work there? Don't know and Unfortunately not Griff
  5. Have a great time 7ft airdraft at PHB let alone Wroxham used to be easily accomplished years ago. Nowadays though even Wroxham is becoming rare at 7ft. You have the lack of maintenance on the lower Bure to thank for that one and its only going to get worse Griff
  6. I don't know how you get so much in not a lot of time Griff ! Simply put there were three of us going at it none stop and I don't allow many 'Stand Easies' nor loafing on the job Griff
  7. Btw - That ships bell was presented to my Dad at Brooms in 78 - I'm there in the background. It now has pride of place onboard 'B.A' in the saloon and yes, I do still have his hat with those boatyard badges on it too Griff
  8. So, after receiving some stern and factual advice off Smoggy (Thanks):- But Griff you're a bloody Yorkshire man, you have balls the size of Guatemala, you can repack a stern gland in the water have a vax handy and pre cut the packing around the exposed shaft (ooer Mrs.) and it don't come in that fast, it saves the cost of a lift out. I decided Smoggy was quite correct and not to be argued with - Got oursens ready, removed 4 x brass nuts, pulled back the brass sealing piece then extracted ONE graphite ring. Our replacements gland packing was the wrong size - Typical. A visit to Boulters on Sunday morning then for some 6:5mm gland packing. I removed five more gland packing rings, Bro had cut five ready, all at 45deg, We greased them up and slid them into place staggering the joints remembering to cut and fit the sixth one. Refitted the pressure piece gently and equally nipped it down, ran the shaft then nipped up again. We now have no drips - but hopefully will have a slow drip in due course. It was discovered the auto greaser wasn't functioning correctly so that came out, cleaned out, modified the delivery hole after the plunger (Drilled it out slightly bigger) filled with new lithium grease, tested fine then reinstalled it. Did the same with the rudder post auto greaser too Whilst the gland packing was out there was only a slow steady run of river water ingress, no need for a temporary stuffing rag or the wet vac, both of which we had on standby the bilge pump laughed at it and the secondary one remained asleep so that was a good job done. What else got done between the three of us? The final thicker upgrade pos cable from the port battery bank got fitted. The cranking battery had the new vertical post terminals fitted and again with thicker cables from battery to the isolator and common negative post. The extract fan in the heads got changed. A bunk light got changed, oven igniter - Fixed, Deep cleaned oven and grill, diesel water separator weeping leak fixed. The apron (Bow) had two scuffs on the varnish - both flatted back and revarnished. There were six hull dings, all were feathered, 3 x coats of primer undercoat flatting between and finished off with top coat gloss. The fixing screws on the teak handrails (8) removed, spragged and retightened, the canopy was deep cleaned and treated with gloss armour all, 16 x plastic caps replaced with new red ones, fwd steaming light on the mast a new led lamp fitted The most annoying shower drain pump - If it doesn't get used for a month or so it seizes up. A right pain having to sort it before using the shower. This was getting personal. So I took it out of it's awkward location completely, off plate, out impellor, then I gave the inside and faceplate a proper bolloxing with wire wool and WD40 so it was shiny bright, lathered all surfaces and the impellor with petroleum jelly. I am confident it is now fixed for good, replaced the negative cable for the light on the pump switch for good measure so it now glows green when in operation - Which is a nonsense as one clearly knows when the pump is running All twelve fenders were treated to a deep clean finishing off with an acetone wipe-down, they are nearly as good as new considering they have been used for seventeen years now. The fresh water expansion tank was emptied of air then pressure filled to 20psi. The whole hull and boot topping was given a clean - Looks great. Another annoying job is we have to keep polishing the ships bell, hanger, helm centre cap, brass ring and the inter ship communication system (Loud hailer). 'B.A' has very little brass work for a very good reason - its maintenance intensive and we have been lazy so they were in an embarrassing mess, So we were gonna sort out these items once and for all. I purchased 3 x polishing mops for use with a cordless makita, three grades of polishing sticks. The results are positively awesome only this was the last time - Why? because on completion of polishing the items were wiped down with acetone then a dedicated brass laquear was applied - We'll see. The loud hailer didn't get done as we ran out of time and Brasso but its on the list All in all a very productive weekend. There are now only ten other items requiring our attention during another visit We departed the wetshed at 1600 and arrived home for 1900 on t dot Talking of the wetshed - Hold the front page - Richo's are on with completely replacing all the old cabling and fluorescent strip lamps above both walkways with new cable and LED striplamps along with pir's, the car park floodlamp too, and internal entrance lamp. They are about half way through and will carry on tomorrow - So well done them and thanks Griff
  9. Dinner for mysen, Bro’ & Robin in Broadland Chalet Park. We have got on quite well, more to accomplish tomorrow Griff
  10. Here we go again, we arrived onboard at 0200 Griff
  11. Yet more real time evidence of Wroxham Bridge going the same way as PHB. We all knew it was coming. It’ll keep getting worse too until the Lower Bure gets cleaned out, if it ever happens Griff
  12. I’ve had to get my work trousers out, they’re normally not back on until October. I should be in shorts Griff
  13. Bro and me attending as requested Griff
  14. like maybe a little dredging on the lower Bure Really? We can dream on Griff
  15. Only been knackered for over a year, what’s the rush? Griff
  16. Johnny Crowes staithe - Nice one, well done I want to get alongside there sometime soon and have a bit of a clear up, trim grass etc Griff
  17. Condolences to family - Sixty nine? - Taken far too soon Griff
  18. That - was really special Griff
  19. and give me longer bank clearing time before a recharge is needed. Nice one, lets have a bank clearance party Griff
  20. Please leave the Pike alone until October onwards, Thanks. Welcome onboard btw Griff
  21. P.S. Coiled ropes like that look pretty, but try using that rope in a hurry, and it will twist and knot up I guess! That rope isn't coiled - Its correctly cheesed down - there is a difference. Proper safe for crew and the boat and yes it does look pretty (Proper) Picking up a cheesed down rope correctly for instant use doesn't result in even just one twist let alone any stokers dhoby hitches Griff
  22. Psssst, Wanna know a 'Secret'? A mate of mine has today onboard his fine woody managed to berth alongside at Sutton Green, yes the actual grassy bit with ease As we speak (Type) there is just ONE liveaboard there, thereby giving room for visiting boats to enjoy the place and elec hook up if they wish. There's a novelty eh? Griff
  23. There’s a simple solution to this issue, just clean out the Lower Bure, then water levels will return to a pre Blessed Authority era Griff
  24. I have sommat similar in my garage at home, I'm not keen with an open flame device down in the engine bay though Griff
  25. I was contacted by a mod ref removing the Rangers name - Which I agreed with. In hindsight (A very clever thing) I shouldn't have put his name on open forum - Sorry about that %. %%%%%%% ranger if you're reading this. However the letter was emailed to the Tolls office in full - As of yet no reply let alone an acknowledgment. Whether the unnamed ranger is the best in his field or otherwise - Getting the boat name and Reg number correct on an official Blessed Authority notice surely should not be difficult - Unless it was a wind up in which case it went right over my napper and I missed it Why am I not surprised the Rangers have to work with an out of date database? Griff
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