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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. I was of the understanding that the BSS stated a drip tray is compulsory and has to be of a certain minimum size too ???
  2. I was informed that just an 80w light bulb left on in the engine bay would help guard against frost also, also could be an intruder deterrent, that is assuming you have access to shore supply in which case a couple of those tube heaters on a thermostat is worth considering. Also an old duvet or the like over the engine/battery boxes would not go amiss
  3. Great news, another proper woody saved and saved very well too. I kept on calling in the shed and having a few 'Look but don't touch' moments. Now having seeing her afloat she looks even better. Well done to you and your team.
  4. Well each to their own I spose. Personally if a boat is made of wood then I like to see it, varnish and lots of it imho. and if it has to be painted, then done in such a way to allow the characture of the wood to come through. BV looking v. good btw, enjoying yur thread v.much
  5. BA with what looks like a fibreglass hull? You should have gone to specsavers!
  6. Not to mention Coke, Ice and Fags. Where did you keep all that copious amount of ice btw? Great tale, enjoying it.
  7. I think it is very sad we even have such a facility here on the 'Bright' side. Do we really need this? Can't we sort out things out without having to run off to Miss? I hope it is not used much if at all
  8. Great to hear you are on the mend. Sounds like you are in very good hands too. Wishing you a speedy recovery (Restoration???)
  9. Don't think I've ever met him, but none the less Hoping you a speedy and full recovery
  10. I've used poles - not any good on a river though as I find I'm forever shipping them in to avoid river traffic, much easier with a rod. I agree Poles are not for rivers (Lithuanians are a different matter though )
  11. Tks for posting up the info on the 60/40 split. Nice to see some sort of common sense And YES it has been posted up on other sites before now as well Antares_9 so 'They' are just as well informed thankyou
  12. I see a few votes are coming in. Not much movement though, is there going to be some sort of sign up list ??
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