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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Well done, some great photo's there.
  2. Those tank extensions look fab, like they have always been there and are part of the original hull. I think it looks miles better. Well done you
  3. Like it, like it a lot!, although would not look forward to the fresh water wash down once alongside
  4. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Wishing everyone great days afloat next year
  5. My own, as often as I can find the time
  6. That photo of Happy Jax getting some air time is a cracker, Well done to the camera person
  7. The boat was called 'Tickety-Boo' The owner of 'Tickety-Boo' has recently posted under the thread 'Smoke - on going incident' on another forum.
  8. Imho the mods on here do a good job, they don't seem to have to do much either , which is a good thing (Unless of course they are beavering away like mad behind the scenes) If it ain't broke don't fix it, I don't think it's anywhere near broke Storm in a teacup springs to mind. A good debate / thread for many of us to read though.
  9. Good thread all the same, enjoyed it, thanks
  10. Er . . . . actually we do as this is what kicked off this latest round of unrest in the first place
  11. As of yet I've not seen her afloat but will keep looking. From the pics she does look very well and proper. Is she still blemish free? I hope so. I did hear through the grape vine that a decent amount of ballast has been added to the front of her, is this true? if so how much? it will help with bridge clearances though.
  12. You know, to say I'm proper impressed is somewhat of an understatement - Well done that man
  13. They could always impose a tax on wind/air for those of us with sails but then again if they did that they would have to pay the tax themselves and with the amount of hot air that is expunged from Dragonfly Towers, that alone would make up the shortfall I would think
  14. Please be aware that 'Normal' AF is highly poisinous to the aquatic wildlife and whilst blowing AF out of an exhaust may protect your engine it will do the opposite for our vunerable friends. There is a solution though, most chandlers do now supply enviroimentally friendly AF that does no harm to aquatic wildlife, Please try to use these products for winterising - Thanks
  15. The Herbert Woods one is out and now arrived, I like it a lot, and the website with the 360 degree camera view is very good too
  16. Picture of the 42Lb 8oz specimen can be viewed over on the NBF
  17. Do you know what Clive? Apart from various restoration threads (What I consider personally to be the height of craftmanship imho) This is one fascinating thread and I for one am gratefull you are taking the time and effort to share it with us mere mortals. Thanks.
  18. Nice to see, You couldn't see your way to doing Heigham Sound could you? Just where do you out the spoil btw?
  19. This is a very interesting thread with lots of good information and views here imho. Based on saftey and running costs I would have thought the diesel route would be the way to go.
  20. Sigh . . . Clive, I do wish you would stop rubbishing yourself and more importantly your excellent photo's. Have you any idea of how much it depresses us mere 'normal' folk when we hear you saying yours are rubbish, compared to the normal run of the mill stuff that the majority of us turn out? If yours are rubbish, and imho they are just about damn perfect, what's that make ours then?
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